
Topic: IRS claims it has LOST two years' worth of emails from former official Lerner - page 17. (Read 22699 times)

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

REMINDER: IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is Major Democratic Donor
The IRS commissioner has been contributing to Dems for four decades

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is in the spotlight as he is set to further testify to Congress regarding the IRS targeting of conservative groups. It is important to remember that Koskinen has shelled out nearly $100,000 to Democratic candidates and groups.

Koskinen has been contributing to Democrats for four decades, starting with a $1000 contribution to Democratic candidate for Colorado Senate candidate Gary Hart in 1979.

Koskinen has been a reliable donor over the years, contributing a total of $19,000 to the Democratic National Committee from 1988 to 2008. He has made a contribution to the Democratic candidate for president in each election since 1980, including $2,300 to Obama in 2008, and $5000 to Obama in 2012.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has received $3,000 from Koskinen since 2008, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee received $2,000 from 2004 to 2006.

Hillary Clinton has received $3,800 for her various political campaigns from Koskinen.

Koskinen’s most recent contribution was $2,500 to Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) in February of 2013.

Koskinen was appointed IRS commissioner later that year, and was tasked with revamping the tax agency in the wake of criticism that it was allowing partisanship dictate which groups applying for tax-exempt status would receive extra scrutiny.

“John is an expert at turning around institutions in need of reform,” Obama said in the statement announcing Koskinen’s appointment. “With decades of experience, in both the private and public sectors, John knows how to lead in difficult times, whether that means ensuring new management or implementing new checks and balances.”

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) said at the time that he was “more than a little mystified” at the partisan appointment in a time that the agency was under fire for just that.

At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing last week, Koskinen was berated by Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) over his claim that IRS email records have been permanently lost.

“I’m sitting here, listening to this testimony, I don’t believe it,” Ryan told Koskinen. “That’s your problem. Nobody believes you.”

Koskinen will face congressional hearings again this week. He will testify Monday evening for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and then face the same committee for a follow-up hearing on Tuesday.

Koskinen was president of the U.S. Soccer Foundation from 2004 to 2008, before he was appointed the non-executive chairman of Freddie Mac, where he served from 2008 to 2012.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Rep. Jim Jordan: The chairman asked you, “Who told you this information?” You can’t remember?

IRS Chief John Koskinen: No, I… do not remember.

Jordan: Did someone tell you in person? Did they send you an email?

Koskinen: I do not get emails on these subjects so I’m sure it was someone in person.

Jordan: This has been a major news story for the past 13 months and you don’t remember who came up to you and said, ‘Hey boss, we lost Lois Lerner’s emails”? You don’t remember anything about that situation?

Koskinen: I remember being told in April… I do not recall who told me.

Why can't we the tax payers use the same lame excuses?

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Think about it. Government e-mails come through a primary server where they are stored as the messages are delivered to the government employee. Simultaneously, the identical data is sent from the primary server to a "Fail Over" server next to the primary, and also to an Offside, far away 'Disaster Recovery' Server.

"IF" ALL four locations were stripped of e-mails, then that is a felony crime for erasing official government data. This is as pathetic and sick as our Banana Republic gets!

Yeah.  That sums up the problem.  Gangsters in charge basically daring you to do anything, which you can't because the attorney general is one of the gangsters.  Bald faced lying and laughing at you at the same time.

What's most peculiar about this is that at the same time we are spectators to these power grabs, we are witnessing some of the most incompetent and stupid behavior in history.  I guess if you feel you have the power, you don't need to display competence.

Maybe it's all a setup to force elections in Nov 2014 and 2016 or something like that, testing the waters to see how much they can get away with.

Just speculation of course.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Whatever Sonasoft’s obligations after the contract was terminated, it’s clear that the company had a relevant contractual obligation to the IRS at the time of the supposed email loss.  There seems to be no question that Sonasoft’s knowledge of the email “catastrophe” needs to be investigated.

