
Topic: Is a Madmax outcome coming before 2020? Thus do we need anonymity? - page 18. (Read 102789 times)

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Activity: 518
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: High IQ global financial calculus from Karl Derringer
From:   AnonyMint
Date:    Wed, July 9, 2014 9:31 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

The credit bubble in the USA is bigger than the one that blew up in 2007, but now it is centered in student loans, credit cards, car loans, and engineering of corporate debt for stock buy backs. It is not as pointedly hedged (derivative hedging is still $quadrillion but it is diffused) in the USA as 2007, but he fears that pointed leveraged risk exists in Europe or Asia. Derringer thinks the triggering event for the next big domino collapse cascade will originate in Europe or Asia:

Note the trigger could have been Austria already?

Obamacare will bankrupt the country. Amazing that one can pay $200 cash for an MRI in Japan, but it costs $1200 in the USA because of the
monopolies that have been enacted by the corrupt government in the USA (see full explanation in the following linked video segment):

The Fed has no mathematical choice, they must taper and interest rates MUST rise because the average maturity on mortgages is 7 years so more than 50% of the ZIRP damage has already accrued (again see the video below):

Note Derringer did mention briefly hot money flows from emerging markets flowing into the USA propping up the economy and stock market at one point in the interview. He doesn't seem to be aware that the hot money flows will grow greater as problems increase overseas and rising interest rates in USA will drive more bond investors back home from overseas, and this could drive a big stock market bubble well into next year.

As Derringer admitted, bubbles rely on confidence and can run on much longer than expected:

So don't expect the collapse in the USA this year. It is more like after Sept 2015, which btw is when the funding for the US government
appropriations runs out. Expect political chaos the next fight for extending the budget deficit, because QE will have been unwound and the real wages will be headed into the toilet by later next year. The Americans will be waking from their preoccupations to realize they have to fight for their economic survival.

P.S. those who think Armstrong's Socrates computer model is nonsense, look at this prediction it made in 1992 for the 2007 crash and ZIRP (negative real interest rates):

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: The rise of Asia will coincide with global chaos
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Wed, July 9, 2014 4:43 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

My interpretation of the history of the above chart is that China and India were elevated from the 11th to the 19th centuries, because they were insulated from the 600 year medieval Dark Age that resulted from the collapse of Western Rome in the 5th and 6th centuries. Eastern Rome (Byzantine) rose to do trade with the East.

India and China collapsed in the 20th century because of the Industrial Revolution which caused them to be uncompetitive. Europe rose out of medieval dark age and invested in technology which resulted in growth of Europe until it peaked with the socialism as factories in the Second Industrial Revolution displaced the Luddites and the clamor was for debt and socialism (just as we have now).

In the 20th century, the USA rose out of the collapse of Europe as the industrial powerhouse. China and India could not compete (their huge uneducated populations were too agrarian and numerous to transition to industry), so they economically collapsed into Marxism and the caste system. There was even famine. Even today India can't give 3 meals a day to all its poor.

Now we are entering the Knowledge Age (Computer) Revolution. Europe, North America, Japan, and New Zealand will collapse due to socialism.

China's and India's population are poised to apply their individual efforts to the Knowledge Age and there is not a huge government socialism to collapse into the abyss.

China has the largest corporate debt in the world, so the growth will need to come from the individuals and small enterprises. We can already see this happening. See the websites such as and where Chinese factories sell direct to the consumers. Also the free movement of labor, goods, and services between all ASEAN countries planned for the 2015 Asian Union.

However, the nature of the Knowledge Age is that most people are
unprepared. A computer programmer will be worth 10 or 100 times more than an accountant, because the latter's job can be automated thus one
programmer can replace 100 accountants.

The powers-that-be in India and China also need to work out the power sharing, because this is a transfer of power from the large to the small fish. The large fish won't do this willingly.

