we all got rewarded with our shares every time we (pool) solve one block.
usually it takes form 5-10 minutes to 2-2.5 hours for pool to solve block.
well we are solving this one for almost 9 hours.
See it like looking for a needle in a haystack, where we most of the time find the needle very fast, as difficulty increases, theres more hay, in a bigger space for each increase. we can still be lucky, but luck always evens out.. And this is what we see now, streak of luck in recent past, and now we get to eat it up..
about 60 blocks were found since this pool last block.
according to bitcoinwatch.com the pool is at least of 10% the total network hash.
the probability of NOT finding the next block is 9/10 =90 %.
the probability of NOT finding 60 blocks in a row is (9/10)^60=0.001 which is 0.1% or 1 in a 1000 chance!
So I am 99.9% sure that there is a technical problem with the pool.
Edit: 9/20^60= 0.017 and 9/10^65=0.001.we already got to 65 block in a row.