
Topic: Recieved 50GH BFL Single Today! - page 4. (Read 51125 times)

full member
Activity: 123
Merit: 100
June 23, 2013, 05:57:55 PM
Looks distinctly... old, scratched and used, not a nice polished surface. Maybe it's just the photos...

Have fun mining! Make sure to update with power usage.

Sure does, but it does the job so it doesn't matter  Wink If the machine is making me four digits a month I wouldn't care how it looks xD Just keep working! Lol
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
June 23, 2013, 05:34:07 PM
Being a private company (as opposed to a publicly listed one), what requirement is there that they say who their backers are? You say there aren't any backers, but provide zero proof of that too. Saying what you wish to be the case to justify your feelings towards them?
LOL... How can I prove something doesn't exist? More or less it is the same argument ignorant people use to "prove" that God exists just because nobody proved he doesn't. You're not in your right mind, are you?

Thats the fun thing about it, you can no more prove something doesn't exist than I can prove it does. Yet despite that you present your claim as fact. You now go claiming I'm the one who isn't right in the mind? Well for one thing I can certainly deny that. I'd like you to find one post of mine that illustrates any symptoms of insanity :-)
Point I'm trying to get across here, which you put so eloquently in your own way, is that your argument that VC backing does not exist is no more cohesive than any argument that it does exist. Don't go presenting it as fact all because you (like many God-botherers) want what you believe to be the truth.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1000
June 23, 2013, 04:18:39 PM
Who are BFL's investors? BFL claimed they have a Venture Capital firm backing them, but won't say from which VC firm.
What they said is "It's a secret". It is a "secret" because there is none. BFL customers are investors without the rights investors have.

Being a private company (as opposed to a publicly listed one), what requirement is there that they say who their backers are? You say there aren't any backers, but provide zero proof of that too. Saying what you wish to be the case to justify your feelings towards them?

The only requirement is to dispel uncertainty. BFL is under no legal obligation to do so.
BFL issied a press release saying they had a Venture Captial firm backing them.
No Venture Capital firm has ever come forward admitting they are backing BFL (venture firms maintain portfolio lists of the firms they back).
BFL did not name the firm.
BFL has never to my knowledge mentioned receiving funding from a Venture Capital firm since that press release.
When pressed about where their funds came from, Inaba said it was from their FPGA profits not customer pre-orders.
If BFL said they have funding from a VC firm (when they do not) and then solicited business based on that, that is fraud.

If you want to see what an actual bitcoin company funded by VC's looks like, look here:
You can see that Coinbase claimed that Union Square Ventures invested in them, you can verify that USV put Coinbase on their portfolio page here:
You can see that Fred Ehrsam, Olaf Carlsen-Wee, Brian Armstrong, and Craig Hammel are the founders of Coinbase. You can see what they have done in the past because they are not hiding from you. They are proud to attach their full names and reputations to their work.
Activity: 3431
Merit: 1233
June 23, 2013, 03:57:20 PM
Being a private company (as opposed to a publicly listed one), what requirement is there that they say who their backers are? You say there aren't any backers, but provide zero proof of that too. Saying what you wish to be the case to justify your feelings towards them?
LOL... How can I prove something doesn't exist? More or less it is the same argument ignorant people use to "prove" that God exists just because nobody proved he doesn't. You're not in your right mind, are you?
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1001
Okey Dokey Lokey
June 23, 2013, 12:45:22 PM
GAWD!, I just had to hit Ignore on that guy with the bad formatting!, He's covering the whole thread with his four posts in a row.

Inaba, What would you say the lifetime expectancy of this 50GH Single to be? I was really worried about my Jalapeno blowing out before it could break even and I regretfuly got a refund just recently, now I feel like a fool considering all the revisions that it has gone through, and that all the units that we are seeing are basically the first properly functional units.

If you are alright with me purchasing from you, I would be really pleased if I could un-refund my order by paying the New price of the Jalapeno units.
I sincerely regret my awful behaviour in the past recent weeks and as such I've whole heartedly removed my nasty emotional posts out of self shame and apology.

To the Anti BFL people, Nobody told me to write this, I simply have a medical condition that Was going quite bad and was literally not in the right of mind at those times.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
June 23, 2013, 12:22:56 PM
Well I was going to comment on the funny looking pixellation of the shot, not to mention the funny angles both the Single cases and the shadows of them were at, but... Meh, do your own looking and deciding. I've seen better photoshopping from that scam involving mini ITX boards and random chips cloned on them!

