Hello all,
Updated client (v1.1.6.4) with updated checkpoint, as well as transaction message truncation integrated from bitcoin code that the bitcoin devs implemented a couple months ago as a anti-ddos/less-block-bloat fix. Let me know if any issues arise. Mac build within 48 hours.
Since there's an updated checkpoint, I suggest deleting everything in your data folder EXCEPT your wallet.dat and CryptogenicBullion.conf files. REPEAT:
Do not touch the wallet.dat file, or else you'll lose your coins (unless you have a backup!). So, if you don't have a backup of your wallet.dat file, then please do it now. Make a copy and put it in a flash drive for safe keeping. When you run the new client, you'll see the blockchain downloading from the beginning and your balance will be unconfirmed/wrong. Don't be alarmed, the value will be correct and confirmed once the complete blockchain has been downloaded.
Download links below. I started a new github but the old github has been updated. Please use the new github as the old one will be phased out.
Source (github):https://github.com/MercStills/CryptogenicBullionWindows (Installer):https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7K8VdCHpm-pQXBJS1NZR3E5a2c/edit?usp=sharingWindows (Qt/daemon only):https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7K8VdCHpm-pdll5QzExMGhkWFU/edit?usp=sharingLinux (32 bit):https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7K8VdCHpm-pUk1FYmY2THQzemc/edit?usp=sharingLinux (64 bit):https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7K8VdCHpm-pU1Zlc01YNC1HMHc/edit?usp=sharing--------
Quick marketing update. I've temporarily scaled back the marketing budget as I continue to develop and prepare for major projects; this includes trying to increase CB's reach into China. There will be a new strategy implemented with a new (increased) budget soon. Below are screen shots of the stats for the month of October for our Google Adwords and Facebook marketing campaigns.
Remark: It's pretty awesome how many emails I get from people asking about bitcoin or litecoin or peercoin. It's difficult for me to quantify how much my marketing budget has resulted in introducing crypto currencies to people for the first time. If CB helps to spread the word of this amazing movement, then that's great! And to put things into perspective, if the industry grows to $10 billion in the next couple years and if CB can end up representing 0.1% of the market, then that would equate to CB having a $10 million market cap--CB's current market cap is about $248K. These are exciting times indeed!
Facebook:Google Adwords:Don't forget, the mining subsidy halves in less than a week to 0.6125 (at block 195001).
I'll hopefully have more info about the project releases and marketing budget updates in the not too distant future, but unfortunately I'll have to be cliche and say, stay tuned...
Visit our website for more info:
http://cryptogenicbullion.orgLike us on Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cryptogenic-Bullion/134177020124803Follow us on Twitter: @CryptogenicBull