k9quaint, you, once again, are apparently too dense to understand the difference between being wrong and "misrepresentation." Since you're unable to even differentiate between two very simple words, we really don't have much to discuss. I recommend trying to learn basic English before trying to debate me. You're pathetic it at.
But lets look at the BFL clown crew: Tom is a scammer, no surprise there. BitcoinINV, another scammer... no surprise there. CreativeX is still around trolling, as is Syke. Cedivad and Abracadabra have a BFL order now, shocker. ElectricMusic has stopped? He drops in to troll now and again, but I've had him on ignore for a long time. Abracadabra... yep BFL order. That leaves SolarSilver.
Let's tally:
9 BFL clown crew total.
2 Scammers
2 BFL converts
4 Trolls still trollin' hard
1 MIA (SolarSilver)
So yeah... 44% still trolling, 22% BFL, 22% scammers and 11% Other. Gonna go with: k9quaint: FAIL
I've been watching with quite a bit of interest, and I must confess, a high degree of amusement.
Inaba, I haven't been around long enough to know you or your history well enough, so this is a bit of a disclaimer. I chose this post because of one particular statement, rather than to be personal. It applies in varying degrees to everyone involved in this brawl. Yes, I said
All of you have demonstrated, damn near in textbook fashion, all of the logical fallacies that any debater should know and understand before opening their mouth, let alone laying fingers to the keyboards. While what y'all are doing is entertaining, and sometimes informative, referring to it as
debate is disingenuous at best.
If you (collectively) want to at least APPEAR to be debating, I suggest you follow this link and learn something of the art.
http://www.csun.edu/~dgw61315/fallacies.htmlThat being said, I am highly interested in the BFL line of products, and deeply concerned about the troubles of the company. I don't think BFL is a deliberate scam, but the business practices they have demonstrated are deeply troubling. I want to buy a couple of the high end machines, but can't currently justify the risk. I may pre order the little guy just to see what happens, but honestly it's ROI is unlikely to be very good even at that price by the time BFL ships. IF BFL ships.
Those of you who seem to have some inside influence or acquaintance with BFL would be serving your contacts well to put 'em up against a wall and explain basic economics and basic ethical business to them. It's fairly simple. Don't bullshit your customers. If you got a problem, especially on something highly speculative like this, you don't be vague, you TELL those who are invested or thinking about it UP FRONT. Most of us understand. What we don't understand is being obfuscatory. It makes you look like you are being deliberately shady, even if you're just reacting. The truth may hurt, but the rumour mill created by being anything less than honest WILL hurt more.