In the meantime, here we go!
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
June 23, 2013, 12:19:29 PM
Right, because even a retarded kindergartner couldn't tell those pictures are photoshopped, right?  That the source material is from our promo pictures of the single, I mean.. it's not like it's obvious or anything.  Oh... wait.. yes it is.  Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can tell that.

Heh... even look at the order date on the "invoice" he faked.  It's June 12th (and order number 144 to boot!)...  Anyone dumb enough to give more than 1 seconds thought to this should not be on the internet.

Activity: 11
Merit: 0
June 23, 2013, 12:16:57 PM
   Hello everyone,i've been following this thread closely,and decided to register and speak my mind without holding anything back.

I don't have much of a reputation here as of yet but much of the truth i'm about to tell doesn't need to be validated by BFL's incompetence dishonesty,and ignorance.

I currently have a BFL Single on preorder since earlier this year.I'm 34years old and have seen a lot of scams  since 2001 on the

internet, and personally knew people that ran scams on the internet,but i've never seen it on a level of great magnitude and multitude

as BFL has been pulling off for close to a year now.BFL reminds me of Paypal during the "Paypal Wars" between 2001-2004.

BFL is no different with being unethical and telling lies and bullshitting it customers,because of the lack of real competition.

BFL is a legit on paper,but the staff has a gangster mentality,and you all have seen it first hand here,why i say the entire staff,because birds of a feather flock together.

This assclown we know as Josh,i'm totally convinced that he is a sociopath or border line to being one.

Time to break out the tinfoil? After going to the effort of reading all of those horribly spaced lines (I take it this was copied and pasted from somewhere to mess up the formatting like that) I see more conspiracy theorist than credibility. Pity really. BFL does have competition, and every day they aren't delivering is the chance a new rival can rise to fill the vacuum they are leaving. It doesn't take a genius to see that.

I too have seen and known scammers on the net, including some who ran ebay scams and got busted back in the late 90s. The easiest scam is to promise the world and deliver nothing. The next higher risk scam is to promise the world, but deliver it to only a select few. Honestly its easier just to buy the people (select few) and have them be your prophets. Know what would be an unbelievably hard scam? Promising a product, then actually delivering it. That would be particularly difficult, because then you would have all these people claiming you weren't even scamming!

As I've said before, and will say again, BFL is not operating in a scammy fashion. It would be far too unprofitable a scam to run things the way they have. They are however operating in a fashion that shows poor project and PR management. Heck, Avalon put precious little out in public information releases, including actual delivery dates, yet there are plenty of people who praise them yet rubbish BFL, which puts out plenty of information. The key difference is the information being put out is not what you want to see. You get angry because the news is bad, and blame like no tomorrow about it.

Personally, I'm one for more rather than less information, irrespective of whether it is positive or negative. For me, its nice to know what is going on, even if it isn't what I want to hear or see. Certainly it is far better than throwing BTC to the wind to order a product from china, receive zero information and when the thing finally shows up, find it has already been used for weeks to profit somebody else.

I'm not surprised, at such remark coming for the biggest BFL ass kisser that suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
June 23, 2013, 12:14:10 PM
   Hello everyone,i've been following this thread closely,and decided to register and speak my mind without holding anything back.

I don't have much of a reputation here as of yet but much of the truth i'm about to tell doesn't need to be validated by BFL's incompetence dishonesty,and ignorance.

I currently have a BFL Single on preorder since earlier this year.I'm 34years old and have seen a lot of scams  since 2001 on the

internet, and personally knew people that ran scams on the internet,but i've never seen it on a level of great magnitude and multitude

as BFL has been pulling off for close to a year now.BFL reminds me of Paypal during the "Paypal Wars" between 2001-2004.

BFL is no different with being unethical and telling lies and bullshitting it customers,because of the lack of real competition.

BFL is a legit on paper,but the staff has a gangster mentality,and you all have seen it first hand here,why i say the entire staff,because birds of a feather flock together.

This assclown we know as Josh,i'm totally convinced that he is a sociopath or border line to being one.

BFL lied about the 60GH/s Single's not being ready to ship,when in fact they were ready since late April.

