BFL has been caught in so many misrepresentations to date, all of which has been documented to death on this forum.
People claim there is no evidence of "intent". While defending their specs they made claims about the state of their chips and performance measurements of units that supposedly existed. Given what we know now, those claims could not possibly have been merely in error.
Except... that's not really true. Not terribly surprising coming from you, but none the less. Trolls like you like to trot this out but to date, not a single one has been able to produce any evidence to back up this claim. Meanwhile, in reality-land, I have provided numerous links and evidence to the contrary. It's funny how you make these claims but never once back up your statements, but you keep at it, hoping someone will believe your BS.
The reason why so many of these threads appear is because of people like you. You refuse to read the evidence presented in past threads, so we have to rehash the same stuff over and over again. Then Josh and his Sockpuppet show appears and starts yelling about trolls and calling everyone names.
Ahh the wonderful sockpuppet defense. For the record, BFL has exactly zero sockpuppet accounts. Just like poor little Bryan Micon and his claims of a massive BFL Bot army downvoting his ridiculous little Reddit rants, it's just impossible for people like you, who have a tenuous grasp on reality at best, to believe that rational people actually evaluate the situation and the facts in a coherent manner and come to the logical conclusion. Your little warped sense of reality doesn't really hold up to any sort of thorough or really even a cursory investigation. It's why this particular subforum on Bitcointalk is the ass end of the internet - so many lies and deceit perpetrated by people with agendas, unbalanced sense of reality or just plain crazy, most rational people stay far, far away from it.
There's a little handful of you trolls who troll every BFL thread. I wouldn't even be posting here if there was moderation weeding out your useless little diatribes, but since there's none, here I am, arguing with idiots.
It's like a hobby at this point. One I could certainly leave behind and be glad to be rid of it, let me tell you. Maybe one day we'll get some real moderation here and Bitcointalk can become a place where rational adults can have discourse again, but not until people like PL, Syke, k9quaint, etc are all perma-banned.