1) Do nothing and 0 mining
2) Move (and get mining ASAP)
3) Find another host (And pay a decent amount more)
We can't say what compensation will be until the downtime is over. Remeber two things with the DZMC and other GB's has any other GB provided compensation for downtime in anyway? and do they charge much more for maintenance fee's, price of purchasing shares, and hosting?
From what I've seen in GB's I'm part of and others that I just read.
No, yes, yes,yes.
I've had GB's where the miners were down for a day or two no compensation but sorry power outage, 2-3% fee, ~10% more to purchase the shares than original price and power costs about double what they are here.
If you are going to compensate for any downtime past a certain period, for example 12 hours, wouldn't it have been worth it to be proactive and send a message prior to the move outlining the reasons and offering compensation past a certain time period? Communication is key and I'm sure such a message would reduce the angst and wondering.
Do you have a new ETA when they will be live? I look forward to see them hashing.
We did mention that we were moving the easiest way for us to communicate with the amount of people we have is by our newsletter this was sent out at the middle of December. The move was originally scheduled for tomorrow but had to happen early.
There is another newsletter going out sometime in the next few days as well so if your not signed up and want to be head over to the website and fill out the form on the right side of any of the pages.