They will always spin the conversation away from the fact that the money was taken without consent.
I will flatly say, I want free education for all. I want everyone to have food. I want everyone to have free clothing and housing. That would be wonderful. But that's not what we were talking about was it? We were talking about our current ancient system of getting funds which involves one party forcefully taking from another party without their consent. Until that is fixed then there is no reason to talk about the free ponies and rainbows.
That's all nice, but do you not want schools and roads? Most people agree the system is administered poorly, and that a person has no choice but to pay taxes according to their geographic location, but what are you talking about with ponies and rainbows? You sound like you're running for office, a lot of empty rhetoric with no sense. Most people, the vast majority, acquiesce because the government uses terror tactics to enforce compliance. But terror tactics or not, some services are necessary in crowded places.
Perhaps you missed the part where I said I wanted free education for all. Yes. I would also love some high technology smart roads that charge our cars as we drive and navigate for us. Free cars for everyone would be great too.
But that does not negate the fact that the government is taking peoples' money without their consent. Let's address this morally outdated approach of funding things first. Then figure out all of the free stuff we both want people to have.