And I wouldn't say 'violent towards life', more like 'chaotic'.
Man doesn't have to understand the definition of perfection. Just have (and that is easy to do) to understand and see imperfection all around us.
All you gotta do is look at all the imperfection around to see that even imperfection acts perfectly. Of course, if it didn't exist, then you could say that it didn't act at all.
So the death of my grand father by cancer was a "perfect imperfection" that's what you're telling me?
I'm not necessarily telling you anything.
What part of your grandfather's death by cancer operated outside of the laws of nature? None of it. All the laws of nature acted perfectly.
If all laws of nature acted perfectly and god was not responsible for them what is the need for a god? And if god is responsible, then I refer you to valta4065's comment.
The laws of nature act perfectly BECAUSE God is responsible for them. Here's how it worked and works yet today.
God made the laws of nature and set everything into being.
Among the laws of nature existed the ability of mankind to freely act against God, which, if mankind did it, would destroy nature and the universe... built right into the laws of nature.
Mankind DID turn against God, and nature was in the process of being destroyed almost instantly.
God didn't make nature and people for nothing. He had purpose. Part of the purpose was that people were and are the objects of God's love. Nature was part of God's gifts to us.
God realized that people didn't understand how foolish and stupid they were being by turning against Him, so He stopped the destruction by sending His Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for all people for turning against God. The work that Jesus did on the cross, actually upheld the universe and the laws of nature right from the beginning times when mankind turned against God.
God also gave mankind the thing that they asked for by their turning against God. This thing is death, and all the pains and problems that people have in life which culminate in death.
All of it operates perfectly, in a perfect nature, according to perfect natural laws. God is perfectly giving people the thing the formally asked for > death. God is giving people the thing that they thought they were asking for > better life. God is preparing a better life for those who are not against Him, in the coming resurrection.
Wake up and turn to God so that you are not permanently destroyed by your adamant obstinance in remaining against God.
So, god is responsible, then.
Bible should start with "God created Heaven, Earth and Hell". Somehow they skipped that part.
He created Hell to torment you for eternity, but he loves you
God is responsible for it all. Because having responsibility is so wonderful, He gave yours to you. Since you used your responsibility to reject God, He is giving you what you asked for... the ability to not have any responsibility for anything anymore.
But in case you change your mind, you have the ability to take responsibility again for a while... as long as your life exists. You can responsibly accept God and eternal life if you want.
You know, I played "hide and seek" until I was about 6, then go tired of it.
God, just show your fucking face. Otherwise, you don't exist. End of story.
BTW, don't blame me for the mistakes of your imaginary friend.
Poor baby. Made your mistakes in life, and can't get out of them.
Come to Jesus God and He will take your mistakes and convert them into eternal life for you. However, you certainly have the freedom to keep on trying your own way. Better work fast, though. You probably don't have a hundred years left... and maybe only minutes.
Do you even know how to read? Do you read from any other books other than the Bible? I doubt it.
I said don't blame me for the mistakes of your imaginary friend.
Great! Say it all day. But you don't even know if I have an imaginary friend or not. And I certainly wouldn't blame you for my friend's mistakes, even if my friend were imaginary.
However, you get the blame for your own mistakes, especially the ones of not accepting God.
What is all this nonsense that you keep writing?
BSDecker, Let me spell it out for you: God is your imaginary friend.
Now let me show you how mixed up you are. God might be imaginary for you, but He is my real friend.