Je viens de tromber sur une info relativement importante. Pour la gestion de la DEFI j'utilise metamask sur mon PC via Google Chrome.
Tout le monde sait que les fees (gas) sont exorbitant sur les smart contract.
En lisant un article sur je tombe sur une revue de Argent (un wallet) et la review dit que grace a des meta transaction :
No Transaction Fees: As a bonus, Argent also provides users with free transactions through the addition of meta transactions. Users no longer have to worry about having ETH in their wallets in order to transact their favorite ERC-20 tokens, like Dai.
Par contre le wallet n'est que pour android et Iphone, pas pour PC, possibilite d'enregistrer gratuitement des ENS :
Human-Readable Addresses: By integrating with Ethereum Name Services (ENS), Argent provides users with free sign-ups for human-readable addresses. This feature drastically mitigates any confusion when sending and receiving any digital assets as it mimics a Venmo transaction.
Je sais que certains d'entre nous on deja une adresse ETH personalise.
Bref, Argent, qui veut tester ?
DeFi Features
With Argent Wallet, users can access multiple DeFi applications with a few clicks and easily benefit from the wide range currently opportunities available on the market. Many new platforms have been integrated in Argent as a result of Argent V1 which can be read about here.
MakerDAO: As one of the backbones for DeFi, Argent allows you to easily open, close and manage a Maker Vault. With Maker, users can receive a secured loan in the form of Dai (a stablecoin pegged to the US Dollar) where ETH acts as the collateral behind the loan. Argent simplifies this process to a few clicks and even abstracts the need for holding MKR when closing out your loan.
Compound Finance: As one of the most popular lending applications to date, Argent allows users to grow their holdings through Compound. With Compound, users can earn interest by supplying their assets to a decentralized lending market while retaining the ability to remove their assets at any time with interest and no fees.
Kyber Network: If you’re a more savvy crypto investor interested in explore a range of DeFi tokens, Argent has integrated Kyber Network into the wallet to allow you to easily buy and sell crypto assets through its decentralized exchange.