
Topic: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. - page 89. (Read 227070 times)

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
March 19, 2014, 11:44:26 AM
Armstrong demonstrates he is a student of history. Here is the true and complete story:

Also Eastern Europe just created a reason for Russia to invade them:

That was a stupid move!
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
March 19, 2014, 11:43:53 AM
It's just a word that means the same thing as hinterland, or back-country. It's far from the Baltic Sea ports, and also partly isolated by the Carpathian mountains from the south. It's not an invitation for Russian thieves.


A band of government officials enters you home, takes your wife, gives it to your neighbour, then leaves.
Your wife breaks down the neighbour's door and you protect her while she flees, after which you are labelled as a thief of your neighbour's woman.

That's what happened with Crimea.

I thought it was some big celebration of a 300 year anniversary in 1954. But hey, what do I know?

Besides, your analogy is bullshit. The USSR gave Crimea as a present to itself, because Ukraine was under USSR control anyway. Now you guys have been manipulated into whining like babies. Surely, Ukraine was an independent, sovereign country this entire time since about 1990 so what's your fucking problem? Russia doesn't LIKE the new leaders because it was an evil coup? Stop interfering.


Russia was under USSR control as well, please don't forget that.

Nikita Hrushov, gave Crimea (taking it from Russia) as a personal favour present to Ukrainian SSR so as to gain support from the Ukrainian Communist Party tops (who were the most numerous after the ones in Russia, and some of the most influential in USSR). Hrushov started a process of demoting the cult of Stalin, yet he himself had blood on his hands, Ukrainian blood not the least. Crimea also served the purpose of "righting the wrongs" and making those in power in Ukraine "forget" what Hrushov did.

That present was unconstitutional - the constitution of USSR did not have provisions for transferring parts of one member state to another member state.

Finally, this transfer met resistance among locals, resistance which never abated and which I witnessed myself when I went to Crimea both in the Soviet era and after USSR dissolved. Even the leader of the Communist Party of Crimea spoke against it, for which he was removed from his post.

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
March 19, 2014, 11:19:09 AM
It's just a word that means the same thing as hinterland, or back-country. It's far from the Baltic Sea ports, and also partly isolated by the Carpathian mountains from the south.

No, it does not. It means what I wrote it means - "at the border", "near the edge".
Back-country would be "зaдвopки".

Besides, Ukraina has rich productive agricultural lands, which compensate not having sea ports, so what's your point?

It's not an invitation for Russian thieves.


A band of government officials enters you home, takes your wife, gives it to your neighbour, then leaves.
Your wife breaks down the neighbour's door and you protect her while she flees, after which you are labelled as a thief of your neighbour's woman.

That's what happened with Crimea.

Oh, and Poland are more than welcome to have the Western-Ukrainian territories back, if the people of Western Ukraine vote for it in a referendum (which they probably would do)


The US also had an oversized war machine the entire time from the 1940s ~ 1980s, but they did not fall apart so your theory is incorrect.

I'd like to add a keyword to that sentence: yet. The symptoms that Us displays are very much akin to those shown by SU during the last years of its existence.

Also, you are mixing up planned economy and communism. One does not imply the other, and vice versa.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
March 19, 2014, 10:51:00 AM
Soviet Union fell apart because of an oversized war machine, where most of country's production went towards feeding that beast (which had a side effect of breeding an army of bureaucrats with ensuing corruption), while putting common folk's needs last. Useful during war time, counter-productive in a peaceful period. Reminds of the bulging democratic American war machine of today.

During the Soviet coup, just as now, during the Ukrainian overthrow of power, people had very little to say. Some guys met up in a forest and decided that Soviet Union is no more, preliminary locking up the legitimate president of the country.

A certain influence from abroad played its role as well. Not all are convinced that Yeltsin and his environment didn't have overseas masters.