I rather see the large fish (taipans) creating wars and territorial disputes both to keep the UNEDUCATED portion of local population (who can't compete in the Knowledge Age) locked into patriotic fighting (so they won't revolt against the powers-that-be) and to acquire large scale investments such as oil fields in the China sea (and also perhaps Africa).

Russia is also working on such economic integration with Ukraine and Eastward. The 10 Kings regions as predicted in the Bible are taking form.

So I see the best and brightest in Asia rising, but I see insufficient jobs for all the undereducated in Asia. A college degree as an accountant doesn't mean you are educated if that profession becomes largely automated.

Many filipinos (and I assume others in ASEAN) have transitioned into call centers and BPO centers, but not all of them can transition their skills as those simple functions are replaced by more computerization and as the wages in the West decline relative to wages rising in the developing world, then there will be more pressure to automate more of these mundane tasks (e.g. a computer answers my call at my bank and can understand what I say, and BPO doctors records transcription can be automated, etc).

I see Asia rising but with massive underemployment. I see an economic stratification of society globally between those who can do high tech and those who can't.

And thus I see the powers-that-be coming to the "rescue" to serve that underclass with Orwellian socialism, territorial war, etc..

So let's be clear what a rise of Asia means. It always means global turmoil. It is not some peaceful rise of everyone in Asia.

The socialism is going to try to parasite on those who are productive in the Knowledge Age. But they can't! I covered the reasons in great detail in my 2010 essay:,%20Rise%20of%20Knowledge.html

So the undereducated and the powers-that-be will combine forces to create war and chaos. That is the only thing they can do.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
One more time...

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Govt fines banks,  banks will "bailin" (default on deposits) of the people
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Wed, July 9, 2014 3:09 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
Banksters More Fines – European Bail-ins Coming to Canada

Citigroup Inc is reported to be close to paying about $7 billion in fines to resolve a U.S. probe into whether it defrauded investors on billions of dollars worth of mortgage securities in the run-up to the financial crisis, reported News Daily. The USA has discovered a cash-cow and the banks have paid now over $100 billion in fines. Their activity is starting to bite them in the ass because the cost of government rises and there is now a competition among agencies to bring in money through fines and penalties to prevent job cuts.

The US prosecution has always gone after people not in New York, This trend has been serious internationally as they took down the Swiss banking system destroying most small banks, then they were after France’s BNP, and Germany’s Commerzbank, which now faces a fine of 500 million euros for illegal transactions with Iran, Sudan, North Korea, Myanmar and Cuba...

...The “bail-in” policies in Europe are now migrating to Canada. Even Moody’s has warned that Canada could be in trouble because the government that is moving to the same European directives of using bail-ins – just taking the money from Canadian’s bank accounts...

...Government is now milking the banks for everything they can get.

Martin Armstrong, I hope you realize this is just an indirect way of confiscating the assets of the populace. And the powers-that-be (i.e. the banksters such as Rockefeller) are not paying these fines, rather the populace is going to pay it with bailins. In 2008, they put all the bad paper on the Fed's balance sheet, now as they unwind it they will transfer it on to the banks' balance sheets then confiscate all the assets of the populace.

Always the universe is stealing and threatening those who work hard and try to be productive. Debt is a major tool of the bankster business model as explained in the following linked essays: (Iron Law of Political Economics)

This is why economies collapse into war periodically throughout history. 2015 or 2016 will introduce the next hard down phase of bail-ins, and this time the populace will be impoverished unlike in 2008 when the government just handed out free money (except for the youth in southern Europe which got up to 60% unemployment which is now spreading to France, then next year to all of Europe).

My question to you is will India and China bottom in 2020? Will the developing nations (with their low levels of government handouts) improve after 2020 as the West goes into a morass and collapse of socialism until the 2032 bottom?

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: We will repeat (modernized version of) the 18th century
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Wed, July 9, 2014 3:39 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Both of the war cycles turned upwards 2014

Martin explains there is a 26 year international war cycle and a 309 cycle for domestic civil unrest. Both cycles turned up as of 2014.

