Seems like you didn't understand. Here are even simpler words:
you work for company
you have children
company know economic situation is not good
company knows even if you're good you can't find a new job before at least 1 month or 2 of search
company knows you can't allow that
company tells you "hey, you work 5 hours more this week without being paid"
you say yes because you have no choice
Simple enough for you?
And you think that is somehow your fault, or the employers fault.
Who said that? I never said that! You're just putting words in my mouth because you don't even read me!
I'm a politically and sociologically left person, that means I believe in the incredible power of SYSTEMS over INDIVIDUALS. That's the basic difference between left and right.
I can't blame the shareholders alone, that would be dumb, that would be exactly the opposite of my ideologies.
I say they have a share of responsibility that's all...
If you said that the economy is bad, and make you work more, that is just how things are.
Important point.
That's how things ARE. I agree.
Does that mean that's how things should be? No.
Does that mean that's the only way things can be? No.
A business usually doesnt want to move, so instead of bankruptcy, they try to save themselves, and your job.
No. The vast majority of companies don't move for survival but for more profits that's all.
Amazon, Apple, car factories etc... They all moved for more profits, not because they were threatened in any way.
Most people dont get lucky and get fired when the economy is bad, so consider that as a privilege that you can still keep your job.
Wrong conception of society and economy.
What you're saying is "be happy to at least have the luck of serving the economy".
What I want the world to become is "be happy to have an economy serving society".
Doesn't seem dumb to me.
Otherwise just find a better one if you dont like it.
I got no problem. I was from a rather wealthy family, they paid me great studies and I'll never know unemployment or job problems.
But that doesn't mean I can't see how difficult it can be for someone born in a poor family.
But do you really believe that the gov gives a shit about you? When they increase the taxes and introduce regulations that will guaranteed make jobs go away. Do you think they are the angels here?
That's at least an interesting point.
Government should care about you, in fact they should care only about the people, not about the business (though both are linked, difficult to make people happy without business xD)
Why don't they do that?
Maybe because we have no power on them. We have no control on our government, we can't do shit even if they rape us.
Imagine we have control on government. Then it's the people serving the people... That would mean government WOULD care about us because WE are the government.
That's not what the current world is.
Does that mean it can't change? No.
Because the job provider at least pays you. But the gov, only steals from you.
Same as above. They steal you because they're corrupted asshole. A real government could pay you too. In a better and more efficient way than a private company. If you don't believe me just look at health industry (industry, not talking about welfare here) in France compared to the one in USA.