Who likes having to borrow money? Unless you are a loan shark and lend with collateral where the risk is almost zero, why lend money where you end up with a loss? 'cause in addition to no one paying you with interest, most never pay you on time, at least you will get your money back after repeated charges.
Some people even go so far as to ask me to borrow money for what? to bet!! What a joke. I answer briefly and bluntly that I don't have the money to lend for these purposes!
And the worst thing is that they ask me for small amounts, like $2, 5, 10$... I think that if the person doesn't have that money now, the chances of them getting that money to pay you are low. If the person is in need, it's easier for them to confess right away to see what I can do, because I'm not a bad person.
Do you usually lend money to relatives, friends, etc.? Have you ever felt bad about it, done it unwillingly?
It is a though place to be in. Due to peculiar way I am managing my betting bank and hotwallets I am always borrowing or lending money to people.
When I am borrowing I have few great guys from the forum I know I count on and on the other hand they know I am good for it. Those are all loans without exact return date and without interest. On the other hand I usually pay back at least a bit more and they have an option to get money back inside 24 hours if they need it urgently.
When I am lending money to other people, those are usually relatively small amounts and I consider them as lost the moment I give them out. Don't get me wrong, I expect to get them back but I am in a mental state where if I don't I wouldn't be surprised or allow that to ruin friendship or family ties. Of course they wouldn't get the money next time but I would let it slide for close friends and family. When talking about unknowns, like people on the forum here I don't know, I still write off that money but would hold them off to their ward and demand payback. Failure to do so would be red tag offense, not immediately but after several missed deadlines for sure.
Doesn't matter what they need money for as far as I am concerned. I trust them that they have their vices under control enough to not ruin their lives. If I see it isn't so I will try to give them some advice but that is it.