
Topic: New Lending Platform - page 8. (Read 26355 times)

sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 28, 2015, 10:28:13 AM
Is this the correct and complete lineup of the principals involved with Bitlend?

D. Allen Shinners
Joe Mordica
Adam Matlack
Michael J. Koerner Edit to add: Michael claims to not be a part of Bitlend, but simply promotes it for free.
Jason Sponaugle
Richard Nelson
Eric Kraus

ALL of these people were/are deeply involved in GAW and/or Paycoin.

Since the pack of really standup guys running Bitlend refuse to answer even the most basic of questions about the Bitlend operation, I have sifted through the various statements made by the admitted principles- some of which have since been removed or edited, to try to ascertain the complete ownership of this completely legitimate and trustworthy lending institution. Please respond and verify that these people are all involved in Bitlend, and also please indicate any others, including paid shills and such.

While you are at it, can you please answer the question about the supposed Dubai business incorporation for Bitlend? Is it a UAE/Dubai registered business or not? Why on earth are you refusing to answer even the most basic questions about Bitlend? If the UAE/Dubai registration is legitimate and not a flat out lie, then who are the UAE national(s) who have the 51% minimum ownership of Bitlend that is required for that to be legitimate?

Expect this list of valid and basic questions about Bitlend to grow and be asked repeatedly until they are answered. If anyone is aware of any information that I have missed or an incorrect conclusion I have made about the above, please post here with any information you have.

This question goes out to everyone, but the Bitlend Operation Team in particular, of course: Assuming the Dubai registration is valid, and at this time that is a big if, Bitlend appears to be perhaps barely in compliance with various anti-fraud and anti-predatory lending laws of the United States of America and it's constituent States , skirting regulation of some due to operating with Bitcoin instead of USD, and perhaps also by "registering" (maybe) the Bitlend operation in Dubai. To my knowledge ALL of the principles in Bitlend are United States Citizens who currently reside in the United States. If all of Bitlend's acting principles are residing in and performing the functions of this "company" (no proof of actual legal incorporation has been provided yet) within the United States of America, are they then not required to adhere to US laws?

Another thing occurred to me yesterday, which I am unsure about. Bitlend appears to be operating in a "legal gray area" due to the loans being made in BTC. (What about WY and NY??) However, the ultimate liability of the borrower and protection for the lender rests in collection agencies. These collection agencies will seek remedy not in BTC, but in United States Dollars. If the ultimate liability of these loans rests in USD, does that make Bitlend subject to the financial, anti-fraud, and anti-predatory lending laws (especially CO's APLLs) that they are trying to skirt? This is a very serious question that needs to be addressed. Bitlend? Are you going to answer? Any legal or financial professional's here on BCT care to give their opinion on this?

hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
September 26, 2015, 06:30:02 PM
Why to open a new project to compete against btc that is scamming a lot people last days but well another scamproject stay away.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 26, 2015, 10:12:18 AM
Not sure what would be considered "official" from this operation. They refuse to answer pretty much any questions, like who EXACTLY is involved in this "lending institution", and why does the Dubai registration appear to be a flat out lie? If the Dubai registration is actually legitimate, that makes ALL previous statements regarding the ownership of complete and total lies. Kind of a pickle you are in there Allen. Please explain why everything about this operation is actually the opposite of what the facts and common sense say it is.

Something interesting I posted last night that should be here as well:


If this Bitlend operation ends up the way it is looking right now I might have to change the face on that gif.

hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
September 25, 2015, 09:55:22 PM
I saw it, thanks bubba, your english is better than my, they will like you more then me Smiley

Conspiracy or not, but this is a part of the chat on slack shortly before they banned me:

We all need to take in mind that he posted 20 minutes earlier an official statement:

And this is the guy who supported mobbing:

Now what? Official, or not, yes because he was who announced it here or no because he failed to announce?

What do you think Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 25, 2015, 09:35:23 PM
Bubba has taken up the flag where LeftUser/Boki had fallen and is bravely charging forward!

Go Bubba, Go!