I am not saying that Soviet Union was not on a downward spiral, but Gorbachev at least tried to reform it into a more open, economically feasible union, while meeting huge resistance from the military tops. If Gorbachev succeeded, Soviet Union would become something akin to the European Union, but who needs a strong union - divide an conquer (this also applies to the current state of EU, which is being systematically destroyed).
Activity: 2124
Merit: 1013
March 19, 2014, 06:19:03 AM
- The sniper who opened fire on self-defence forces of Crimea and on the Ukranian soldiers, killing two people, is arrested:
The shooter is a 17-year-old citizen of Lvov.

Typical brainwashed Svoboda supporter, who will spend the rest of his life behind bars in some Siberian penal colony.

brainwashed fascist.
full member
Activity: 155
Merit: 100
March 19, 2014, 06:00:00 AM
- The sniper who opened fire on self-defence forces of Crimea and on the Ukranian soldiers, killing two people, is arrested:
The shooter is a 17-year-old citizen of Lvov.

Typical brainwashed Svoboda supporter, who will spend the rest of his life behind bars in some Siberian penal colony.

i hope so !
and second i hope that the eastern part of the ukraine joins russia too, or declares indipendence from the nazi-kiev-oligarch-nato-puppets.
the usa play a bad game,let the eu (which is stupid as 3m road) get the problems,because the war or civil war is in europe,
 and the usa trying to bring in :monsanto, fracking,exxon,haliburton, and some military outposts because they have only over 700 worldwide.

regards falseflag
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
March 19, 2014, 05:54:12 AM
- The sniper who opened fire on self-defence forces of Crimea and on the Ukranian soldiers, killing two people, is arrested:
The shooter is a 17-year-old citizen of Lvov.

Typical brainwashed Svoboda supporter, who will spend the rest of his life behind bars in some Siberian penal colony.

Well, he is under-age, so hopefully he still has time to re-think his priorities and amend ways.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
March 19, 2014, 05:52:34 AM
- The sniper who opened fire on self-defence forces of Crimea and on the Ukranian soldiers, killing two people, is arrested:
The shooter is a 17-year-old citizen of Lvov.

Typical brainwashed Svoboda supporter, who will spend the rest of his life behind bars in some Siberian penal colony.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
March 19, 2014, 04:33:40 AM
This map doesn't make much sense, considering Ukraine was founded starting with Kyiv, as Kyevan Rus, in 600AD

The term "Ukraine" or "Ukrainian" didn't existed in AD 600. The Ukrainian language evolved out of old Russian somewhere between AD 1300 and AD 1700.

This. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, the term "Ukraine" means "on the border", "on the edge", which explains that map pretty well - the territories on the Southern borders/edge of what was Keiv Rus, and became Russia, with time stated to be referred to as Укpaинa ("Ukraina"). Not to put down Ukrainians, in Russian there is an everyday derived word, oкpaинa ("okraina"), which means "outskirts", "suburbs".

In good news:

- The sniper who opened fire on self-defence forces of Crimea and on the Ukranian soldiers, killing two people, is arrested:
The shooter is a 17-year-old citizen of Lvov.

- National Geographic will release updated maps, where Crimea is shown as part of Russian Federation

In bad news:

 - The chairmen of European Council Herman van Rompei was to visit Russia to discuss the situation in Ukraine, yet was prevented doing so by his own colleagues from the European Council, says Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The commentary further said that:

"Moscow quickly reacted (to van Rompei's request to visit Russia) and offered to recieve him om the 19th of March. It is truly worth praise that van Rompei wished to learn the truth about what is happening in the Ukraine". Yet, Brussels obviously does not want to learn the truth.

"It has its own heroes of the Ukrainian crisis - the militants of the "Right sector" and the illegitimate government, which includes many obviously fascist individuals. It also has its 'culprits' - Russia and the people of Crimea, who refused to accept the logic of a neo-nazi coup. There are also a number of sanctions that get enforced independent of what Russia did or did not do." says the statement from Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

- Ukrainian Nationalists humiliate and force to leave the head of the state TV, capturing the process on video, worthy of the thugs they are

- Hillary is afraid and warns other countries agains what she calls "Russian aggression" - that the same arguments that were used for reunification of Crimea, can me applied to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (Yes, she's trying to scare everybody now!)

