Yeah, zhoutong isn't a bad guy. Maybe a few holes in the original code, then followed up by new ownership that were more careless and - boom - shit storm.
Still, zhoutong made a valuable contribution to the bitcoin community with good intentions.
welcome back.
Once evidence started pointing towards zhou, zhou himself said that an associate of zhou's stole the password and the bitcoins. He provided this "friend's" name. And claimed the friend was involved in organized crime and also a hunter of ancient antiquities and relics. Then after outing the mysterious relic hunter, he can't or won't provide any more details about the 'real' thief's identity that would allow authorities to track him down.
I don't know about you, but I don't think it's wise to rat out a multi-millionaire organized criminal. Such a person would be likely to do something to shut you up. Not like bitcoiners who get scammed and complain and do nothing.
If you actually believe this ridiculous story, zhou knows the identity of the bitcoinia thief, inadvertently provided him with enough info to steal the passwords, and isn't doing anything to assist in catching the thief.
And if you don't, then zhou is like OJ Simpson, talking about the 'real' thief to deflect blame away from himself.
Either way, I wouldn't trust him.