Well, when you said that you didn't think I should be giving legal advice, weren't you giving me legal advise? After all, I wasn't advising anyone of anything. I was just expounding some info. But you were talking to me, that is, advising me about a legal aspect.
Lol, that is not how it works.
First of all by saying "I think" i suggested that it was my opinion, not a universal truth, nor an advice.
Secondly, by warning somebody about a danger, is not the same thing as actually doing the danger.
I probably assumed that you are not a lawyer, and thus putting out legal info is not wise, and in some jurisdiction might even be illegal, without a lawyer license.
People might take that info as a legal advice, and if they fail, then the responsibility could be on you.
So I think at least you should have put some disclaimer at the bottom of that post, warning people that you are not a lawyer.
But again these are just my thoughts, I know little about these things.
The law applies to government people more than it applies to the rest of us. Why? Because they took an oath to uphold the Constitution... meaning everything that flows out of it as well. Many of the rest of didn't take such an oath.
This means, that you and I have the power of the law to use against them if they do wrong, way more than they have it to use against us. Why? Because they took an oath... signed a contract... to uphold government. You and I didn't. Our name is not listed on any contract. The laws do not apply to us until we accept them as applying to us.
Our legal and lawful strength over government people is way stronger than theirs over us.
Consider. Who can arbitrarily make a law and say that you have to obey it. Your neighbor? The guy down the street? Neither can the people of government arbitrarily make laws that you have to obey. You have to have some form of acknowledgement of those laws before any of them apply to you.
If you don't understand this, you are a long ways away from freedom.
I think that is some pseudo law right there.
http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/PseudolawMany libertarians like to play around with that, until they get fucked by it.
The truth is that you can interpret the law in infinite many ways, almost every word you sad could be interpretend in a lot of ways. And it's not you who will interpret them, but an authority.
So basically, you have no rights, because the authority will say what you have and what you dont, whenever they feel like it, and they can justify it however they want.
It's the position of authority that is the ultimate judge either way, so it would be like a rabbit going to a lion's court for a trial about the dinner. The rabbit might argue, but eventually he will be the dinner either way.