Glad we finally found someone who can speak on behalf of the whole country. Now care to provide an example of a nations that don't want to join NATO (if there are any)? Do Belarusians want to join? Serbs? Taiwanese? Australians? How much resources would it take to "convince" a small nation that they want to join NATO? Is it a stable system, if you have a hegemony and global reserve currency what can possible stop you from endless expansion and consumption of more regions? Congrats you have a solution to perpetual word at war! Possible outcomes of conflict in Ukraine, either things go how they were prior to 2014, or Ukraine enters NATO and it starts all over, world gets dragged into the same thing but now to free people in Belarus because they just want to join NATO so muuch!
I guess if the masses don't question why would Russia shoot at the nuclear power plant that it controls, let people out of Mariupol before taking it over, or blow up their own gas pipeline before it's needed the most, they won't question why would UA's Major General of Defence Intelligence Agency want to take Nova Kakhovka dam under artillery fire control, or how exactly that would accelerate Russian withdrawal? I mean people still believe that Orc's just like to shoot at themselves for fun right?? Or did CNN started to push RU propaganda?
Russia, he said, “realizes and understands the whole difficulty of their situation and they don’t want to be totally encircled.”
Budanov said the Russian withdrawal will accelerate when Ukraine “takes the Nova Kakhovka dam under our artillery fire control.”
“That’s why all our fighting units are moving towards both Kherson and Nova Kakhovka,” he added.
The "gas pipes" were blown up by the RF, international experts have expressed serious concerns about Zapo plant being blown as the RF does not accept a demilitarised zone around it. And, most importantly, the control of the dam is key for Crimea as it may restrict (or allow) the water supply, not something to blow up with artillery (another stupid theory - Ukraine blowing up the key to their hold over Crimea) and that is why it may have been mentioned.
Now, go back to the drawing board of your alternate reality. BTW, curiously and as of now, your link points to this headline:
Ukraine's military intelligence says Russia is reinforcing Kherson with recruits as "cannon fodder"
From CNN's Nic Robertson in Kyiv
Ukraine’s military intelligence says Russia continues to remove its “occupation administration” from the southern Kherson region but is reinforcing the city with recently mobilized recruits and suggests they are being used as “cannon fodder.”
Ah such a concise and clear explanation, so general wants to take the damn under artillery fire because it's a key for Crimea and that's why it'll accelerate Russian withdrawal? Clear as mud, but who cares just need to arrange words in a somewhat readable sentence, targeted audience can't think for themselves anyway.
I'm sure by "artillery fire control" what the general really meant was "to secure and provide safety for" and it will accelerate withdrawal because Russians will just piss their pants and run away from such provided safety to the damn! Right? I need this, please lie to me some more!
Ask any friend you have in the military why they want to have a dam they intend to eventually control firstly "in artillery range". Hint 1: When you are not in the enemy's artillery range, the enemy cannot shell your position to dust. Hint 2: if you are under shelling, it is usually a bad idea to stay there. Read carefully: Not the dam, the military positions around the dam. I hope this is correctly understood.
I just said why, but it aaaaalll right... I can say it again: Nearly all the water supply to Crimea comes from the canal on the east bank near the dam. The general is sending a clear message to the world: "The RF is about to loose a critical asset to hold the grip on Crimea".
I rarely say anything categorically, but on this case, it is very clear that it would ridiculously stupid for Ukraine to blow that dam. The sad thing is that, if it ever happens nobody would claim ownership of the f**kup.