In Democracy, the people do their voting. The majority forces the minority into 'slavery' by beating them. Then, the majority turns their authority over to a handful of people to do what they want done. But the handful never does what the majority or the minority want. The handful does whatever IT wants.
Democracy = Group Dictatorship. So, if that's what you like, no wonder you like the continued funding of Ukraine so that more people die. Your colors are coming out into the open more and more.
No, democracy includes individual rights, protection of minorities, press freedom and right to fair justice, so it is not a dictatorship of the group - that is more like the dictatorship of the proletarians and all that communist stuff. Curious that you speak about oppression while enjoying the right to say even the most stupid things without consequences. But enough of your senseless blablering dumBAss and to serious news:
Ukraine has been able to hit at least 4 military airfields in Ruzzia. Among the planes damages, strategic bombers and a number of SU planes in Yeysk, Kurst and, believe it or not, Engels airbase! This is a really high level of pain for Ruzzia for continuing the war, while the front is now relatively estable.
If Ukraine manages to keep planes away from the front, Ruzzia may even not been able to take Chasiv Yar ever, as they would need the FAB to remove some of Ukraine's strong points.
Individual rights in a Democracy? So, you really think Americas love inflation, being forced out of their homes, not having rights of human beings in court, etc., etc.
You answered it yourself about Ukraine. Ukraine doesn't have what it takes to fight a war, so they are using terrorist tactics.
I pity Russia... sure, that they are being bombed and hurt. But I pity them more for being caught up in a position of having to decide about being honorable enough with their ignorant Ukrainian brothers and sisters, to not go in there and destroy them, even if it hurts Russia to be honorable in this way. Not everybody would have held back this long.
These are supposed to be peaceful times. But the US terrorist-minded leaders have pushed themselves into a control of the mindset of Ukraine, to the destruction of Ukraine. Terrorist methods are about all that Ukraine has left, because the US couldn't or wouldn't support them properly.
Pray that Trump wins the Presidency. At least that way the war will be over, and Ukraine will be rebuilt by agreement between Russia and the US.