A person by the name of Frederik Dansk who appears to be from France,

received multiple Singles.The date of the listing is 5-26-13.Which means it roughly took 2 weeks for it to ship from here in the U.S. to

France (give or take a week to pass customs).BFL is looking out for BFL and it's buddies.Who we see get the first Jalapenos,Single

before paying customers,and driving up the difficulty and converting BTC for USD at a alarming rate,to where now those of us here in the

US waiting on our pre-orders won't even have the option to convert BTC for USD without submitting some paperwork.

I am sure that those who work or tied in with BFL,are profiting on our pre-orders,to the point of when difficulty reach 40 million +

they may then clear the back orders before the backordered ASICs are worthless with little or no resell value.A few Jalapenos here and a few Single/mini rigs there,is just a dog and pony show,to appease Paypal that they actually shipped some orders,(pre-order's paid through Paypal.)

They longer they sit and mine pre-order's,as difficulty goes up,it increases the chance of miners having to purchase more ASIC mining

hardware wheather it be from BFL or a competitor that actually  has product in hand,and shipping within 7 business days,which currently

isn't none that rivals BFL amount of GH/s and low wattage.BFL is the new Paypal in the bitcoin community.

And with saying that i have to say fuck Josh,Fuck Jody,with the bullshit and lies.I've read many talking about litigation,

back and forth,suing BFL would be a waste of time.These gangsters have pockets deep enough to have suits thrown out of court,

and enough ASIC's to "gift" lawyers/judges to turn a blind eye.If criminals in Orleans Parish prison can get  their hands on guns,drugs
 alcohol, or a inmate in a Baltimore prison inpregnate 4 different female guards,they should speak volumes itself about the system we have here in the US.

Many of us made Paypal,what it is today about a decade ago and adopted Bitcoin to get away from the goddamn tyranny of Paypal,and now  

BFL is pulling the same shit with ASICS.And people wonder why we American's are stereo typed as being greedy.

BFL has made their money 10x over through mining with the ASICs they are sitting on,refunding pre-orders in USD instead of BTC current market rate and of course paid Pre-order's.

And to assclown's Josh/Jody wanna speak further on this,they may do so through their actions by start shipping pre-orders in mass to paying customers.

One thing these assclowns forgot,is that the customer is always right especially when the SELLER HAS LIED AND FAILED TO DELIVER ON PROMISED PRODUCT.

Anyone placing a pre-order for a mining device is gambling.  Those that bet on Avalon early on won big. Those that bet on BFL too late will lose. With others like Metabank and KNCminer it remains to be seen.

The fact that the rising or falling value of bitcoin magnifies or diminishes the importance of the bet to you does not change your chances of winning or losing the bet.

ps-when you ordered from BFL "earlier this year" you knew they had already missed all their original shipping target dates.

Caveat Aleo
(Gambler Beware)

We gamble on the volatility Bitcoin,not the delivery of mining hardware.

It should be a game of hit or miss when it come to getting mining hardware that's been paid for.

Activity: 11
Merit: 0
June 23, 2013, 12:10:03 PM
   Hello everyone,i've been following this thread closely,and decided to register and speak my mind without holding anything back. [...]

And with saying that i have to say fuck Josh,Fuck Jody,with the bullshit and lies.  [...]
One thing these assclowns forgot,is that the customer is always right especially when the SELLER HAS LIED AND FAILED TO DELIVER ON PROMISED PRODUCT.

Woah Nellie... I hope you don't get your orders cancelled on  you after that rant. I'm left wondering who the assclown is though - probably the one who is butthurt.

Good point,the bottom line is this BFL,Josh/Jody know that i'm not saying anything that

paying customers haven't thought or feel about them failing to deliver hardware within a timely manner.

And make no mistake,a gangster recognizes a gangster,and thats all i'll say on that issue.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
June 23, 2013, 12:04:44 PM
The craigslist ad of Frederik Dansk is a SCAM

Just check the ridiculous pictures.

Probably anonymous temporary is the scammer itself.

Frederik Dansk maybe a scammer,but i believe the pics are real,

and he has the product in hand (or had).During that time BFL

announced the design changes for the Singles cases.Give or take a few weeks

for production for those cases,which means that the case,where redesigned back in April

of this year do to heat issues,and were ready in May.Point being is that BFL,had a Single in the new redesigned case

at the Bitcoin conference in May of this year,which means that if Frederik Dansk is really a scammer that photoshopped

the cases in the pics,he would have probably used a picture of the old case design for the Singles.

