Is it on a site that's plotting it's hash power? I see the occasional dip to 950, sometimes though they might be jumping ship to the next pool. I just need more data and I don't know how to get it at current. I'll just dream of seeing a daily snapshot of the miner's status page.
the website provided by lee shows you the hashing of the units. the only one that is not averaging around 1150 is this one that's consistently low in the 1020-1030ghs range which is more like -10%. this is a large deviation so lee has agreed to get it swapped out though. it's been over a day now though and still no change so i'm still waiting for the unit to be replaced.
[edit] after i sent this post i logged in and found lee has swapped it out for a new one. i can tell because it there's a unit with a very different IP address.
again, very impressed with lee's operation!!