Charles is Ferrari's current poster boy. They will give that man the number 1 seat over Sainz who's continuously improving despite being shadowed by Charles at most times. He's a great driver that can go very aggressive against better teams, and I believe he will do even more if he's in a team with a better car as the number 1 driver.
There aren't a lot of many good teams with a good car that is better than Ferrari right now, and it'll be tough for them to choose Sainz over their boys even. I just kinda wish that the red guys will see Sainz more than a 2nd driver, as he's been very consistent for quite some time now while Leclerc is always struggling to get better placement not until Sainz comes in for help.
Uh no... It's just the start of the season so let's stop the nonsense. And if you look at the drivers' standings since Sainz transferred to Ferrari, Leclerc has out pointed Sainz two out of three seasons. So saying that Ferrari give seat one to Sainz is lol and it would def be a cause for tension within the team. As if there isn't enough tension already with Sainz given the boot in favor of Hamilton. :/
Anyway can't wait for the next race in Suzuka. That one is going to be good.