Dear members of the Bitcoin Forum Metaverse project.We have crossed the finish line and are now proudly here:
PHASE 5 (November, December): Final act of the project when we evaluate it and debate developing future projects.
And what a finish line it was!
The thread I created for the finished artwork became the pivotal thread for this year's anniversary.
There was a multitude of positive comments and people seemed very much satisfied with all the detail and work that went into the artwork.
As far as the commercial success, it was also amazing - I so far sold the original canvas + almost 40 our of the hundred prints!It has been five wonderfully creative, intense and educational months for me and I'm very grateful for them to all of you!
I hope you can share the same sentiment, at least to a degree.
Here are some thoughts I gathered for this evaluation:* Projects like this, where an artist cooperates with the community are great for everybody.
They are engaging, they are a learning opportunity and they connect members in new ways.
* This project honestly kept pushing me to the limit of what I was capable.
Artistically it was already complex and took A LOT of my time and energy, but the organizing part was also challenging.
I don't remember ever doing that much writing, responding, documenting and researching in such a short time (ok maybe in school, but that was long ago haha).
* I love how well the subject matter of a online forum, centered around a cryptocurrency translated into a physical object of a painting on canvas.
This forum is involved with the most abstract, hard to grasp concepts and ideas, but we managed to imagine it in a alternate dimension.
It is centered around its members and their activity and that fact helps a lot of course...
* Theymos helped a lot by putting the project on the news (2 times!) which brought it onto everybody's attention.
That was awesome, it showed that he cares a lot for what's going on and I hope we earn the spotlight again in the future.
* There is an incentive to make a online zoomable version of the artwork with explanations guiding the observer.
I hope we really do do it!
* I think it would be great (and necessary, because I kinda promised it) to repeat this experience with the forum universe, for its 20th anniversary if not sooner!
* There's probably a ton more I could share, but the whole thing is still very much alive inside...
This is where I once again leave room for your comments.
A lot has been already debated and mentioned in the presentational thread, but this is an opportunity to add just any thing.So here's my final (probably...
) question:
Where do we go from here?
Any ideas for our next community art project?Cheers.