To my knowledge not many of us paying customers actually knew what the new Singles cases looked like

until seeing video footage of BFL hashing with a Single in the redesigned case back in May.

if paying customers with pre-ordered Singles were to receive their hardware back in May.

If would have definately came in those new redesigned cases,not the old ones.

sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
June 23, 2013, 11:54:07 AM
This assclown we know as Josh,i'm totally convinced that he is a sociopath or border line to being one.
Yep, BFL is a lethal danger to Bitcoin. They have too much power now and are totally corrupt liars. Those crooks must be stopped before ruining Bitcoin. It is not a coincidence that Litecoin is attracting more and more attention everyday.

OK, seriously, how is BFL a "lethal danger" to Bitcoin? Assoles, sure, but a "lethal danger", no way. The output of Avalon (particularly the chip buys) and ASICMiner is going to quickly outstrip BFL's output, so even if they stopped shipping their units and attempted to 51% attack, that wouldn't go anywhere.

BFL has taken in more money than Avalon and ASICMiner combined together.

We all know when you have more money in a particular market,you have more control

and influence.I remember back in the 90's Microsoft won the battle with Netscape by giving kickbacks

to vendors who adopted Internet Explorer.

Point being, BFL currently rules with an iron fist in the BTC mining industry.

ASICMiner currently has a low GH/s per dollar ratio,compared to BFL's ASIC's

Avalon's ASIC's has a high power consumption,and low per GH/s per dollar compared some BFL's ASIC's.

This is one reason why BFL focused on low power consumption,and high GH/s,because it appears

to be something not quite easy for ASIC vendors to currently do.That gives BFL an edge over all the current competition.

Err... Yeah, but unlike Avalon and ASICMiner, BFL have been late to the party. Unlike the browser wars where Microsoft used their clout with software licensing of Windows to force IE on everyone (or risk not being allowed to sell/distribute Windows, which would basically kill any builder company), this industry is very different. Money goes to those who get product in the wild first, those who join late literally miss out, due to the difficulty rise. BFL's only saving grace longer term at this point is that their chips are more efficient, so will continue to be profitable for longer than Avalon and equivalent chips.

I'd strongly recommend you take a few steps back, relax a little and consider things more objectively and less crazily. Next thing we know you'll be bringing out references to Freemasons, CIA conspiracies and if we're really lucky, rainbows in water sprinklers like that crazy girl on youtube who reckons the US Govt is brainwashing people with stuff in the water.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
June 23, 2013, 11:47:28 AM
This assclown we know as Josh,i'm totally convinced that he is a sociopath or border line to being one.
Yep, BFL is a lethal danger to Bitcoin. They have too much power now and are totally corrupt liars. Those crooks must be stopped before ruining Bitcoin. It is not a coincidence that Litecoin is attracting more and more attention everyday.

OK, seriously, how is BFL a "lethal danger" to Bitcoin? Assoles, sure, but a "lethal danger", no way. The output of Avalon (particularly the chip buys) and ASICMiner is going to quickly outstrip BFL's output, so even if they stopped shipping their units and attempted to 51% attack, that wouldn't go anywhere.

BFL has taken in more money than Avalon and ASICMiner combined together.

We all know when you have more money in a particular market,you have more control

and influence.I remember back in the 90's Microsoft won the battle with Netscape by giving kickbacks

to vendors who adopted Internet Explorer.

Point being, BFL currently rules with an iron fist in the BTC mining industry.

ASICMiner currently has a low GH/s per dollar ratio,compared to BFL's ASIC's

Avalon's ASIC's has a high power consumption,and low per GH/s per dollar compared some BFL's ASIC's.

This is one reason why BFL focused on low power consumption,and high GH/s,because it appears

to be something not quite easy for ASIC vendors to currently do.That gives BFL an edge over all the current competition.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
June 23, 2013, 11:42:36 AM
Who are BFL's investors? BFL claimed they have a Venture Capital firm backing them, but won't say from which VC firm.
What they said is "It's a secret". It is a "secret" because there is none. BFL customers are investors without the rights investors have.