Look what happened the last time both cycles turned at the same time:

Expect technology to be different, so expect cyberwar as well as shooting wars. Expect use of unmanned drones as well...
Activity: 2912
Merit: 6403

This is my final communication.

Bitcoiners  , let us rejoice on this!

Nobody believed that this will end before 2020 but it seems like we will get rid of him in 2014.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Armstrong's amazing economics correlation prediction models
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Fri, July 4, 2014 9:03 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Kudos to Martin Armstrong (the former $1+ trillion hedge fund manager of the Japanese Postal fund-- largest fund ever) on getting back focused on his expert computerized A.I. models (and stop wasting time trying to convince socialist citizens to reform themselves or blaming everything on bureaucrats and not also on the socialist citizens)...

Quote from: Armstrong
This previous 8.6 year wave that peaked in 2007.15 was just the beginning with the realization of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. The current wave that peaks in 2015.75 should start the debt crisis with more government being forced into insolvency. This is what the IMF proposal is all about and the Fed looking to impose an exit tax on the most liquid market in the world – US debt. The next wave 2024.35 will be the pulling apart of the world monetary system and the peak of this wave in 2032.95 is most likely where the tangible assets rise as a store of value in a world of uncertainty with respect to the medium of exchange.

Regarding the comparison of today to the peak and decline of the Athens empire, I note from the following chronological timeline:

So 408 B.C. for Athens should correlate to 2032 A.D. for us now. Interestingly we see that in 433-432 B.C. the Greek empire coalition fails and infighting begins. That was 24-25 years before the peak in 408 (count backwards in B.C. time) so that would correspond to 2007-8 now which is exactly when the first stage of the sovereign debt crisis exploded with Sub-Prime defaults in the USA.

Also note that infighting was due to economic decline and a fight for available resources, which is similar now to how teachers' unions in the USA are saying to raise taxes to pay their salaries and retirement plans. Raising taxes will further implode economic activity and collapse the economy. The problem is we spent more than we had, and now the defaults and decline are unavoidable.

We can see on the timeline that up until 426-425, Athens grew stronger than the peripheral regions and was defeating them. Then by 414 (which will correspond to our 2016), Athens (which corresponds to our USA) started to fall weaker than the periphery in battle.

The USA is clearly coming stronger right now as capital is fleeing the rest of the world (periphery) and into USA stocks and real estate as a safe haven. But 2016 will mark the peak of the USA.

Then you can see that by 416-415 (our 2024), Athens (the USA!) falls to massacres and total chaos.

And then by 408 (our 2032), Athens falls over a cliff economically and socially until hitting rock bottom in 404.

Then after 404, the public wave starts where even Socrates is executed by the idealistic youth government that takes over. Don't forget the generational wave research I shared previously which predicts this nasty Orwellian control aspect of the public wave which follows 2032:

So here is what we can expect. USA will grow stronger until 2016, then it will decline until finally total chaos by 2024. There could be a lot of war before 2024, probably after 2018 or so. Between 2024 and 2032 will be total chaos as the world fights capitulation, until there is finally total capitulation in 2032 and then we crash into a global economic bottom by 2036.

So 2016 is the beginning of the slide into the abyss. And it will get worse until 2036. Twenty years of worsening suffering.

But during that time, high technology (e.g. robotics, 3d printing, crypto-currency) will prosper and many in high tech will become very rich. Remember the Oxford study in 2013 predicted 47% of all existing jobs will be replaced by computer automation with the 20 years to 2032-33.

This period will be very unfamiliar to most people as the world is shifting from socialism to autonomous, decentralized sovereign high tech individuals.

The Knowledge Age is replacing the Industrial Age:

Collectivized society will decline and shrink economically into a bottom in 2036, while the Knowledge Age will grow all during this period.

