Unfortunately, there is currently no reasonably reputable exchange where you can buy NEX after Aphelion has closed its doors. Now the only reasonably safe way is to buy OTC in a reputable group on Telegram like House of Escrow. Don't use a possible scam exchanges like Tokok, if somebody wouldn't take the risk to buy OTC, just wait for an better exchange.
Can you vouch for the House of Escrow? I wouldn't recommend anybody to buy OTC. NEX will most likely be live until the end of the year, if not it will be live Q1 2019. And they will have listed NEX token. Just buy it there.
I am more and more sure that NEX is something that the space needs. A great product delivered could help the bear turn into a bull we are all waiting for.
Of course I can't vouch for House of Escrow, but it's used very often and seems to be legit, but there's also restrictive risk for sure.
So, I assume you haven't used it yourself? I wouldn't trust it than. I also received a random telegram PM, that I should be careful and not to use House of Escrow.
IMO, the incentive for scams OTC is just too high to have a trustworthy OTC. One big scam and you are good to go. Without any consequences whatsoever. Why would than anybody work for the "small" fees and solve problems?
Not me personally, but a colleague of mine who's sitting next to me has already used House of Escrow without any problem. He used it because it's the recommended OTC group in the (unofficial) NEX Telegram Group "NEON Exchange".
Of course that's not a 100% guarantee and I agree with you, it's risky, but if I were to buy NEX
now it would be my preferred option, and I would start with small amounts of course.
To wait for a legit exchange is the secure way - the worst thing that could happen would be a significantly higher price then.
Everybody has to decide for themselves.