There is no political influence or wide public support for nazi ideology.
In your opinion, Russophobia and calls for the extermination of Russians is not a kind of Nazi ideology?
Here are some examples of Russophobia in Ukraine.
1. Ukrainian schoolchildren
shout in 2013 that Russians should be hanged - "Mocкaлякy нa гиллякy - xтo нe cкaчe тoй мocкaль!" By the way, their jumps with Nazi chants is very similar to the
Austrians in 1938.
2. Kyiv youth shouting the Nazi anthem in 2016,
calling for the killing of Russians.
Here is the text of this anthem in Ukrainian:
Жoвтo-блaкитнi нaшi пpaпopи
Mи нeпepeмoжнi, шaблi дoгopи
Бyдe Укpaїнa вiльнa, бyдe Heнькa caмocтiйнa
Гeй мocкaлiв нa нoжi, нa нoжi!
Бaтькo Пeтлюpa щe дo нac пpийдe
Biн зa Укpaїнy вcix нac пoвeдe
Бyдe Укpaїнa вiльнa, бyдe Heнькa caмocтiйнa
Гeй мocкaлiв нa нoжi, нa нoжi!
Hexaй Mocквa лeжить в pyїнax
A нaм нa цe нaчxaти
Зa нaми вcя вeликa Укpaїнa
I ми пpишли вecь cвiт зaвoювaти!
Cмepть, cмepть мocкaлям!
Cлaвa Укpaїнi! Гepoям cлaвa!
Cлaвa нaцiї! Cмepть вopoгaм!
Укpaїнa пoнaд yce!
3. A Ukrainian TV presenter
quotes an SS officer and threatens to kill Russian children.
4. Ukrainian soldier
says that the Russian nation must be destroyed.
5. The mayor of the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk Boris Filatov in April 2022
called for the killing of Russians around the world.
6. In Ukrainian Telegram chats they
mock and insult the Soviet 18-year-old partisan, who was tortured and hanged by the German Nazis during the Second World War, and the monument in her honor is being demolished. You can read the information about this girl on
7. Ukrainian textbooks
say that the ancestors of the French, Portuguese, Spaniards, Turks and even Jews came from Ukrainian Galicia, that Ukrainians are almost the oldest nation, and Russians are not even Slavs, but Finno-Ugric peoples.
Being anti-Russian because Russian military is raping and killing its way through their country doesn't make Ukrainians nazis. etc.
About the rapes. There were many reports in Ukrainian news resources about the rapes of Ukrainian children by Russian soldiers (examples:
However, on May 11, 2022, the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children's Rights, Daria Gerasimchuk, stated other information:
01:08:44 BELSAT NEWS host: "There were reports in the press that children were victims of violence by the Russian occupiers. Do you have any data that could confirm this?"
01:08:56 Daria Gerasimchuk: "Today, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine
doesn't have a single confirmed fact of violence ... yet. Most likely, because people are not ready to report it. Therefore, the data to which everyone is now appealing, then, there were such cases, most likely.
That is, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine has no facts of such violence, but according to rumors have there been such cases? This is nonsense, because these are empty accusations of terrible crimes, not based on facts. Doesn't it seem strange to you that many people are ready to talk to journalists about inhuman cases of violence against themselves, but at the same time refuse to report to law enforcement agencies so that criminal cases can be opened? I may be wrong, but even if the victim refuses to testify, if there is evidence, the police still open a criminal case.
Who executed people in Katyn? Santa Claus? Who killed innocent people across Europe during Soviet times?
Russians did. So shut the fuck up about your support for these animals.
All this pales in comparison with what the Russians did to the whole of Eastern Europe during and after the second war.
Millions of civilians were KILLED, RAPED, and TORTURED by the Russians.
Perhaps you didn't know, but actually Russians and Ukrainians fought as part of the Soviet army against Germany and its allies.
Therefore, when you accuse the Russians of war crimes during the Second World War, you accuse the Ukrainians along with them.
Further. As you say, *the Russians* were guilty of all these crimes during the Second World War, then why did the allies of the USSR (the Americans, the British and the French) keep silent about that during the Nuremberg Trial? Do you think they covered up criminals? Then they are also to blame. Then why are you silent about their complicity?
They are calling for genocide on their national TV and get applause from the audience.
86% of Russians are in favor of the complete annihilation of Ukrainian culture. They want them gone.
It looks like fake. Provide a link to the source, please.