But there’s more to this drama – and it’s (go figure) political.  Sonasoft is a small company, founded and run in Silicon Valley by a Mr. Nand (Andy) Khanna.  It isn’t clear whether Andy Khanna is any relation to Rohit (Ro) Khanna, a Pennsylvania-born attorney who served as an Obama appointee in the U.S. Department of Commerce, and is now a Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives in the 17th district of California (in Silicon Valley).  But what is clear is that the two other members of Sonasoft’s board of directors – the members other than Andy Khanna – are both working hard to get Ro Khanna elected.

Here are the players.  On the Sonasoft board of directors, Dr. Romesh K. Japra, M.D., is the chairman of the board.  The board director is Mr. Romi Randhawa, whose day job is president and CEO of HPM Networks, another Silicon Valley IT company.

And then there’s Ro Khanna.  Khanna has connections to Obama that go way back, to Obama’s first run for the Illinois state senate, when Khanna was at the University of Chicago as an undergrad.   Will Burns, a Chicago Democratic political operative, recruited Khanna to walk precincts with Obama during the campaign, and Khanna was reportedly star-struck …

The whole article is worth reading.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Darrell Issa gave the IRS Commissioner more than 50 questions to answer. And in the #5 position, Issa wants specifics about outside contractors:

5. Please identify all vendors and outside contractors used by the IRS for the following purposes:

q. To develop, service, or maintain the IRS’s e-mail systems.

r. To develop, service, or maintain the IRS’s e-mail exchange servers.

s. To recycle or destroy IRS hard drives.

t. To provide mobile phone and data services.

sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Computer people calling Mark Levin's show right now saying this is bullshit.  

Apparently the nightly news, at least ABC (I think that's who Levin said he is watching while on air) is IGNORING this.

Right now a guy is talking who says he ran an email program for a big government agency, and he's going into all the backups and security, etc.  He says the only way this could happen is if someone who is very high level physically goes in and wipes out the particular areas he desires to be wiped out, and even then the backups which are stored in highly secured areas, multiples, would have them.

More corruption from our historic first of a criminal CIC.
This guy is right,  by the way it is what I do for a living .
I mean you can go erase a hard drive and I got the stuff to recover what you erase…
I do this a lot for businesses, sometimes a disgruntled employee will erase all of the files, I put a simple program on the computer and they are back… Even if the hard drive physically crashes, meaning the electronics or mechanical parts go out, as long as the disc is not shattered, I can get the stuff back…
Not one smidgen of corruption,  he was right,  there's tons of corruption
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Think about it. Government e-mails come through a primary server where they are stored as the messages are delivered to the government employee. Simultaneously, the identical data is sent from the primary server to a "Fail Over" server next to the primary, and also to an Offside, far away 'Disaster Recovery' Server.

"IF" ALL four locations were stripped of e-mails, then that is a felony crime for erasing official government data. This is as pathetic and sick as our Banana Republic gets!
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Computer people calling Mark Levin's show right now saying this is bullshit.  

Apparently the nightly news, at least ABC (I think that's who Levin said he is watching while on air) is IGNORING this.

Right now a guy is talking who says he ran an email program for a big government agency, and he's going into all the backups and security, etc.  He says the only way this could happen is if someone who is very high level physically goes in and wipes out the particular areas he desires to be wiped out, and even then the backups which are stored in highly secured areas, multiples, would have them.

