Right. And one of the things that robots will never be able to do as well as people is research. So do something practical. Get into research and find ways to allow people to live for a thousand years. Robots will never be able to do this. And what good is anything if you're going to die in less than a hundred years and lose it all?
Ever heard of the technological singularity? I think that one day it'll probably happen.
Technological singularity would bring about certain destruction. Here is why in a very simple statement. The greater the complexity, the harder it is to maintain it.
All of our technology today is based on the complex "technology" already found in the universe. Remember, the universe has life. We can't make life at all, but the universe seems to make it daily in abundance. The universe has way more technology in it that we do.
For technological singularity to work, robots or AI would have to start to track multitudes of electrons, protons, neutrons, energy waves, etc., way beyond anything we can even dream of today. Scientists are barely able to manipulate genes, today. In super-intelligence of artificial AI, the AI would need to be able to track the dramatically tinier particles and waves, each individually, and with certainty.
Forget it.
To get on topic though, I don't think proper taxation is theft. I think there should be a small price to pay if you wish to live in a society in which everyone contributes to in order to make it better.
Consider Marc Stevens and
No State Project at
http://marcstevens.net/. The whole point that Marc is promoting is, if you need something from Government or anyone else, buy it. Don't get taxed for it. Marc is having success educating people.
The only (BIG) difference between Mark and Karl Lentz is, Mark busts them right in the chops with
their own court processes, while Karl uses court processes that beat
them every time because those processes aren't
theirs.The problem with Marc's stuff is, they can beat him every time if they really want to. They don't, because if they did, we would see through their game and start looking at Karl's stuff. Then their number would be up, and Government would collapse to a thousandth of its current size, and they wouldn't be able to rip the people off any longer.