The front page's counter puts them at 12% of the needed goal of 850k in sales during the first quarter, the goal is needed to keep them at their current pricing. It is by far the most ambitious push for bitcoins mainstream acceptance we have so far seen. I myself have bought 364$ worth of sdd hardrives. Recieved them and am pleased with how everything went. Im browsing to find something more I could use as we speak, but I can only do so mch. If you care about bitcoin, have some and need any electronics now is the time to act. The counter currently stands at 110,964 / 850,000$. They are beating all or nearly all their competitors in prices, simply because their profit margin stands at what normally goes to creditcard companies.
Seeing the counter as low as it is makes me sort of feel ashamed for this community. We really can and most certainly should do better.
[disclamer: the poster is in no way more affiliated with bitcoinstore than being a customer, who cares deeply about their venture succeeding.]
The time to act is now.
deeply concerned
- Isokivi
As much as I appreciate Roger Ver and his efforts for Bitcoin, I don't see how the community should be called out to help his enterprise survice like this. Setting a target of sales of 850 000 the first month is very optimistic. I think a better way would be just to start and see how it goes, and then build from there. It's not possible to start a business, and then rely on the income for the first month to decide whether the business is to continue or not. If Ver and associates has done deals that demands that they have sales worth 850 000 USD in the first month as a condition to continue their business partnerships, then that's not a very smart move imo.
From where I stand, 110K USD of sales seems like an astounding success to me, while I understand that this is far below the target, I wouldn't expect a store selling products denominated in bitcoins to have sales going through the skyes at this point.
Most businesses start out slow, and then grow by time, and is no different. While we can help them succeed, calling on the community to make them succeed I'm not sure of will be happening.
I was contemplating purchasing from their store when doing a purchase, I wrote about it here: the end I decided to buy locally as I found it safer, I asked them about bitcoin acceptance, which they declined. As you can see, there didn't seem to be much community interest about the issue anyway..
This being said, I wish BitcoinStore success, and hope they will not close doors even if they don't meet their wanted sales volume for the first month!