arbeitet dass team daran nach lösungen für dass derzeitige token dilemma zu suchen.. wird aber wahrscheinlich nicht weit oben auf der prio liste stehen.. mm
hier ein auszug vom 16.05.2019:
I also feel a bit left outside by the team. Only communicating facts is, in my opinion, not a good approach
when there's a huge disconnect between the great operations and the very disappointing token performance.
They should care more about the community and at least confirm they're working on it -- no promises needed,
just communicate that they're still committed to get the token back on track. In the end we all invested
cash, we own the company's equity and should be THE key stakeholder. I do not recall the token (price) being
mentioned in a single CEO update...
Caterina (PR und Kommunikation
imho this is what we have been doing - as mentioned several times in this channel, our board is on it, and as
I wrote on Sunday, our Board is evaluating all possible options on how to find the best solution for the
community and the token - it just takes time. and we will stick to our maxim to only communicate facts, as we
firmly believe in only disseminating what is true. thank you for bearing with us