P.S: GOTTA LOVE the 7 upvotes for Korfax' Jerkoff post. I would wager a guess that is a list of mostly smurf accounts of the TeamPaycoin scammers who run this forum, and of course Paycoin and are the tech staff of Bitlend

Here is a screen from a couple days ago where LeftUser/Boki was BANNED for posting the very same thing in response to the very same jerkoff post from Korfax.

hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
September 25, 2015, 08:56:57 PM
And of course Cryptsy's role in this hollywood runner
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
September 25, 2015, 08:54:35 PM
But Paul, you forgot to write about how the price is hold to pretend some value, there is no trading volume, just resells to each other to pump the price for, I think you could complement your post with your thoughs and expression about it.
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
September 25, 2015, 08:38:41 PM
Sell this story to hollywood and make us rich with Payscam story  Grin, you are famous

sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 25, 2015, 08:05:16 PM
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 25, 2015, 11:21:01 AM
Doing a little search, I found another Bitlend shill working the Reddcoin forum.

Eric Kraus, one of the hardcore Hashtalkers. Looks like a real brainiac. And no, I am not doxxing him, the dumbass has his personal information and pictures plastered all over the intertoobz. FYI: The Intertoobz is forever. Just wait till your chidren read what a smart guy daddy is! Invested heavily in and shilled hardcore for Paycoin, when that went belly up he borrowed and shilled from/for BTCLend  and invested in SrycptCC. Amazingly the Ponzi he invested in to bail him out of the last Ponzi failed. Now the idiot is shilling for Bitlend.

Allen: Please stop taking advantage of these morons. It is truly despicable, if perhaps BARELY legal due to some loophole.

Edit to add: Hohoho! What do we have here??
About halfway down the page:

Seems Mr. Cool feller Eric Kraus ( or should I call you Lorraine?) might be a scammer too! Birds of a feather, __________ together!

Allen: How much are you paying this known GAW/Paycoin shill to shill for Bitlend?? Paying the dumbass with Paycoins maybe?

Every time I poke Bitlend with a stick another apparent piece of dogshit involved with GAW/Paycoin falls out. Ridiculous!

P.s: Is this guy one of the other "experienced individuals" that have in your employ?

Also, how about an answer on the Dubai registration? What's the deal? Looks like it actually isn't registered there, but if it is and it just is not showing up on their website yet, that means that there is a minimum of 51% ownership by a UAE national(s). Your information started out stating that you, Jason Sponaugle, and Dick Nelson were the owners, and then you changed that to "oh gosh it is actually 6 people and myself", and now this. Please explain EXACTLY who is involved in this operation so that potential investors and customers can make an informed decision about whether they should use the service.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 25, 2015, 07:46:58 AM
D. Allen Shinners. CEO of Bitlend and leader of the GAW suit is clearly demonstrating that your complete personal and financial information is perfectly safe with him and Bitlend:

The businessmanLawyerGodOfLaw posted my private data Smiley, Allen the bad one.

I was talking to him over mail about the lawsuit, I did not trust him, now he posted this, he is accusing me to be Ganza and he and Joe are such success, well read it, I know how you feel Allen, like a shit, a fluid one, do not break your eyes reading this shit and explanation why Joe is innocent, he is innocent because I am such an badass, that's his answer:

If you are the Moral Leader of the Paycoined that makes it ok to take the private personal information given to him in confidence and use it in a vicious personal attack against someone who had signed up for the GAWsuit and then had the audacity to question why Allen was in business with someone who is in large part responsible for the fraud which they are suing over, because- you know "Moral Leader of the Paycoined does whatever the fuck he wants". Deal with it.

Here are a couple more "interesting points" that Allen missed:

~ Allen has clearly demonstrated with this attack and doxxing that he can not be trusted with your personal information. PERIOD.
~ Allen also intentionally hired Joe Mordica to be CTO of Bitlend.
~ 1+1=?

Every single person who has sent D. Allen Shinners or Bitlend their personal information had better take a close look at this complete and total breach of trust and wake the fuck up.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 1126
September 24, 2015, 10:30:23 PM
Props to Paul Revere.  