- Australia and Japan joining sanctions (big surprise there)

- About 100 demonstrators in front of Ukrainian Marine Military headquarters stormed the building and raised Russian and Andreev flags. (What the hell are they doing?) No Ukrainian military forces came to harm. Russian military forces are not participating in this. Currently, a dialogue between the Ukrainian military and the demonstrators is conducted.

- BBC and CCN, though they did show Putins address live, edited his speech down for later news, with BBC omitting his statement of Crimea's historical bonds with Russia and that Moscow does not want dissolvement of Ukraine, and CNN leaving only Putin's denial of Russia's intervention in Crimea. Putin's reference to Kosovo was edited down to bare minimum, leaving out all arguments and citations.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
March 19, 2014, 03:56:53 AM
Crimea depends on water, gas and electricity supplies from the Ukrainian territory. Ukrainian fascist government wouldn't allow their infrastructure and economy to survive. They don't have enough time to create new infrastructure, that's why the Crimea won't be sustainable as fully independent republic. Crimea should be included, at least formally, into Russia or Turkey in order to survive. This would be able to protect them against the malicious infrastructure services manipulation.
full member
Activity: 128
Merit: 107
March 19, 2014, 03:46:59 AM
It seems politicians will take any risk to distract from domestic (financial) problems these days.

And there would have been a so much more elegant solution for Putin: Enforce an independent Crimea today. In two years let them vote on joining the UDSSR.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
March 19, 2014, 01:23:33 AM
This map doesn't make much sense, considering Ukraine was founded starting with Kyiv, as Kyevan Rus, in 600AD

The term "Ukraine" or "Ukrainian" didn't existed in AD 600. The Ukrainian language evolved out of old Russian somewhere between AD 1300 and AD 1700.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
March 19, 2014, 12:50:48 AM

This map doesn't make much sense, considering Ukraine was founded starting with Kyiv, as Kyevan Rus, in 600AD, something like 200 years before Russia even existed. It was a pretty powerful country, back when Russia was just a backwater farm and woods thing. If you want to talk history, start from there, not from much later when Ukraine was invaded, constantly harassed, and broken up by mongols, Russia, and Poland.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
March 18, 2014, 02:44:38 PM
And now, under this pretext, the Ukrainian forces in Crimea got green light for using weapons (if they so desire).

It's time to ask the Ukrainian forces, (at least those 100 people who want to defend Fascism) to leave Crimea.

The rest should unite with the self-defence forces in search of that damned sniper, who claimed lives on both sides.

NEWSFLASH: Lavrov conducted a telephone conversation with his counterpart Kerry following the initiative from the US:
- "Sanctions by US/EU are not acceptable and will not remain without a symmetrical response"
- Situation in Ukraine was discussed, and Lavrov suggested reverting to the agreement of the 21st of February, and that Russia is open to conducting dialogues for stabilising the situation in Ukraine
- Lavrov especially pointed out that provocations from Ultra-Right against Russians and Russian-speaking people in Southern and South-Eastern Ukraine should stop
- Lavrov stated further with regard to Crimean voting that it was conducted democratically, and in accordance with international law as prescribed in to the 1st paragraph of UN norms. That the choice was made by the people of Crimea and that Russia is accepting and respecting said choice.

Also, about the provocatory shooting:
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
March 18, 2014, 02:16:20 PM
Yep, the same as it was on maidan, provocators are shooting the both sides. I wounder to see these fags getting a portion of molotov cocktail.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
March 18, 2014, 01:46:24 PM
Ukraine officer 'killed in attack on Crimea base'

Ukraine's military says an officer has been killed in an attack on a base in Crimea, the first such death since pro-Russia forces took control in February.

This doesn't look good..I believe this could be seen as an act of war towards Ukraine?

It doesn't. There'll be a series of provocations now to escalate it and give NATO an excuse to start bombing Crimea.