This is my final communication.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Question: timing on the bottom for BRICs, NICs?
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Fri, July 4, 2014 1:17 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Okay Western civilization falls off the capitulation cliff 2032 and
bottoms 2036 as the Public Wave begins.

When do the BRICs, NICs countries bottom?

How far back do they collapse? 1992 level? 1999 level? 2007 level?
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
Read the last post on the prior page as I made it a few minutes before posting this one...

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: As Lindsey Williams predicted years ago,  the Middle East will erupted into Muslim war
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Thu, June 26, 2014 1:22 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Pastor Lindsey Williams is friends with retired high level oil industry executives who alerted him years ago to the plans of the global elite to create an Arab Spring to destabilize the Middle East in order to drive all marginal oil supply back to the USA in order to reorganize their global hegemony.

You can clearly see the USA aided and abetted this outcome on purpose starting with destabilizing Iraq, even now not supporting the remaining strong regimes in the region (even refusing to do drone airstrikes) in order to aid it to fall into chaos.

The global elite clearly are implementing their plan to create chaos in order to drive the people of the world into begging for security and order, which can only be provided by the global elite (and their control over all the major sources of production and their capture of the fiat central banking system and thus government).

This is all exactly as portrayed on the strange murals at the Denver airport, where the world is first plunged into chaos, death, and war, before the idealistic youth will join hands in 2032 to usher in a new world order of peace and 666 control.

Meanwhile Martin Armstrong pisses away our time and effort ranting about the irrelevant pawns known as bureaucrats.

Armstrong is a computer programmer. If was really serious, he would be working with us to create the technological solutions.

I wonder if he is working for the global elite? How can he be so blinded to what is going on?


This is very serious!
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: When the liquidity dam breaks, we're all damned
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Wed, June 25, 2014 5:46 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

The liquidity that exists today is largely a lack of panic and belief in the power of the system to always provide liquidity. Once that confidence dam breaks, all hell is going to break loose. It is going to lay waste to the global economic as ferocious accelerated waterfall crash pace, once it breaks.

Don't forget the velocity of money has been plummeting. See the chart I posted on that a few weeks ago.

As soon as there is panic in the market, they will provide liquidity.

Incorrect. The Fed can't control long-term rates, the market does. The central banks only succeed when they can fool the public into not stampeding from long bonds, by giving the impression that they are more powerful than they really are.

The contagion will be too great by 2016.

The Fed already realizes this, which is why it is proposing an exit tax on long bonds. But any tax less than 100% will not stop a stampede, because some money pulled out is better than losing all.

Eventually they will simply lock the door and nationalize long bonds, which is a default. Then the stampede globally will raze the global economy.

Those idiots who think they will hyperinflate, have no understanding at all. Never in the history of the world has the global reserve currency been hyperinflated. Governments hang on to power, which they can't do if they hyperinflate. Instead they confiscate. Only entirely broken nations hyperinflate, e.g. Zimbabwe, Argentina, Weimar (Communist revolutionary!) Germany.

You will be praying they would hyperinflate instead of the horrible confiscation shit that is actually coming...
full member
Activity: 164
Merit: 100
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: When the liquidity dam breaks, we're all damned
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Wed, June 25, 2014 5:46 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

The liquidity that exists today is largely a lack of panic and belief in the power of the system to always provide liquidity. Once that confidence dam breaks, all hell is going to break loose. It is going to lay waste to the global economic as ferocious accelerated waterfall crash pace, once it breaks.

Don't forget the velocity of money has been plummeting. See the chart I posted on that a few weeks ago.

As soon as there is panic in the market, they will provide liquidity.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Self-reliance-- the brake on a Mad Max outcome
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Wed, June 25, 2014 1:05 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
There is hope that we can wake before we go to the Dark Age stage – the Mad Max Event. If there were not, I would be building a bunker on an island someplace. This all depends upon society and where it resides at that moment. We have more danger in places like France where people are so reliant upon government which has laid waste to the private sector exactly as communism did in Russia.

