The overall loss occurred due to loss of income from broadcasting rights, ticket sales, and other aspects of the operational activities of all participating clubs, which could occur in various countries in the future due to the Cov-19 pandemic.
According to my thinking, when things finally settle down, The cost of living or the cost of Player transfer won't be as expensive as it was before this whole crisis started.
I think after the crisis praying we all come out of this well the economy will start from zero and the many businesses that may have gone bankruptcy will start new by the help of the governments and hopefully they will evaluate better their human resources.This crisis demonstrated that biggest capital to a venture are humans.
Soccer as many other entertaining industries will suffer heavy losses and this is normal because of this situations.
Bigger clubs like Real and Barcelona will continue to make good money from the sale of players, TV and marketing rights but for the smaller clubs will be very difficult to survive financially.
Many players will lose their value, in football there will be a smaller amount of money available and this will affect the operations of all clubs.
Big transfers like Neymar's from Barcelona to Paris SG will no longer happen.