Not sure how many people aren't getting adequate food and water, but one year without making guns, bombs, tanks and fighter jets...would give approximately 23 years of food and clean water...and probably a sustainable infrastructure that could provide it for even longer (water filtration + farming infrastructure). But who needs that when you have the mother of all bombs?
This man fathered a total of 56 children by 22 wives. Who's going to feed all those beautiful babies?
Precisely, thank you, Dwayne.
Guys, your ideals of communism will never work out - not because some evil conspiracy, but because they simply ignore human nature. Give poor person *free* (aka paid for by somebody else) money and what he will do? Make more poor people in his wake. You cant solve all world issues through money printing, however tempting that might be.
Educating said poor on how to properly accumulate wealth and stay prudent would certainly help immensely, but thats not what your proposing here, is it? Education needs cooperation of the one being educated. Yet, we see less and less of that even among formerly affluent westerners. Who these days blame conspiracies, "niggers", christians, illuminati, ie. anybody but themselves for that fact, that they lost sight of faith, work ethics and prudence, that made their forefathers rich in the first place.
Socialists need a mirror, that they cant ignore, not more tools for wealth redistribution.
How to explain you in a simple way that you're wrong?
Ok let's see this: France is historically the most socialist country in Europe and probably the most socialist country in the civilized world.
Still we have a birthrate of only 1.99 which is under the renewable birthrate.
Moreove to put it simply:
Not socialism = inequalities will only rise
Socialism = inequalities are a bit soften by the state redistributing wealth.
I don't understand what you're against in socialism. You don't want people to pay taxes? Then it means you'd rather let people die than pay for their health? Because you do understand that people can't pay for important cure like cancer right? Even if they work hard...
France? The country with massive debts and security of third world nations?
Let me ask you one simple question. What are you doing on Bitcointalk forum, making profit taking all the risk on yourself while aswell keeping the said profit for yourself? How does that conform to your socialistic views and wealth redistribution, when you are not giving all your bitcoins to the French republic?
I am a christian. I will help others to my best knowledge. Because I believe it is right thing to do, something that make us different from mere animals, not because of fear of state authorities or worse, because I reduced all the problems of human existence to green papers.
Free health care for everybody? Sure, lets have a talk about it, we might find a common ground. But dont you dare to force me pay for it at knife point, you are not a God and neither is your corrupt, broken state.