Being a private company (as opposed to a publicly listed one), what requirement is there that they say who their backers are? You say there aren't any backers, but provide zero proof of that too. Saying what you wish to be the case to justify your feelings towards them?
Activity: 3431
Merit: 1233
June 23, 2013, 11:10:45 AM
Who are BFL's investors? BFL claimed they have a Venture Capital firm backing them, but won't say from which VC firm.
What they said is "It's a secret". It is a "secret" because there is none. BFL customers are investors without the rights investors have.
hero member
Activity: 752
Merit: 500
bitcoin hodler
June 23, 2013, 11:02:52 AM
did just one guy receive it and that's it or should we expect more, maybe 10-20 people will get them in few months?
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1000
June 23, 2013, 10:57:53 AM

As I've said before, and will say again, BFL is not operating in a scammy fashion. It would be far too unprofitable a scam to run things the way they have. They are however operating in a fashion that shows poor project and PR management. Heck, Avalon put precious little out in public information releases, including actual delivery dates, yet there are plenty of people who praise them yet rubbish BFL, which puts out plenty of information. The key difference is the information being put out is not what you want to see. You get angry because the news is bad, and blame like no tomorrow about it.

The information I want to see:
Who works at BFL? Most startups & companies tell you who is running it so you can check for yourself if they have the skill to succeed. With BFL we just get first names.
Who are BFL's investors? BFL claimed they have a Venture Capital firm backing them, but won't say from which VC firm. Highly unusual.
Who are BFL's suppliers? Companies usually (in tech especially) make their large suppliers & partnerships known.  BFL has not said who did the chip design for them or who is making their chips for them.
BFL does not discuss that sort of thing.

If you have the answers to these questions, by all means share them or point them out if they have already been shared.
Until BFL starts acting like a real company, one always has to worry "Will they be there tomorrow?"
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
June 23, 2013, 10:04:08 AM
   Hello everyone,i've been following this thread closely,and decided to register and speak my mind without holding anything back.

I don't have much of a reputation here as of yet but much of the truth i'm about to tell doesn't need to be validated by BFL's incompetence dishonesty,and ignorance.

I currently have a BFL Single on preorder since earlier this year.I'm 34years old and have seen a lot of scams  since 2001 on the

internet, and personally knew people that ran scams on the internet,but i've never seen it on a level of great magnitude and multitude

as BFL has been pulling off for close to a year now.BFL reminds me of Paypal during the "Paypal Wars" between 2001-2004.

BFL is no different with being unethical and telling lies and bullshitting it customers,because of the lack of real competition.

BFL is a legit on paper,but the staff has a gangster mentality,and you all have seen it first hand here,why i say the entire staff,because birds of a feather flock together.

This assclown we know as Josh,i'm totally convinced that he is a sociopath or border line to being one.

Time to break out the tinfoil? After going to the effort of reading all of those horribly spaced lines (I take it this was copied and pasted from somewhere to mess up the formatting like that) I see more conspiracy theorist than credibility. Pity really. BFL does have competition, and every day they aren't delivering is the chance a new rival can rise to fill the vacuum they are leaving. It doesn't take a genius to see that.

I too have seen and known scammers on the net, including some who ran ebay scams and got busted back in the late 90s. The easiest scam is to promise the world and deliver nothing. The next higher risk scam is to promise the world, but deliver it to only a select few. Honestly its easier just to buy the people (select few) and have them be your prophets. Know what would be an unbelievably hard scam? Promising a product, then actually delivering it. That would be particularly difficult, because then you would have all these people claiming you weren't even scamming!

As I've said before, and will say again, BFL is not operating in a scammy fashion. It would be far too unprofitable a scam to run things the way they have. They are however operating in a fashion that shows poor project and PR management. Heck, Avalon put precious little out in public information releases, including actual delivery dates, yet there are plenty of people who praise them yet rubbish BFL, which puts out plenty of information. The key difference is the information being put out is not what you want to see. You get angry because the news is bad, and blame like no tomorrow about it.

Personally, I'm one for more rather than less information, irrespective of whether it is positive or negative. For me, its nice to know what is going on, even if it isn't what I want to hear or see. Certainly it is far better than throwing BTC to the wind to order a product from china, receive zero information and when the thing finally shows up, find it has already been used for weeks to profit somebody else.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
June 23, 2013, 09:52:12 AM
OK, seriously, how is BFL a "lethal danger" to Bitcoin? Assoles, sure, but a "lethal danger", no way. The output of Avalon (particularly the chip buys) and ASICMiner is going to quickly outstrip BFL's output, so even if they stopped shipping their units and attempted to 51% attack, that wouldn't go anywhere.
The voracious greed of those criminals is beyond any control. They'll mine with their customers' ASICs until difficulty is so high that 99% of their customers will never see a positive ROI on their Bitcoin investment. This will inevitably drive mining towards even bigger centralization. Ever increasing mining centralization is very bad. If you have centralized mining you have centralized Bitcoin. Nobody will care for centralized Bitcoin. Price will drop to zero. Simple as that.

