Hi Stone supporters, apologies for the variance in communication over the last two days, a little technical insight into what stage right now, and what is currently filling my time.
A DAG G Transitive reduction of G
If G is a DAG, its transitive closure is the graph with the most edges that represents the same reachability relation. It has an edge u → v whenever u can reach v. That is, it has an edge for every related pair u ≤ v of distinct elements in the reachability relation of G, and may therefore be thought of as a direct translation of the reachability relation ≤ into graph-theoretic terms. The same method of translating partial orders into DAGs works more generally: for every finite partially ordered set (S, ≤), the graph that has a vertex for each member of S and an edge for each pair of elements related by u ≤ v is automatically a transitively closed DAG, and has (S, ≤) as its reachability relation. In this way, every finite partially ordered set can be represented as the reachability relation of a DAG.
The transitive reduction of a DAG G is the graph with the fewest edges that represents the same reachability relation as G. It is a subgraph of G, formed by discarding the edges u → v for which G also contains a longer path connecting the same two vertices. Like the transitive closure, the transitive reduction is uniquely defined for DAGs. In contrast, for a directed graph that is not acyclic, there can be more than one minimal subgraph with the same reachability relation.
With the 'Transitive reduction of G' it will bring some sense of privacy ontop of zk-SNARK's, which effectively will make it more secure than ZCash ![Cool](https://bitcointalk.org/Smileys/default/cool.gif)
Whilst i don't want to make any promises right now, i'm looking at getting another developer onboard, with the development funds provided, to get the project completed quicker, as its proving to be quite the task and larger than originally expected, are we all happy for this to go ahead? I'm also looking to get a roadmap out the door at some stage!, possibly within the next two weeks, i have quite the treat prepared in terms of a roadmap, just need to get it projected onto a graphic.
I appreciate all the donators so far, and i will be responding to PM's when i can, i will just need a little longer than usual, thank you.
felixando When will you be using escrow for more donations?
Escrow, a third-party, for donations? I'm sorry but that sentence does not compute, they are donations, non-mandatory, optional. This is not a crowdsale where people pay me to complete a project, this is a donation based project, and out of my personal supply i have decided to gift donators.
I recommend following the thread and waiting for the future release, no commitment required.
This is genius imaging if everyone was this inventive.
Like every shop I go in and i donate and they give me some produce from their personal stash
I have the option of donating to my window cleaner and he then gifts me some of his window cleaning talents.
I recommend you using escrow because without it it is unavoidably going to be called a scam.
1. it turns out you produce nothing and are the zeth scammer
2. you code out something but deliberately kept the "donations" (ico) small and narrow ripe for manipulation and market making but making people suspect it is a scam by refusing to use escrow
Answer what reason could you have for not using escrow if you plan to complete the project?
Why would you not use escrow is the important question because you would get more donations if you did. Are you saying you don't like donations?
So what is your reason for not having escrow? its a reasonable question ...lets have a reasonable answer?