The exchange in my signature accepts 100,000 sat minimum, and less if you exchange to an altcoin.
Both yourself and Timelord2067 have recommended CoinPlaza... and sadly, I can't seem to send to them. Despite appearing to have active channels/routes to them... When I try and send a payment after setting up an exchange, I keep getting multiple errors like the following in LND:
Attempt to send payment 30035xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6799fd failed: TemporaryChannelFailure(update=(*lnwire.ChannelUpdate)(0xc0012a68f0)({
Signature: (lnwire.Sig) (len=64 cap=64) {
ChainHash: (chainhash.Hash) (len=32 cap=32) 000000000019d6689c08xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa8ce26f,
ShortChannelID: (lnwire.ShortChannelID) 565538:2086:0,
Timestamp: (uint32) 1578754515,
MessageFlags: (lnwire.ChanUpdateMsgFlags) 00000001,
ChannelFlags: (lnwire.ChanUpdateChanFlags) 00000000,
TimeLockDelta: (uint16) 144,
HtlcMinimumMsat: (lnwire.MilliSatoshi) 1000 mSAT,
BaseFee: (uint32) 1000,
FeeRate: (uint32) 1,
HtlcMaximumMsat: (lnwire.MilliSatoshi) 354218000 mSAT,
ExtraOpaqueData: ([]uint8)
and then eventually...
2020-01-12 11:37:14.544 [WRN] RPCS: Unable to send payment: payment attempt not completed before timeout
I've tried 250000 sats, 200000 sats and the minimum 101010 sats. I'm guessing something is broken downroute from me and the payment just cannot be made