Just out of interest, got anything to say on the allegations of Avalon using customer gear to mine? I remember seeing that hashing power on Eligius, it was there for weeks...
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
- - -Caveat Aleo- - -
June 23, 2013, 09:07:10 AM
   Hello everyone,i've been following this thread closely,and decided to register and speak my mind without holding anything back.

I don't have much of a reputation here as of yet but much of the truth i'm about to tell doesn't need to be validated by BFL's incompetence dishonesty,and ignorance.

I currently have a BFL Single on preorder since earlier this year.I'm 34years old and have seen a lot of scams  since 2001 on the

internet, and personally knew people that ran scams on the internet,but i've never seen it on a level of great magnitude and multitude

as BFL has been pulling off for close to a year now.BFL reminds me of Paypal during the "Paypal Wars" between 2001-2004.

BFL is no different with being unethical and telling lies and bullshitting it customers,because of the lack of real competition.

BFL is a legit on paper,but the staff has a gangster mentality,and you all have seen it first hand here,why i say the entire staff,because birds of a feather flock together.

This assclown we know as Josh,i'm totally convinced that he is a sociopath or border line to being one.

BFL lied about the 60GH/s Single's not being ready to ship,when in fact they were ready since late April.

A person by the name of Frederik Dansk who appears to be from France,

received multiple Singles.The date of the listing is 5-26-13.Which means it roughly took 2 weeks for it to ship from here in the U.S. to

France (give or take a week to pass customs).BFL is looking out for BFL and it's buddies.Who we see get the first Jalapenos,Single

before paying customers,and driving up the difficulty and converting BTC for USD at a alarming rate,to where now those of us here in the

US waiting on our pre-orders won't even have the option to convert BTC for USD without submitting some paperwork.

I am sure that those who work or tied in with BFL,are profiting on our pre-orders,to the point of when difficulty reach 40 million +

they may then clear the back orders before the backordered ASICs are worthless with little or no resell value.A few Jalapenos here and a few Single/mini rigs there,is just a dog and pony show,to appease Paypal that they actually shipped some orders,(pre-order's paid through Paypal.)

They longer they sit and mine pre-order's,as difficulty goes up,it increases the chance of miners having to purchase more ASIC mining

hardware wheather it be from BFL or a competitor that actually  has product in hand,and shipping within 7 business days,which currently

isn't none that rivals BFL amount of GH/s and low wattage.BFL is the new Paypal in the bitcoin community.

And with saying that i have to say fuck Josh,Fuck Jody,with the bullshit and lies.I've read many talking about litigation,

back and forth,suing BFL would be a waste of time.These gangsters have pockets deep enough to have suits thrown out of court,

and enough ASIC's to "gift" lawyers/judges to turn a blind eye.If criminals in Orleans Parish prison can get  their hands on guns,drugs
 alcohol, or a inmate in a Baltimore prison inpregnate 4 different female guards,they should speak volumes itself about the system we have here in the US.

Many of us made Paypal,what it is today about a decade ago and adopted Bitcoin to get away from the goddamn tyranny of Paypal,and now  

BFL is pulling the same shit with ASICS.And people wonder why we American's are stereo typed as being greedy.

BFL has made their money 10x over through mining with the ASICs they are sitting on,refunding pre-orders in USD instead of BTC current market rate and of course paid Pre-order's.

And to assclown's Josh/Jody wanna speak further on this,they may do so through their actions by start shipping pre-orders in mass to paying customers.

One thing these assclowns forgot,is that the customer is always right especially when the SELLER HAS LIED AND FAILED TO DELIVER ON PROMISED PRODUCT.

Anyone placing a pre-order for a mining device is gambling.  Those that bet on Avalon early on won big. Those that bet on BFL too late will lose. With others like Metabank and KNCminer it remains to be seen.

The fact that the rising or falling value of bitcoin magnifies or diminishes the importance of the bet to you does not change your chances of winning or losing the bet.

ps-when you ordered from BFL "earlier this year" you knew they had already missed all their original shipping target dates.

Caveat Aleo
(Gambler Beware)

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