
Topic: PAPERBACK - Encyclopedia of Physical Bitcoins and Crypto-Currencies - page 6. (Read 27191 times)

Activity: 3780
Merit: 1418
Could I ask what is the lowest doubled matching number collector edition there is.  Would it be possible to publish which number sign series were now collector editions, just for complete transparency of all the numbered books?
Activity: 3780
Merit: 1418
Could I ask what is the lowest doubled matching number collector edition there is.  Would it be possible to publish which number sign series were now collector editions?
Activity: 1401
Merit: 1143
The Cryptonumist
Special Edition First Print #09/100 has become available as a result of a cancellation.
It is being auctioned off, with the auction ending at 4pm EST on Thursday.

#36/100 has also opened up for reservation (first come first serve).

Can I switch one of my reservations for #36? I currently have 2 numbers in the 40's.

Yes, that is fine! PM me and let me know what to switch.
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1989
฿uy ฿itcoin
Special Edition First Print #09/100 has become available as a result of a cancellation.
It is being auctioned off, with the auction ending at 4pm EST on Thursday.

#36/100 has also opened up for reservation (first come first serve).

Can I switch one of my reservations for #36? I currently have 2 numbers in the 40's.
Activity: 1401
Merit: 1143
The Cryptonumist
Special Edition First Print #09/100 has become available as a result of a cancellation.
It is being auctioned off, with the auction ending at 4pm EST on Thursday.

#36/100 has also opened up for reservation (first come first serve).
Activity: 1401
Merit: 1143
The Cryptonumist
I understand that this is a tricky situation because it was a last minute call to make the Signature Editions. The only thing that you could've done more is by offering it to the first 20 people who pre-ordered your book. They were the ones to show most trust and interest in your book. I am bummed that I missed out on a Signature Edition but I can only blame myself for not deciding sooner Sad.

When will the books be shipped?

I am inclined to agree that it may have been a better approach. That said, it would have its own complications as I only record the number of the books reserved, not necessarily the order in which reservations happened.

The books will be shipped on the 19th or 20th; once I am done with my exams.

Activity: 2198
Merit: 1989
฿uy ฿itcoin
I understand that this is a tricky situation because it was a last minute call to make the Signature Editions. The only thing that you could've done more is by offering it to the first 20 people who pre-ordered your book. They were the ones to show most trust and interest in your book. I am bummed that I missed out on a Signature Edition but I can only blame myself for not deciding sooner Sad.

When will the books be shipped?
Activity: 1401
Merit: 1143
The Cryptonumist
Letting the first few people buy up the lot on a first come first serve basis when the whole project was financed with prepaid orders is dishonest and unprofessional. You can send my refund to 1Pstchot2E47xwWR4zzW2XxHh5V1yMJRoS.

I'm sorry you feel this way.

As bithalo stated, we were constrained by the number of Signature Edition copies that we were able to make, and time was an issue. Considering there were ~50 individuals who had pre-ordered, and only 20 Signature Edition's up for grabs, I don't know if there would have been a way to make this much more 'fair'. I did limit the copies to only those who had pre-ordered, and made it a first-come, first-serve model among those people. only. Holding so many separate auctions would have been impractical.
That said, I have retained ~3 copies for myself, paired with low xx/100 numbers. My intent is to make these available by auction later on, so truly anyone has the chance to get one. I also auctioned off #25, which was mis-reserved on my end.

I have sent you a PM, and hope to work this out with you. Because of your unique situation which you mentioned, I have also offered to send you a digital version of the book for free once it becomes available, whether you cancel your order or not.

Activity: 1470
Merit: 1000
Letting the first few people buy up the lot on a first come first serve basis when the whole project was financed with prepaid orders is dishonest and unprofessional. You can send my refund to 1Pstchot2E47xwWR4zzW2XxHh5V1yMJRoS.

I am very disappointed that the people who paid in full months ago were not give even a week to reserve a copy of the collectors signature edition. If you had offered a deluxe version from the beginning, I would have bought that instead.

agreed, a few hours to fight over 25 copies when we have waited months is bad form and has soured a great endeavor. more consideration should have been made for early investors who were not able to act at such short notice.

I had asked about a signed edition a long time ago on this thread before I volunteered for the project.  I later pushed for it again a couple months ago.  It took those few months to get confirmation if Mike C would sign these, since we felt it was very important.  It was literally the last minute figuring out the details on many things, if Mike would sign, how many he would sign, logistics, and if we were going to go ahead.  As such,  this edition wasn't guaranteed from the beginning.

