This is not up to you, this is my project, i will release it how it is, at the top of the page it says [PRE-ANN] which stands for pre-announcement, which means it is a non-complete project. I'm not quite sure who you think you are telling me i cannot speak until its complete, but i can assure you, i can and i will do as i wish.
i'm only one person, whilst juggling PM's, posts, coding & real life, can be quite challenging, so i have chosen to prioritize accordingly, this is not a multi-million dollar project with 18 team members, its just myself. I have dedicated myself to the project and it will be completed, if your not happy with that response and want a insta-release-pump-and-dump-isntant 9999%gain then you may want to look elsewhere, this is not the project you are looking for, this is a genuine idea which was formed into a project which is being actively developed, once released will be one of a kind and have real world use.
If you use donor funds correctly, this will greatly speed up the process of developing a code and putting it into practice.
I agree that this is your project, but it is being developed for the entire community, and this should be taken into account.
I wish this project to achieve its goal in the shortest time. I hope everything will be as good as possible!
I would also like to add about Distribution, the best method will be that which will be accessible to all and should not be complicated. 1) Captcha (today there are many different captcha's with a high protection from the bots), 2) Or use some easy browser game.