I ended up stuck with some ActM shares after that crazy spike the other day - I had bought some more shares when the price went down to 0.0043. I made a little more on a rebound and though I might be able to do it again before the price stabilized. I didn't expect it would crash below 3.9, let alone all the way down to 3.2.
But, since the price did drop I figured I'd just hang on to that chunk till november, or whenever they started Hashing. It was pretty small, so no big deal.
The drama in this thread was pretty hilarious to read. It's like a bunch of ADD addled paranoiacs who have no understanding of the technology or basic math demanding pictures to "prove it's not a scam", then claiming the pictures that have been posted are photoshopped.
Anyway, given the drama today I decided to just sell them for a loss and buy more cheap labcoin shares. The ask price is already higher then what I paid by more then 10% So thanks for that
Special Thanks to Stuartuk that made this possible ? Hmmm maybe not, he was overacting..