The difference between China and Russia is important. In China, they did not try to change the thinking of society, they merely punished those who disagreed openly. Under Stalin, he persecuted people for having a brain. Therefore, China’s rebound has been spectacular because people were NOT reliant upon government. The more a society relies upon government the greater the damage to its economic potential. It requires a control-alt-delete reboot.

It is similar today where we have smart phones. We now push a button to call a friend. Lose the phone and most of us have no idea what phone number to call any more. We become dependent upon the technology. The same is true with government. In Ukraine, the people simply did not trust government and have had an independent streak to always maintain some self-reliance.

The future depends upon that quality. It will vary from region to region even within the same nation. For example, stop the flow of food into NYC and they begin to starve after 10 days. You would see a mass exodus raiding the homes in the suburbs. The city people rely upon someone producing the food 100% and have no land to even grow a tomato. At least in the suburb, they can plant something assuming it is not robbed by another.

Let's not conflate self-reliance with sheep waking up. It is true that self-reliance varies geographically and culturally. It is true that the coming implosion of the sovereign debt bubble will reduce the world to it's respective self-reliant foundations.

Although it is true that the developing world is more self-reliant, this self-reliance sits at a much lower level of subsistence than the level that their economies have been inflated to with massive corporate debt. In short, a significant chunk of their current GDP is reliant on corporate debt. China's corporate debt is the highest in the world.

After the oligarchy collapses the global debt into self-reliance of Armstrong's private wave in 2032, thus placing themselves in the driver's seat to issue new debt at the birth of the public wave. The youth are fully indoctrinated with the idealism of a new public wave society as I had detailed in prior communications wherein I shared the generational wave research.

The oligarchy are moving us into a very 666-like controlled Technocracy for this coming public wave.

In short, the self-reliance of the world is non-existent in the West (for at least 50 - 95% of the population depending on the nation) and it is a just a few hairs above subsistence level in the developing world. Some in the developing world have gained technological skills, but they lack the capital to build it out themselves and they entirely lack the innovative capital to build it in the autonomous, decentralized Knowledge Age that replaces this dying Industrial Age, i.e. chopping off the top of the poppy seeds in China (not allowing anyone to stand up) has destroyed ingenuity and individualism, which is essential for innovation in the individualized Knowledge Age coming.

So here is what will happen. The world will collapse into the peak of the private wave to something a few hairs above subsistence level. The oligarchy will fill the need to reorganize the world on a global standard to restart debt anew at the birth of the public wave 2032.

The hackers will be driving the fledgling Knowledge Age during this interim time, which will be where the real foundational growth in the global economy derives.

Only frontiers have saved humanity. The collective would destroy itself otherwise.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: most people are sheep
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Mon, June 16, 2014 12:28 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

I have come to the conclusion that we are not "saving the world". There is
no hope of saving most of the people from themselves. Most people are dumb
sheep and will gravitate to the failures of collectivism just as I wrote
in my seminal article as linked from the OP of the Economic Devastation
thread wherein I wrote in the linked article that organism in a petri dish
are unable to see their plight objectively and thus will continue until
they consume all their resources.

Even Armstrong has come to this conclusion as you read his latest blog
articles over the past week.

We are saving ourselves. Life is a competition. We have to get out there
and create the new frontier for those who are smart enough to avail of it.

Armstrong never did get the point that only frontiers provide an escape
valve from Dark Ages. He still thinks the only escape valve is reform. He
is egregiously mistaken.

