I would like to shed some light on the early days of the history of Indian local board.
For quite some time from 2010, there was somewhat moderate activity of Indians in this forum. But since they didn't have a forum, they were discussing about the Indian bitcoin stuffs in Bitcoin Discussion and the transactions of Indian Rupee to Bitcoin took place in Marketplace section.
knight22 was the first user to request for a separate local board dedicated to India in Meta. Some literally very old satoshi timers hailing from India (diswara) supported the idea and was taken into theymos attention.
knight22 requesting for a separate local board dedicated to India :
I have noticed that a lot of people from India are trying to get closer relations. Maybe it is the good time to create a new sub forum in the local bord for India people?
diswara supported the idea :
I am from Tamilnadu, India & I encourage to have a sub forum.
The reason for not much coordination on Bitcoin awareness is due to different language people living in different part of India.
The uniqueness of India "Unity in diversity", some what restricts coordination due to different languages.
So, it will take some time.
theymos created a new local board for India :
OK, added.
This was how the local board was created. For over 6 months the board didn't have a dedicated moderator, then Benson Samuel PMd theymos to make him the moderator at somewhere around March 2013. Then theymos replied Benson for how people of India are reacting to his moderator position.
Hello All,
I had written to theymos to grant me access as the moderator for the India forum.
It could use a lot of organizing and mild moderation.
He has requested me to post this and request India forum members for their opinion if everyone is alright with me as the moderator.
Looking forward to some responses and suggestions.
And then finally at March 20,2013 Benson was made the moderator for Indian local board. Till the coinsecure hack he was the sole moderator and was removed from the position at April 2019. This is how the Indian local board was created and Benson was made the moderator.
EDIT : September 11,2012 marks the birth of Indian local board. A really good and unique topic.