I did not think it was a scam until recently, when I checked their website and they have actually increased the price of their
"PRODUCT" What exactly are they selling? I don't know. And probably most of you won't know, or at least won't know soon.
But it is a proven fact, that if you increase the price of something that doesn't exist, it's probably a pyramid scheme. Why would they increase a Pre-Order price? Because they know their "customers" have coins and coins have increased in value.
As far as I know until now only Avalon have shipped ASIC products, and with great delays - several months.
The only option to be able to go and buy a BTC device is if the major semiconductor companies, who know how it's done, pick it up.
However I do not think banks would appreciate that.
And I do think that they are not able to produce the ASIC miners fast, because of the following simple reasons:
1. Greed - instead of buying equipment and hire people capable of making the process faster, I bet most ot them CEOs bought houses and cars and expensive accessories for their girlfriends/wives/husbands (most of them are gay I assume
2. Laziness - How hard it is to organize a manufacture if you have 10s of millions of dollars of preorders? Well sapphiretech one of the major graphics card manufacturer started with 5 million and outsourced. And they are one of the most famous brands for graphic cards right now.
Why - because they know how to organize their work. But they work and think all day.
And all ASIC "manufacturers" pick their noses all day. Most of them perhaps have never worked a day in their life, which explains their inadequacy.
Let me tell you something else - once they have the layout for the chips (semiconductors) and PCBs there is nothing else to it. They just have to produce massive quantities and assemble them. Testing could be done automatically - the same way processors, videocards and RAM memories are tested. And they are manufactured in the hundreds of millions a year.
3. Stupidity - A smart man once said that the difference between the idiot and the smart person is that the idiot is always proud and happy with himself.
I mean how stupid one has to be in order not to do anything in a situation like this.
Its obvious that they don't work on the miners. They could at least have went away and stopped lying to people.
Their intentions might have been good, however as another smart man once said "The road to hell is paved with good intentions".
And another thing - you have to be very stupid if you received massive amounts of money in a short time frame and you see that your company doesn't do what it is supposed to, and yet not speed it up.
I bet 90% of your money have gone for Porsches, and BMWs and Mercedeses and all kind of crap, but semiconductor assembly lines - which HAD to be purchased.
If they had those they could produce 1000 of these things a day. Not 8 months for like 180 of them.
And only one "company" has actually achieved that.
I wish all who ordered luck, but If I were you I'd get my money back while I still can.