I ask at least one cab driver every week whether they have ever heard of bitcoin, and have done for the past year. Keep in mind that these people are overwhelmingly recent immigrants who make regular remittances to family overseas, a first-order use case for bitcoin, which would save them as much as 10% on transfers of thousands of dollars each year.
Exactly one has ever heard of bitcoin.
I have met exactly zero people that have heard of bitcoin. Granted, I don't get out much. But it still brings home just how early this is in the adoption phase. Crazy. I will be financially set free before the overwhelming majority of people catch on, and yet I thought I was somewhat late to the party. Amazing times ahead!
The only people I find that have heard of btc are people in finance. This month I met a lawyer/cpa who although he knew of btc, his reaction made it clear he didn't understand and/or have interest in it.
I'm trying to convince a friend to buy some btc and I recently met with their certified financial planner as I'm nobody. Although the cfp had heard of btc he didn't know much about it. I emailed some info and links before we met but he hadn't been able to follow the links as his home internet was down. We spoke for 1/2 an hour and although it was a lot to take in he seemed to understand the basics and asked VERY GOOD questions. When I left he was looking forward to learning more. He basically does the same thing day in and day out which leads to boredom and now he has something new and exciting to stimulate his mind. I'll see what happens when he gets back from vacation.