Quote from: Armstrong
"I do this in hopes that if we can all spread the word,
when we do crash and burn, there will be a choice. We either go into the
darkness and end up total mindless drones and government becomes the
complete authoritarian state, or we move into the light of freedom as they
did in the 1700s. "

Never do we reform collectivism. We only compete with it by creating a new
frontier. Even Armstrong has admitted the OPPORTUNITIES are no longer
frontiers but rather increasing the collectivism:

Quote from: Armstrong
"There is a difference socially between those who came
BEFORE the New Deal and after. There were no grand government programs
previously. True, the welfare state today can provide the added incentive
to come, but this is still in the category of OPPORTUNITY.


I often point out that BEFORE the New Deal, what made America work was
DISCRIMINATION. Of course people immediately assume I am being racist. The
truth is quite different. Whoever was the LAST off the boat was ALWAYS
discriminated against. That was actually good, because ABSENT the social
programs, what took place was to find a decent paying job it forced
whatever group to speak English. "

Also Armstrong never did realize that the Jews are appointed by the Bible
to control the sheep (they can lend to gentiles). This power vacuum of
sheep has to be filled, it is a basic law of entropy and Thermodynamics.
As the Bible predicts, the wealth is being concentrated and this will
eventually all end up on the mountain in Israel.

You see the fiat masters and their sheep are dying. Only the frontier of
crypto-currencies and virtual high tech work will prosper.

So it is time to say goodbye to most of the world. Let them go into their
Mad Max. It can't be stopped.

Asia will rise after 2020, but as slaves to multi-nationals and
regional/world government control by the oligarchs. Welcome to 1984.
Remember (north east) Asian babies don't have the gag reflex, they are
obedient slaves.
full member
Activity: 164
Merit: 100
The source of the energy in the plant isn't the "stuff" it takes from the soil, but the Sun.
Anyway, until now, all attempts to extract biodiesel from corn and other plants has been a transfer (with some loss) from energy spent growing the plant (mainly, electricity, based on natural gas) to biodiesel.

Growing plant required resources such as soil and fertilizer, which compete with the food we consume.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
Adios forum. Thanks.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Final message to Armstrong
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Tue, June 3, 2014 9:08 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
The Senate subcommittee has been examining tax avoidance by multinational companies. Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), Hewlett-Packard Co. and Apple Inc. have all been the subjects of previous hearings by the panel. The 2013 investigation into Apple uncovered a subsidiary that earned $30 billion over four years with no home for tax purposes.

The subcommittee also has investigated and targeted Swiss banks such as Credit Suisse Group AG for aiding tax evasion by wealthy Americans. The results have actually been quite devastating. Now the multinationals are being hunted by everyone else as well – especially France. What is good for the USA, is now open sport for everybody else.

Martin you observe going forward how the headlines are against the multi-nationals, but the end result of legislation will be slaps on the wrist for the multi-nationals who are in good favor with the global elite and dacronian against the out-of-favor multi-nationals, individuals and small businessmen. You are misdirected by the magician's slight of hand again as usual. You naive buffoon.

Quote from: Armstrong
The greed of governments all on its own is destroying the world economy without secret societies, clubs, or cabals. This hunt for taxes on a global scale is reversing everything we built coming out of World War II. Even the idea that a New World Order would bring peace and prevent a third world war has crumbled to dust and fallen to the ground. Not only experiments like the Euro have utterly failed

How much do you want to wager that the New World Order does not come about 2032ish as the resolution from the ashes of this globalist designed destruction of the nation-states by funding and promoting corruption, feminism, environmentalism, etc??

And you are aiding them by blaming this on the Bureaucrats instead of blaming it on the complicity between VOTING which is the power vacuum that creates the global elite. You are helping to confuse mankind so that mankind does not take the appropriate counter measures which is to seek out the next frontier in the Knowledge Age.

You even defraud your readers by telling them to avoid crypto-currencies.

Quote from: Armstrong
This is the demise of the West. We are now watching the very destruction of society and everything we thought life was about because these people need money to hold the reigns of power. No private group will survive right down to the bankers. This is checkmate as it has always been throughout history – them against us. Don’t worry – they always lose. However, sometimes they have taken us with them into the abyss we call a Dark Age – the ultimate Mad Max Event.