I think we were all surprised by the level of interest, and didn't think it would sell out within 48 hrs.  Elias did email out a PM to those that pre-ordered to be able to upgrade, and offered it only to people who preordered the regular edition to be as fair as possible.   While in theory more books could be signed by the 3 authors and made wallets, Mike only agreed to a certain amount, so we're constrained by that amount, plus what we committed to as an edition size for the people who bought this.

Activity: 1470
Merit: 1017
Star Wars Ep. 9 is here
I am very disappointed that the people who paid in full months ago were not give even a week to reserve a copy of the collectors signature edition. If you had offered a deluxe version from the beginning, I would have bought that instead.

agreed, a few hours to fight over 25 copies when we have waited months is bad form and has soured a great endeavor. more consideration should have been made for early investors who were not able to act at such short notice.

I had asked about a signed edition a long time ago on this thread before I volunteered for the project.  I later pushed for it again a couple months ago.  It took those few months to get confirmation if Mike C would sign these, since we felt it was very important.  It was literally the last minute figuring out the details on many things, if Mike would sign, how many he would sign, logistics, and if we were going to go ahead.  As such,  this edition wasn't guaranteed from the beginning.

I think we were all surprised by the level of interest, and didn't think it would sell out within 48 hrs.  Elias did email out a PM to those that pre-ordered to be able to upgrade, and offered it only to people who preordered the regular edition to be as fair as possible.   While in theory more books could be signed by the 3 authors and made wallets, Mike only agreed to a certain amount, so we're constrained by that amount, plus what we committed to as an edition size for the people who bought this.

hero member
Activity: 943
Merit: 783
In Memory of Zepher
I am very disappointed that the people who paid in full months ago were not give even a week to reserve a copy of the collectors signature edition. If you had offered a deluxe version from the beginning, I would have bought that instead.

The signature editions were only offered to people who had already prepaid and the rest were not going to be offered to the general public until 4/11, but because demand was much higher than 25 among the pre-buyers they sold out within a few hours. Maybe he could have limited it to one signature edition per buyer to give more people a chance though.   
Activity: 2242
Merit: 1057
I am very disappointed that the people who paid in full months ago were not give even a week to reserve a copy of the collectors signature edition. If you had offered a deluxe version from the beginning, I would have bought that instead.

agreed, a few hours to fight over 25 copies when we have waited months is bad form and has soured a great endeavor. more consideration should have been made for early investors who were not able to act at such short notice.
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1000
I am very disappointed that the people who paid in full months ago were not give even a week to reserve a copy of the collectors signature edition. If you had offered a deluxe version from the beginning, I would have bought that instead.
full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 117
I want to reserve #64 and #71 i use paypal please tell me where to send the money!
Newbie requesting for payment with PayPal, OP handle it with care. Also the first post is in here, looks very much legit.  Tongue Tongue

I have a well documented history of being quite trusting here..
What I dislike about this community is the suspicion and distrust; I almost quit more than once because of it.
That said, I will give them the fair opportunity to pay by Paypal as long as it seems legit.

Thanks Just sent the payment for 2 copy's of Encyclopedia of Physical Bitcoins and Crypto-Currencies, cant wait to get these copys!
hero member
Activity: 639
Merit: 504
I reserve 78 but I cant see a price?

70 GBP each which is ~0.236 BTC at current price

price is in OP
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1000
I reserve 78 but I cant see a price?
Activity: 1401
Merit: 1143
The Cryptonumist
I want to reserve #64 and #71 i use paypal please tell me where to send the money!
Newbie requesting for payment with PayPal, OP handle it with care. Also the first post is in here, looks very much legit.  Tongue Tongue

I have a well documented history of being quite trusting here..
What I dislike about this community is the suspicion and distrust; I almost quit more than once because of it.
That said, I will give them the fair opportunity to pay by Paypal as long as it seems legit.
hero member
Activity: 994
Merit: 1000
I want to reserve #64 and #71 i use paypal please tell me where to send the money!
Newbie requesting for payment with PayPal, OP handle it with care. Also the first post is in here, looks very much legit.  Tongue Tongue
full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 117
I want to reserve #64 and #71 i use paypal please tell me where to send the money!
Activity: 1401
Merit: 1143
The Cryptonumist
This stamp could go on the front cover, on the back or inside.
Is there a general preference?
I also agree with the others that it should be inside of the book.

All books have now been stamped on the inside.
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