As usual. Since you can't seem to get a clear picture of what is really going on, all you can do is spout some psychological, theoretical, meandering junk about ancient history that doesn't fit or have anything to do with what is going on in the war.
I do not want to get off-topic, but the fact that you despise history - probably because you think the world was created the moment you were born - perfectly explains why are you reinventing the wheel over and over, but making it a perfect square.
There is nothing psychological about it, religions and cultures coexist all over the world and is not ancient history. It is Belgium, Spain, Morocco (yes, not all Moroccans are actually Morrocans), perhaps around 10 countries in Africa, a few in Oceania and that is just to name a few... and yes, it is a question of willing to get alone and to not get poisoned from people who want to divide and confront. Again... no wonder you like Trump, your world is small and confrontational and you think you have "the right information" and any official media is by default wrong.
I commend you for your attempts to continue, especially to stay on topic. And I thank you for staying on topic indirectly, by focusing on something else, thereby showing you have stayed as far as you can stay on topic.
So, we see that the Ukrainians are just as Russian as the Russians are Ukrainian. It takes another country to push them all off balance, and that country is the US.
Why is the US doing it this way? Because the methods they were using to conquer countries in the past didn't work... at least not very well. That's why they are shoveling all kinds of money and armaments into Ukraine, and hoping that the Ukrainian people will love the money enough to fight the US war against Russia for her. It's a new world method.
Why did the US change methods? Because Russia changed to the free-trade method, and started to overcome US trade relations around the world.
The silly people of Ukraine don't even see how they are being bamboozled by the US. Even if nobody uses nukes, by the time it is all over:
1. The whole US economy will be hurt;
2. Russia will be damaged some;
3. Ukraine will essentially be destroyed, except that Russia might have mercy on this people who are essentially their brothers. But maybe they won't, if Ukraine stupidly destroys the last feelings of brotherhood that Russia might have for them.
Any sympathy that people of the US might have for Ukraine, will be gone when things get hard enough for Americans economically. It always works this way... when one country supports another to their own detriment.