Hi everyone.
Looks like some pool server side load issues have caused some oddities with the shares database being delayed a bit. The load balancing I had in place for stratum was not properly distributing the load between servers and eloipool instances and instead was maxing out just a handful of them on one server. This is due to the way I originally designed the load balancing to be compatible with getwork mining, but, is not really imperative anymore. I'm working on this now.
This is what is causing the stats to act completely crazy with hash rates jumping all over the place. Balances and related stats are correct, however.
I temporarily halved the target shares per minute for variable difficulty to reduce database load on this server until the load balances out. Right now it is targeting 16 shares per minute instead of the normal 32 shares per minute like it normally does. This is why some people are seeing higher work diff than normal. I will set this back to normal as soon as I get the load balancing stuff straightened out, which shouldn't be long.
The stats are another issue, since this delay actually delays the timestamping of the shares, so, I won't be able to go back and correct the errors in the hash rate graphs and such, unfortunately.
Now, as for people complaining that their balances are incorrect or less than the should be, I advise you to read up on CPPSRB. CPPSRB is
NOT proportional or PPLNS. The basics are, you don't just get a set % of every block the pool finds. That is a broken reward system open to exploits.
The funds under CPPSRB are paid to the share log. If all of yours are paid (ie: you have been paid 100% PPS for all of your work) then the pool pays other miners who have not yet been paid. You can not get paid more than the work you put in. Every share is worth, currently, 25/network_difficulty. No more, no less. When all of yours are paid, you are paid. Usually, you will have some shelved shares in the share log. When that happens, at the beginning of each round your estimate will "jump" up to what appears to be a proportional amount. But it can never give you more than you have in the share log. If you're paid up completely (shares rewarded=100%) then you are paid. You only get what you put in.
Capped Pay-per-share with recent backpay (CPPSRB)-wk