Most of us jaded internauts would take one look at a puerile scam site run by some folks who live in extreme poverty (financial and intellectual) and simply move on with our daily business as with any CHEAP V14GR4!! spam mail.  However Herr. Revere has put in good work to help those more gullible.  Hats off to you sir.  

Thank you kindly, sir. When this popped up a few days ago, I figured it was just another not needed and in the end probably detrimental "service" and said my piece. Then I saw that there were Paycoiners involved and started pulling on some loose threads. Imagine my surprise when Joe Mordica fell out of Allens underwear! This is way off of the charts wacky, when you have the guy leading the big lawsuit against GAW hiring the very guy who implemented that scam. Homero Garza did not actually do jack shit. He stole exactly as many dollars as Hitler killed Jews. None. Zero. (Not counting embezzlement, of course) They both had other people commit the actual crimes, and in the case of GAW, the #1 guy who made the whole Hashlet Ponzi and then Zencloud/Paycoin scams function was Joe Mordica. It is completely nuts.

"Nuts" decoded:

  • Collect Lawsuit Monies
  • Go Full Ponzi
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
September 24, 2015, 08:46:03 PM
Own thread  Grin, isn't it too much publicity  Roll Eyes

However, love the gif showing how such amazing ideas are born and it's connection to the universe, this is the best multimessage of InsanelyStupidAwesoneUniversal idea, can't stop watching it  Grin
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 23, 2015, 11:32:37 PM
Another post that needs to be here as well.

I think I know exactly what the purpose of the recent pump was now. The assholes who run the Paycoin scam and are also running this Bitlend operation wanted to have a nice bump in price so they could pimp out some loans to morons who will buy their fraudcoin at an inflated price during the launch of their new scam Bitlend which is designed to rip off the morons even further. Disgusting. If you want to believe that is a coincidence, go right ahead. I am completely disgusted here. D. Allen Shinners was supposed to be a real stand up guy, and now he is pulling this bullshit?  Again: What the fuck is going on? Are humans degenerating into apes?

P.s: I just want to apologize to all apes who are reading this for insulting you. Apes would never do this  to each other, but scumbag "humans" sure do.

*Adam and the rest of the Bitlend/Paycoin team: Make sure you give Trixster, the paycoiner fucked out of his life savings after investing in Paycoin to try to leave his children something more and dying a horrible death from cancer, a couple pennies out of your latest haul, you super duper swell guys yous! Fuck YEAAAH!!! Way to go Mr FAke Christian asshole hypocrite Adam and associates.

I am starting to wonder if Earth has been invaded by body snatching scammers from the planet Fuckingassholeatron. What I am seeing going on here is definitely not the way Human Beings would behave.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 23, 2015, 10:00:00 PM
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 23, 2015, 06:14:26 PM
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 23, 2015, 12:10:46 PM
Korfax is hammering hard on the Paycoiners:

Ahh, Now you're cooking with gas, bro! No more messing around with just two lil' ol' invites .

Uhhh, sorry, asshole. The BTC is HERE, not there, morons. Your pathetic Paycoiner pals have already been thoroughly fleeced by the same bunch of crooks who are now running Bitlend. Hows about a nice juicy FAIL sandwich with Scam sauce? Then you can go take a big Paycoin and wipe your ass with your "invites". Even the Paycoiner "Freddie Mercury coming out of a toothed vagina" knows enough to stay away from the scumbags running Bitlend. You are really going to have to scrape the bottom of the fucking barrel to find some dumbasses to take advantage of, better get busy!

