He should have gone to his uncle's house and explained to him that he should stop gambling and think about his family. If he doesn't stop despite this, then it is on him. No one can force him as he will probably change the casino if he felt awkward when his nephew shouted at him.
The employee had a thousand of choice on this situation but it's just easy for us to say this because we aren't in his shoes. He could've say to the management and ask them not to let his uncle in the establishment to control his gambling desires but he got emotional when he saw he's uncle walking again inside the casino and suddenly shouted him.
I understand the man why he acted that way but his action wasn't professional as he's working that time.
What happens is that when there is money at stake, everything can change, even feelings like family or even as a couple is something else, it does not enter into this, it is why clear stories keep friendships and at work they cannot be be mixing any type of feeling or anything because that usually has a negative impact on the business, and that happens in every business, it must be respected and everything must be paid, and with respect to the worker, I consider that you always have to give an opportunity and more so when the person does not receive any type of training, in every job one must receive training and more so when there is money, I think there should always be a second chance.
Not sure bout your opinion but in my own decision I'll be going to kick them both from the casino personal matter should be discuss out from the business, there are people who will be annoyed and it will affect the business, it's best to settle the issue outside and not to let more scenes to happen inside.
I'm not going to argue about second chances as it can be provided, the action would be needed to weight the situation
and decision should always place consideration before concluding.
Well, business is business and there's really nothing personal if you get fired as long as it's reasonable. In that certain scenario, the management have all the right to ban the man and fire the employee because of the unprofessionalism they showed that could really ruin the casino's image.
We don't really know what happened after that but I think that the management forgave their employee especially if the said employee was one of their best or employed for years now.