Spanish ANN has been updated with the latest corrections.
At same time,
Romanian ANN has also been updated with latest corrections.
One small suggestion to joker_josue: maybe it would be better to add a hyperlink on TryNinja's profile too? I mean here:
At same time, I strongly recommend to remove gagux123 from translators list as he is simply unable to perform translations. He translated
one of my topics on May 2nd but he simply made a mess from that translation. Multiple Portuguese users pointed him out severe mistakes he did regarding the content itself.
I, on my side, sent him a PM on May 2nd, pointing him out some other errors he made, related to text formatting, which was not following the original content.
He replied after 2 weeks saying he is sorry and that he fixed all errors. 90% of the errors I sent him were still there. He sent then another PM, saying he will make all fixes needed. He contacted me once more, saying he fixed everything -- and, again, another lie.
This user is either unable to make translations or he is simply not giving a dam about his work. This is totally unacceptable!
Following the formatting of the original content and making a correct translation is a sign of respect for the author, first of all, and also for your work. If someone reads a mess of a translation he may believe that the author also wrote a mess and the translator only translated the mess of the author.
Furthermore, replying once in 2 weeks is also totally unacceptable! If there is a client which buys translations in multiple languages, including Portuguese; then if gagux123 makes a mess of that translation, the client will simply not buy it and he will be disappointed. He may also make bad public comments for the entire group (
and it would be totally understandable!!!), affecting AOBT's reputation as a whole. Furthermore, if the client would contact him and tell him what errors to fix and gagux123 will reply after 2-3 weeks saying he fixed everything while, in fact, he did not do it -- how would that client feel?!
I've also had some interactions in the past with gagux123 and each time he replied after 2-3 weeks.
He is not serious, not reliable and also unable to perform translations. I recommend his elimination from the group and, if anybody interested in buying translations in Portuguese sees this post --
avoid dealing with this user!