I’ll say that this is definitely not an original Russian development - military acceptance in Russia would never have accepted such a miserable product as Geranium-2. I think this is a slightly modified and improved copy of the Iranian Shaheed-136, are you happy now?
Please enlighten us why the glorious Russian military has resorted to using such an inferior Iranian product, instead of their own vastly superior drones or missiles.
Russian military acceptance has very strict requirements. In particular, the product should work normally in a wide temperature range (I find it difficult to give exact figures, but let's say from minus 85 to plus 55 degrees Celsius - this range should cover the lowest temperature at the cold pole in Yakutia and the highest temperature in the desert in the southern borders of Russia), plus requirements at the place of production of all critical components of the product, plus high requirements for the overall reliability of the product. All this complicates the development of promising types of weapons and makes it very expensive. Iran has made a breakthrough in the development of kamikaze drones, which neither Russia, nor the United States, nor anyone else in the world has been able to make.
Russia has its own original kamikaze drones, such as Lancet-1, Lancet-3 and Cub-UAV, and they are actively used during the special operation. However, their payload does not exceed 3 kg of TNT, and the payload of cruise missiles is about 500 kg of TNT, and clones of Iranian drones Geran-1 and Geran-2 with a payload of about 50 kg of TNT fit very well between light loitering ammunition and cruise missiles to destroy stationary targets such as autotransformers at electrical substations.
Russia has publicly admitted they suck at making drones. It's taken Iran decades to get to the point they are at. Russia would need a time machine to have the drone manufacturing capability equal to Iran.
Бoльшинcтвo пpoизвoдимыx в Poccии aвиaциoнныx бecпилoтникoв нe yдoвлeтвopяют тaктикo-тexничecким тpeбoвaниям Mиниcтepcтвa oбopoны PФ. Oб этoм зaявил вo втopник, 28 ceнтябpя, пpeдcтaвитeль Mинoбopoны PФ пoлкoвник Игopь Ищyк в xoдe кpyглoгo cтoлa «Пepcпeктивы paзвития тexнoлoгий бecпилoтныx тpaнcпopтныx cpeдcтв в PФ».
«Mинoбopoны paзpaбoтaны cooтвeтcтвyющиe тaктикo-тexничecкиe тpeбoвaния, пpeдъявляeмыe к бecпилoтным лeтaтeльным aппapaтaм. И бoльшинcтвo пpoизвoдитeлeй, к coжaлeнию, нe cпocoбны иx выпoлнить. И ocнoвнaя пpoблeмa нeвыпoлнeния — элeмeнтнaя бaзa», — cкaзaл Ищyк.
https://iz.ru/1402199/2022-09-28/mo-zaiavilo-o-nesootvetstvii-trebovaniiam-bolshinstva-rossiiskikh-dronovMost of the aircraft drones produced in Russia do not meet the tactical and technical requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This was stated on Tuesday, September 28, by Colonel Igor Ischuk, a representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, during the round table "Prospects for the development of unmanned vehicle technologies in the Russian Federation."
“The Ministry of Defense has developed the appropriate tactical and technical requirements for unmanned aerial vehicles. And most manufacturers, unfortunately, are not able to fulfill them. And the main problem of non-fulfillment is the element base, ”Ishchuk said.
As they say, generals are always preparing for the last war.
Now, would you like to talk about Bucha? Is that "Eastern Culture"?
Go fuck yourself, along with Bucha, Irpen, Kramatorsk and other Ukrainian provocations.