Because if superpowers like those really existed everyone would know about them.
Is not like scientists are purposely hiding it from people, it's just that it doesn't exist.
No, that does not follow, you cannot say that the existence of a thing is entirely based on popular belief. Many people like yourself have prejudices such that they would deny TK even when presented with scientific evidence. Go figure!
Many people already believe in the supernatural, and parapsychology has a long history, and many eminent researchers believed in these ideas. The reason that most people do not know about the evidence is not important, the science stands by itself regardless of popular belief. To be rational means that you are capable of intelligently assessing new ideas when presented. You have not been able to do that, instead you propose a sort of bandwagon argument.
How can it not exist when I have 2 tests that prove it?
You are trying to cover up the results and say that TK does not exist but you refuse to address the experiments.