Indeed, 1miau's topic is very useful, I fully agree.
I was a few years ahead of you
In fact, I just mentioned that topic recently, together with another topic written also by 1miau. Perhaps we could add both... The second one is How to add a Bitcoin address to Electrum / difference sweep and import priv. key.
I was assigned by 1miau to be in charge of all translations for his topics.
As a consequence, I will approve the translation of that topic (or both), in case Porf and the rest of AOBTers will find it (them) suitable for being translated. At same time, if the topic(s) will be approved, please make sure to send me a preview before posting the translations.
Great job guys! We already have now 6 translations, therefore only 4 are still needed
Dear Porf, please be aware that a Pidgin translation is also available for witcher_sense's topic, thanks to our dear Mia Chloe Can you add this translation too, please!