More corruption from our historic first of a criminal CIC.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
So, all the experts agree this is a lie and that the data can be retrieved so what is Camp going to do about it? Certainly there are honest IT Tech employees in DC that work for the government and do those backup and know where to go get the data and Camp needs to get that ordered asap before obama has the entire server destroyed to hide the facts.
Well, how many servers did those emails go through… NSA should have copies… Bring me the hard drive, as long as the disc is intact I will get stuff off of it, I usually charge 100 for that but, since Obama likes to pay out millions for this kind of work, I'm sure a few million and I can have it done in an hour or two…
Please, give me a break..
By the way, the software to do this is free…
sr. member
Activity: 994
Merit: 441
So, all the experts agree this is a lie and that the data can be retrieved so what is Camp going to do about it? Certainly there are honest IT Tech employees in DC that work for the government and do those backup and know where to go get the data and Camp needs to get that ordered asap before obama has the entire server destroyed to hide the facts.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
The contents of a hard drive are never gone.  They backed up and stored, they exist so this is a huge lie.  The emails must have implicated Lerner and Obama.  Why else would they "claim" they were gone?These people are criminals of the worst kind and should be in jail.
The investigation into the IRS is being carried out by one of Obama's adamant supporters (not to mention campaign contributors) and who just happened to be working in the justice dept. and personally appointed by Eric Holder. Those e-mails are history.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
The contents of a hard drive are never gone.  They backed up and stored, they exist so this is a huge lie.  The emails must have implicated Lerner and Obama.  Why else would they "claim" they were gone?These people are criminals of the worst kind and should be in jail.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
I'll guarantee you if there was something on your hard drive, (or your office server) that the IRS wanted, they wouldn't have a bit of trouble getting it. Try this the next time you get a letter informing you you are being audited--- " my computer crashed and I've lost all my records!",  see how far that gets you.

 They know damn well the e-mails are incriminating to people way up the chain from Lerner.  Who-ever received/sent those emails also has a copy on their hard drive, and their server.  Let's let the NSA folks go over Barak's puters with a fine toothed comb and see what they find.
sr. member
Activity: 644
Merit: 260
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
This is really outrageous!  Thanks for everyone who's posted more of the backstory, especially the Sonasoft information.  What the US people are letting this administration get away with is amazing.

Most "US people" don't know the name of their vice president. But they know the words of the latest beyoncé's hit.

Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
This is really outrageous!  Thanks for everyone who's posted more of the backstory, especially the Sonasoft information.  What the US people are letting this administration get away with is amazing.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
This obvious lie about losing the emails is funny and all, but it's pretty obvious that a group of government officials used their power to punish their political opponents. That's fucked up. And it's fucked up that Obama and his supporters are helping cover it up. (Hell, Obama might've asked the IRS to do it.)

Fascist bastards.

I wonder what the Founding Fathers would've done in a situation like this? Actually, we all know, and we all know we can't say it out loud.

Fascist Bastards is a pretty accurate comment, actually.

Bitcoin is looking better all the time.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

IRS Cancelled Their Email Archiving Contractor Just Weeks After Lois Lerner’s Computer “Crash”

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) cancelled its longtime relationship with an email-storage contractor just weeks after ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s computer crashed and shortly before other IRS officials’ computers allegedly crashed.

The IRS signed a contract with Sonasoft, an email-archiving company based in San Jose, California, each year from 2005 to 2010. The company, which partners with Microsoft and counts The New York Times among its clients, claims in its company slogans that it provides “Email Archiving Done Right” and “Point-Click Recovery.” Sonasoft in 2009 tweeted, “If the IRS uses Sonasoft products to backup their servers why wouldn’t you choose them to protect your servers?”

Sonasoft was providing “automatic data processing” services for the IRS throughout the January 2009 to April 2011 period in which Lerner sent her missing emails.

But Sonasoft’s six-year business relationship with the IRS came to an abrupt end at the close of fiscal year 2011, as congressional investigators began looking into the IRS conservative targeting scandal and IRS employees’ computers started crashing left and right.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
What abou the NSA's "backups."  Cheesy


GOP Rep. Asks IRS: Wouldn’t NSA Have Copies of Your Lost Emails?

The IRS is back in the national spotlight after the agency claimed that a whole swath of former IRS official Lois Lerner‘s e-mails just went missing, and her hard drive crashed and was thrown out, so that’s that. But Republican Kenny Marchant asked the current IRS commissioner a simple question today: what about the NSA?

Marchant asked John Koskinen, “Is the IRS and its emails exempt from monitoring by the FBI or the NSA.” Koskinen said he was unaware if any such exemption was given to the IRS.

Marchant then said, “So we don’t know that the emails are not totally all recoverable in some process.” In other words, if the NSA was snooping on the IRS’s emails, they could easily just hand them over…

Watch the video below, via C-SPAN 2:

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