Chain of claims made by you:
I have never seen TK.
I will never see TK.
TK does not exist.
Knowing about (the existence of) TK is not helpful or practical.
You arguments never address the science. Not one of your arguments have ever addressed the evidence, you are covering up the results of these tests because you cannot explain them. I also linked to a test where the TK was recorded on video, but you did not care to see the tests since then you would NOT be able to claim that you have never seen TK.
While I don't necessarily accept the things you say, I haven't investigated them. But...
There are several jokers on who appear in threads like this one, who claim to support science, yet believe opposite the science. They don't have rebuttals to science, yet they won't accept it.
Personally, I don't know whether they are trolls, or are simply, staunchly in favor of their religion, and don't even recognize it as religion, but call it science.
It's about time that the science community wakes up and reports the truth right out in the open... that they don't really know much of anything. After all, the science theorists aren't the ones doing most of the new science work. It is the experimenters and the engineers doing it. Then the theorists adjust their theories according to what the engineers find that reality is.
Those troll-like jokers simply stick with the old theories of the theorists rather than accepting new findings, and the thing that reality has always been.
Thanks, sirazimuth, for helping to emphasize everything that I said, above.
Everything you say is pseudo-science and circular talk, there is nothing to refute because everything you say is self refuted.
At least the flat earth people come right out and say that globe earth science is pseudo-science, even though they might use other wording.
Come on. Spit it out. Say, "Cause and effect is pseudo-science," if that's what you mean. Say, "Complexity is pseudo-science," and, "Entropy is pseudo-science." Don't beat around the bush all the time. What you say is kinda useless when you keep on beating around the bush like that.