Wrong! We are complicit, if you are referring the masses and people like you who believe in VOTING and political reform.

The only few of us are actually opposed to the trend are those of us who are opting out of the entire system by becoming UNTRACEABLE and we refuse to VOTE nor be involved in any masturbation called reform.

Let the motherfucker burn to the ground. It is just time.

The people are all corrupted and selfish. They reaped what they sowed. The borrower is slave to the lender. Read your Proverbs.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
Since you are an ardent follower of Armstrong, I think he wrote that USD as world reserve currency would not be
replaced until ~2030, do you think that is accurate?

He has the computer model that has been accurate over the past two decades, so I would trust his judgement more than mine on that. I don't know if he has said that definitively or just a general thrust that the dollar will be stronger going into the thick of this crisis post 2016.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Sorry and maybe I am overstating, but did you think this egregious socialism was free ride forever?

The majority are dependent on the government and debt. When those are defaulted, the majority are unfunded. For example in the USA (and apparently Europe is worse) the government has $200 trillion in actuarial (Net Present Value) constituent liabilities, yet even if we confiscated every asset in the USA, it wouldn't reach $200 trillion.

As far as I can calculate in my mind, mathematically there are only two possibilities.

1. We default on these obligations and debts, thus the majority will be impoverished. We could then rebuild faster as capital would be freed up to invest.

2. We avoid austerity and defaults by stealing all the capital to sustain the socialism, thus impoverishing everyone over time and sliding towards a Dark Age.

My assumption is the powers that be prefer #2, because it maximizes their gains in terms of political transfer to global institutions such as the IMF and it maximizes the relative stature of the multi-nationals versus the millionaires who can be fleeced with the socialism of "99% versus the 1%" (which actually means the 1% elite and poor against the upper middle class).

For example all the environmentalism (and feminism) crap was set into motion (by Rockefeller) a long ago as the 1972 U.N. Convention on Human Environment, so now the elite will reap the rewards as they can set these carbon taxes against the millionaires and businesses, and these turtle habitats against ranchers, etc.. Watch Texas's sovereignty become shredded.

I don't see what can resist this outcome. This is perfectly set up by the global elite to slide into the abyss. The forces that would resist this are all gone, because the masses have been converted into socialists.

Sorry but I think Armstrong is entirely missing the point of how serious this is.

I think pretty obvious going to be #2 as made clear intent is to steal capital.  Nope, nothing can stop it from happening now.  

Since you are an ardent follower of Armstrong, I think he wrote that USD as world reserve currency would not be
replaced until ~2030, do you think that is accurate?

Welcome to 1984 in 2032. But first we have to burn all the bridges.

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Armstrong still can't see this was all designed by the globalists,  not by bureaucrats
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Tue, June 3, 2014 2:37 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
FACTA is coming July 1st. Already some 77,000 banks and foreign firms have signed up to rat-out Americans wherever they hide. While those who hate the “rich” cheer, what has been lost in this proverbial bureaucratic mindless rationalization of the real world is any understanding of how the world really functions.

Precisely like Obamacare that said everyone had to have maternity leave regardless of age, so even I lost my heathcare from Horizon Blue Cross, FACTA makes the same stupid conclusion. They assume ANYONE with a foreign account must be evading taxes. Hence, no American, including myself, can have an account overseas even when doing legitimate business. These brain-dead nasty bureaucrats know nothing of the real world and cannot even contemplate that now no foreign bank will accept an American because they must report to the USA or have their own assets confiscated in violation of international law.

Martin are you really that naive? You can't see how this all fits perfectly into the plan I have described to you in my prior communications?

How can you be so blind as to think the bureaucrats are running the circus?

