How do we get on board the women you ask?
Good question. The porn vids always make their willing cooperation seem even more like a forgone conclusion, than circumcision at a bar mitzvah.
OH! WAIT... Sorry... My mistake. You said "...get the women on board", not "get on board the women".
Well if we solve the one I was working on first, then we'd have five minutes of obligatory cuddling afterwards to slip the bitcoin sales pitch in. I can see it now... [he puffs on a smoke and brushes her fringe aside] "That was fantastic honey. Almost as breathtaking as the first block I solved with my first bitcoin rig. Soooo... Did the whole blockchain move for you too?" The analogy might seem contrived unless you are older and have lived through a few 'difficulty increases'. Noting also that in the early days you could get lots of it all by yourself, but after a while it became easier in groups, with others who all share what they get. Nobody minds if everybody gets a bit. So you might say to your cuddly prospect: "Oh! You never heard of bitcoin then? You should meet my buddies then we get together and do it in a pool. "
So. Have I got this right then? You want the women folk to collectively understand that this bitcoin thingie is something you can use just like money? Like... Hey look honey!! You can BUY lots of stuff with this, like new curtains and figurines, decorative soaps that nobody is allowed to use and... Hey WAIT!! Let me just go top up my holdings in Yale Locks. I can almost hear the stampede of attached (to a female partner) guys, rushing out to buy big locks for the doors to their mining rigs.
OK! Of course I'm just kidding. Whatever helps bitcoin to become more popular and attractive is all good.
Somehow I suspect that the girls will all catch on soon enough. They generally do seem to love plastic cards, as convenient payment methods go hand in hand with that genders nearly universal hobby - shopping. I Hope that doesn't seem too sexist, but women are generally somewhat different creatures to us men folk. The things that make bitcoin so wonderful IMHO are the qualities that some have mentioned above re: the technical aspects and the libertarian values bitcoin entails. They may not be the most typical qualities that the feminine sector find appealing, but that's something we have to accept for now. Those who like bitcoin just for what it really is, are not required to have any particular kind of genital apparatus or gender identity, so bitcoin is already in principal gender agnostic.
Bitcoin (and probably for the better) isn't required to answer the demands of any arbitrary demographic segment. Say you do some research and find for instance, that gardeners are also a sector that are particularly poorly predisposed to perceiving value in and adopting bitcoin. If you try to please everybody, it probably wouldn't still be our beloved bitcoin. There may be ways to generate some psychological appeal to stimulate interest, but that would seem more likely to be all so much superficial window dressing. Smothering bitcoin in the trappings of superficial glam and glitz, to deploy a campaign of coercive appeal or spin-doctoring, seeped in obsequious self-conscious approval seeking, seems very prone to the proverbial 'making a rod for our own back'. If somebody needs an ulterior motive to appreciate the significance of what bitcoin is and why it matters, then they are surely encumbered with a far more significant type of inequity. They may be seen as, far more wanting for a little education, than anything bitcoin itself lacks as it stands.
The shortfall in understanding and awareness of bitcoins strengths, leads by some orders of magnitude in the importance stakes, especially as compared to any subjective appeal factor. It's also more pressing for all who are on board as we move closer to opposing political/commercial pressures, if they are to stand up and be counted for the right reasons. In a sense I don't really even see this as a gender specific issue. We might just as well be concerned if gardeners were being left behind. People who just happen to posses vagina's, are an arbitrary demographic subset and if they happen to feel disadvantaged by some unjust barrier to adoption, they have every right to make a stand. But if they are granted the same opportunity to participate yet still decline for simple lack of interest, then it's not actually an issue at all. It's just horses for courses.
We shouldn't need to behave like insecure adolescents, trying to pluck up courage to ask girls if they will go with us to the prom.
We have to accept that the human race consists of two rather different creatures. (Actually it's three, if you count the largely androgynous pre-pubescent, larval stage they called babies.) Women typically have a far more instinctive urge, to nurture and care for those little bundles of indiscriminate poo delivering, rancorously squawking, dribbling, vomiting, sex life wrecking, sleep depriving, bundles of joy.
I truly doubt that women by comparison, would often (if ever) feel similarly compelled, when gathered for coffee and a chat, at any typical suburban mothers club, to plan and implement a way to make babies seem more appealing to us men folk. Imagine the earnest discourse: "Guys are just being left behind when it comes to clucking and swooning over strangers babies in shopping malls. How can we get them to carry 'brag books' and yearn to cuddle other parents babies?" Do you think they might be compelled by male appeal oriented modifications to babies, so they might be more appealing to guys? Are there any women out there perhaps, conspiring to develop bionic interfaces so babies can be implanted with a power down mode, or perhaps a programmable bowel evacuation EPROM. NO. I doubt it's even a blip on their radar. Needless to say, installing a stubby holder while the little squawker still has a soft spot, would be right out of the question.
I do honestly and optimistically hope, that bitcoin does go mainstream, but before then I hope the average consumer learns more about the spiraling debt related debasement and unethical political liabilities of fiat currency. Understanding (even basically) WHY we need to adopt a better system, is something I consider to be a vital part of the transition, as there also needs to be much more consumer resistance and accountability brought to bare on the corporate sector. Bitcoin has the power to usurp the financial power bases and give bargaining power the citizenry. We need to take great care, in trying not to merely replicate the voracious unsustainable consumerism with our digital currency, while simply giving control of bitcoin back to the corporate tyrants. Perhaps the more prudent approach is to dig in for the long haul, by investing in and making sound commitments to education of the wider community. It may be too much to expect the typical female of our species to be quite as fascinated by geeky technical 'guy stuff' on average, but I really don't see the basic economic principals or libertarian values endemic to bitcoin, as particularly gender biased concepts. Women folk seem to me at least our equals and then some, when it comes to the social sciences and humanities. They also seem at least as enthusiastic and tenacious when they have actually embraced a social movement for the better. Let's have them on board for all the
right reasons That's what I really hope for.
Another approach to gaining female bitcoiners, that seems promising, might be to find a good surgeon who will accept payment in bitcoin and instead of trying to turn women into geeks, sponsor a sex change program, to turn geeks into women. At least then the pale, underdeveloped, basement dwelling, male misfit, who may have all but resigned to a life of reluctant, involuntary celibacy, could look forward to possibly being a subject of genuine carnal desire. If the tide turns that way, our little bitcoin brandishing 'she geek', may even be quite brainy and sexy all at once. Even better yet, she will still be quite unable to encumber her partner, with the misfortune of some unwelcome, co-habitation imposition, with any of those larval proto-human progeny. Come to think of it, for a girl such as this, who might roll her own device drivers, compile a modified Linux kernel, laugh at my very un-PC dirty jokes, come back with her own, but yet still turn heads in a miniskirt... well... I might be tempted to donate enough for the silicon implants.
SO! Who's first for the cut 'n' tuck?