As you can clearly see, Bitlend has NOTHING to do with Paycoin or the GAW scum that pulled that scam, which is why it was rolled out on Paycoiner forums and targeted specifically at the dumbass Paycoiners, and of course manned exclusively by the very people who ran and still are running the Paycoin fraud operation. In a slightly ironic twist, you can see a thread about the Global Advisors phishing scam Email that was targeted at people from the GAW/Zencloud customer database that by "pure coincidence" happened to be controlled by Joe Mordica, the very same guy who is in charge of the Bitlend customer database. Allen, you can take your "They have not been CONVICTED" of crimes yet" horse shit and buy a Paycoin with it. These scumbags ARE scammers, and the best case scenario is that you are a fool for hiring them. What your opinion of these GAW turds is is completely irrelevant. If you are NOT just a complete and total fool, then there is likely something else going on. If there is some sort of explanation for all of this, I suggest coming out of your little shithole private Paycoiner echochamber forum and do some serious 'splainin and tell everyone why everything about this scum filled Bitlend operation is actually the opposite of what it looks like. Or, just keep following the scam playbook like you are right now. I am sure you will be pleased to know that as of this morning this thread exposing the scumbags in this operation officially has a higher G search ranking  than does. If you continue on your chosen path, the disparity between the two will continue to grow. Eventually, some of the clients for your regular business are going to start seeing what you are involved in and the type of people you have intentionally selected to be working with sensitive data. Do you think THEY will give a rat's ass about your lame ass rationalizations about why these scumbags are "not convicted yet" and are therefore trustworthy?  You seem like a decent and likeable fellow, at some point you should do the honorable and proper thing and punch out of this fucking Lead Zeppelin you launched and save what is left of your integrity. Seriously. Wake the fuck up.

sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 22, 2015, 04:46:27 PM
Props to Paul Revere.  

Most of us jaded internauts would take one look at a puerile scam site run by some folks who live in extreme poverty (financial and intellectual) and simply move on with our daily business as with any CHEAP V14GR4!! spam mail.  However Herr. Revere has put in good work to help those more gullible.  Hats off to you sir.  

Thank you kindly, sir. When this popped up a few days ago, I figured it was just another not needed and in the end probably detrimental "service" and said my piece. Then I saw that there were Paycoiners involved and started pulling on some loose threads. Imagine my surprise when Joe Mordica fell out of Allens underwear! This is way off of the charts wacky, when you have the guy leading the big lawsuit against GAW hiring the very guy who implemented that scam. Homero Garza did not actually do jack shit. He stole exactly as many dollars as Hitler killed Jews. None. Zero. (Not counting embezzlement, of course) They both had other people commit the actual crimes, and in the case of GAW, the #1 guy who made the whole Hashlet Ponzi and then Zencloud/Paycoin scams function was Joe Mordica. It is completely nuts.
Activity: 1066
Merit: 1050
Khazad ai-menu!
September 22, 2015, 04:35:16 PM
Props to Paul Revere. 

Most of us jaded internauts would take one look at a puerile scam site run by some folks who live in extreme poverty (financial and intellectual) and simply move on with our daily business as with any CHEAP V14GR4!! spam mail.  However Herr. Revere has put in good work to help those more gullible.  Hats off to you sir. 

sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 260
The Scamcoats are coming!
September 22, 2015, 04:29:16 PM
I also love the statement that "Joe had a copy", and this was the source code for what is now Bitlend. Put that one your pipe and puff on it for a second. Joe made an information robbery (Backdoor? Thumbdrive?) from GAW, and this is now Bitlend? Surely you jest, good sir!

Ah shit I'm slow. Now I remember Joe's e-mails saying something about BTCJam, screenshots, etc from as early as mid-2014. I was wondering what that meant. So GAW were developing a BTCJam "competitor" and cmilian seems to think that Joe kept the source code and it later became BitLend. Now of course cmilian is not what I would call a reliable witness but it's an interesting coincidence nonetheless.

Right, and if you think about the timing, sounds quite plausible that BTCLend and Bitlend are actually the same code. If what was to become Bitlend was already done, why would Homero pay GAW devs to work on BTCLend later? We know Josh put GAW devs to work on getting BTClend up and running, it is in the emails.  Makes no sense that way. If they are both the same source code and Joe had some of it already worked out before Cmilian came along pimping BTCLend to Josh and they then finished it, it makes more sense. Whichever way, it appears that Honest Joe made off with the source code of Bitlend from GAW, according to Honest Carmelo.
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