FACTA was of course seeded by the global elite. The bureaucrats are either bought off in some cases or just caught up in the system in most cases, and thus do what they've been corralled to do. The global elite made this strategy and is working out very well for their goals.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Problem is there is no more "fair" compromise...until we hit rock  bottom
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Tue, June 3, 2014 2:24 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

The key strategy of the globalists was to promote corruption, indebtedness, and complicity of all people to such a degree that no one has any wealth that was obtained fairly.

Obama articulated this when he said, "you didn't earn that without the government being there".

In other words, even if you had a legitimate business, fact is that none of you today would have the wealth you have had it not been for the debt bubble that was extracting resources from the third world impoverishing them and sustaining a debt bubble in the west.

Every customer you had in your business was funded indirectly by the socialism paradigm.

Thus as the boomers slide into poverty, they will say that everyone must share the blame equally. Their 1960s idealism and pothhead thinking hasn't faded. And they raised their youth (not the X gens like me who they abandoned) rather those born in 1990s who they spoiled with socialism, with this same idealistic mindset.

We will share all the assets of the world socialistically until we hit rock bottom, then we will reset with a new idealism how one world transparency over nations.

Welcome to 1984 in 2032. But first we have to burn all the bridges.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
There is no escape in any traceable asset.

I am trying to find the source of two quotes which I think were attributed to anonymous sources within the Treasure department (perhaps Larry Summers).

"We are going to destroy all the millionaires".

"We will burn the fingers of the goldbugs up to their armpits".

We are headed into something quite different than the Great Depression.

The globalists want to eliminate all competition from millionaires. The millionaires will be isolated and few in numbered compared to the improverished masses (as the middle class is sliding into poverty all over the world). Thus it will be very easy to turn the masses against the millionaires.

The next step will be to bring the mainstream Europeans middle class into poverty, then the fireworks will really begin in earnest.

Wow, you paint an awful picture.

Sorry and maybe I am overstating, but did you think this egregious socialism was free ride forever?

The majority are dependent on the government and debt. When those are defaulted, the majority are unfunded. For example in the USA (and apparently Europe is worse) the government has $200 trillion in actuarial (Net Present Value) constituent liabilities, yet even if we confiscated every asset in the USA, it wouldn't reach $200 trillion.

As far as I can calculate in my mind, mathematically there are only two possibilities.

1. We default on these obligations and debts, thus the majority will be impoverished. We could then rebuild faster as capital would be freed up to invest.

2. We avoid austerity and defaults by stealing all the capital to sustain the socialism, thus impoverishing everyone over time and sliding towards a Dark Age.

My assumption is the powers that be prefer #2, because it maximizes their gains in terms of political transfer to global institutions such as the IMF and it maximizes the relative stature of the multi-nationals versus the millionaires who can be fleeced with the socialism of "99% versus the 1%" (which actually means the 1% elite and poor against the upper middle class).

For example all the environmentalism (and feminism) crap was set into motion (by Rockefeller) a long ago as the 1972 U.N. Convention on Human Environment, so now the elite will reap the rewards as they can set these carbon taxes against the millionaires and businesses, and these turtle habitats against ranchers, etc.. Watch Texas's sovereignty become shredded.

Remember this fact. The USA States can't run deficits, but the Feds can. This will force the States to give up their sovereignty to the Feds in order to receive bailouts. In effect, the same situation exists in Europe as the member nations' bonds (other than Germany and a few other northern European nations) will not receive a bid without the ECB backing. Is Texas economically strong enough and politically unified enough to stand on its own? Maybe. Texans are pretty hardy. Yet there are big cities in Texas with government dependents. Perhaps Texans could fracture. In any case, all this chaos is not good for real estate. Titles will become uncertain. My understanding is many titles are now encumbered with uncertainty due to the disputes about paper work from the 2007 subprime fiasco.

I don't see what can resist this outcome. This is perfectly set up by the global elite to slide into the abyss. The forces that would resist this are all gone, because the masses have been converted into socialists.

Sorry but I think Armstrong is entirely missing the point of how serious this is.
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