One member of Crimean self defence is shot dead and another wounded from a sniper rifle fire on Kubanskaja street in Simferopol.

Crimean Ministry of Internal Affairs: "Self defence forces got a report about people with weapons in a partially abandoned building. During the inspection they were fired upon, killing one and wounding another member of the self defence unit. The same armed people opened fire against a nearby Ukrainian military base, wounding one soldier there. Shooting against both sides was conducted from the same spot."

In the meantime in Moscow (video report):

Ron Paul, one of the last sane American politicians (sadly, a former one) on the situation in Crimea:

“What’s the big deal?”

“Opponents of the Crimea vote like to point to the illegality of the referendum,” Paul wrote. “But self-determination is a centerpiece of international law.”

"Article I of the United Nations Charter points out clearly that the purpose of the UN is to ‘develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples,’” he said. “Why does the US care which flag will be hoisted on a small piece of land thousands of miles away?”

“Where were these people when an election held in an Iraq occupied by US troops was called a ‘triumph of democracy’?”


But according to Paul, the US government has more or less ignored recent efforts waged by the people of Scotland, Catalonia and Venice to secede, and instead had opted only to focus on the Crimean conflict which, as a result, he says, “has led NATO closer to conflict with Russia than since the height of the Cold War."

“Perhaps the US officials who supported the unconstitutional overthrow of Ukraine's government should refocus their energies on learning our own Constitution, which does not allow the US government to overthrow governments overseas or send a billion dollars to bail out Ukraine and its international creditors,” the former congressman wrote.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
March 18, 2014, 01:31:42 PM
Ukraine officer 'killed in attack on Crimea base'

Ukraine's military says an officer has been killed in an attack on a base in Crimea, the first such death since pro-Russia forces took control in February.

This doesn't look good..I believe this could be seen as an act of war towards Ukraine?
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
March 18, 2014, 01:26:25 PM
You can see this in English here

Reading comments from the beginning...

BillK 18.03.2014 13:33
Now for referendums in the east and south. That will isolate the nazis and fascists and real Ukrainians can wipe them out once and for all.

By then west Ukraine might choose to have their own referendum.

The video has been published:
sr. member
Activity: 354
Merit: 250
March 18, 2014, 01:09:40 PM
Why, across the world, are America’s hands so tied?

They aren't, we've just had a series of exceptionally inept and weak leaders. With the way people approach politics here, it's only going to get worse.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
March 18, 2014, 01:07:03 PM

Why, across the world, are America’s hands so tied? Why does America have its hands across the world?

A large part of the answer is our leader’s terrible timing. In virtually every foreign-affairs crisis we have faced meddled with these past five years, there was a point when America had good choices and good options, when it could have stayed out of conflicts, but chose to get involved. There was a juncture when America had the potential to influence events, as it always does. But we failed to act at the propitious point; that moment having passed, we were left without acceptable options. In foreign affairs as in life, there is, as Shakespeare had it, “a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.”

When protests in Ukraine grew and no planned violence ensued, it was surely evident to people in the intelligence community—and to the White House—that it was needed to ensure that violence would ensue so as to install Americas marionette government, but they failed to realise that this time it was different, that President Putin might try to take advantage of the situation to capture support Crimea's reunification with Russia, or more - for example also support reunification of the territories, given to Ukraine by Lenin. That was the time to talk with our global allies whom we haven't eavesdropped on about punishments and sanctions because we are so good at pre-emptive punishment (also known as aggression) than nothing can ever possibly go wrong, to secure their solidarity because NSA have enough dirt on all European country tops to keep them in-line, and to communicate these to the Russian president, and if that got ignored, that we'd bomb the living daylights out of Russia, just as we did with Yugoslavia. These steps, plus assurances that we would not exclude Russia from its historical base in Sevastopol or threaten its influence in Kiev Russia, might have dissuaded him from invasion verbally supporting the people of Crimea from reuniting with their historic homeland. …

Fixed it for him. Smiley

Oh, and there is an old Russian folk wisdom:

One does not wave about with fists after a fight. Wink
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