Can you clearly mention which part of country does Lauda belongs and what is his TAX ID?
Why do you have this insane notion that someone would willingly post their location and tax details to a public forum?
Because he’s insane. “Bats in the belfry” is my medical diagnosis, especially since it has been discovered that
Lauda is in fact a flying catbat.
Of course, a location sufficient to identify jurisdiction would not suffice: Also impliedly needed are a full “legal” name, and a physical address. Date of birth would also be helpful. Plus of course, the tax ID (
if Lauda even be subject to a jurisdiction which uses tax ID numbers). Altogether, endlasuresh has peremptorily commanded that Lauda commit the most extraordinary self-doxing ever yet seen on the Intertubes!
In other news, doctor, I urgently need your help with
a serious case of Pleurodelinaemia.
You forgot: Lauda is a tax evading sockpuppeting pill addict
who turned you into a newt. Even if you got better, you should not let the crime go unpunished!
Yes, a most horrendous case of Pleurodelinaemia, and one that required my years of knowledge to treat. Casting such a spell is clearly treason, and therefore
I would argue for capital punishment.
Capital punishment? Oh, no—not punishment of the Bitcoins! That would be cruel and unusual.
Still this thread not reached to FBI, but ill submit it to FBI and as one Indian here said same thing retarded.
In nanae, a ridiculous legal threat such as this was called a “cartooney” (also spelt “cart00ney”). The same as for “lawsuites” which will be filed any time, now...
Anyway, I know that the FBI just loves receiving nonsensical reports about imaginary crimes by persons who are probably not even under the jurisdiction of the United States. To help keep busy agents organized, they even have a special file for such reports. It is called the “roundfile”.
P.S., please also report me to the FBI, the CBI, the ABC, and the XYZ, too. I would not want to feel left out—and nor would any agency!
[Pre-posting edit: @Steamtyme, I wrote that before I saw your post. Good thinking. Cheers.]
You never seen Lauda's nasty things here?
You have no idea how nasty Lauda is! Look here:
As I was initiated into a
cryptic cult with rites of the goddess Hecate, the renowned paranormal researcher William Blake caught this photograph of
Lauda shapeshifted to the form of a flying catbat:
The witch LAUDAIdentified Flying Object (IFO)
(Better than a UFO. Much better than an ICO.) Is any more
actual proof needed to sustain a charge of
Ceterum censeo, Quickseller should kill himself.