
Topic: Scientific proof that God exists? - page 212. (Read 845582 times)

hero member
Activity: 636
Merit: 505
April 14, 2017, 04:39:52 AM
BADecker, why are you in denial about the true origin of Christianity? These scholars are convinced that Christianity originated with Paul, not Jesus!

"An open-minded reader/juror will come to the conclusion that [Paul] is guilty of inventing a new religion, illegitimately appropriating Jesus."
hero member
Activity: 636
Merit: 505
April 14, 2017, 02:44:05 AM
Don't worry we'll keep BSDecker in check.  He cannot just bullshit here willy-nilly.

BufferOverflow, Moloch, stats, myself and many others have exposed the obvious holes in his "proofs" on many other threads
that he keeps spamming.  I think he works on commission Smiley

The guy is in the cult, but his problem is that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed so it is hard for him to understand his predicament.
Why are you focusing only on BADecker? Did anyone ever point out the obvious holes in the 101 proofs from the OP, for example? And what about my proofs? It seems as though many proofs in this thread are simply dismissed without further consideration.

Kindly point out the obvious holes in the proofs that I have provided?

1) Chris Carter summarizes "the evidence that provides a prima facie case for survival [and] demonstrates that alternative explanations, to the extent that they are testable, have been proven false".
2) "the brain is more likely to transmit consciousness than it is to produce consciousness because the transmission hypothesis explains more facts than the production hypothesis"
3) many of the greatest scientific minds believe... that the scientific evidence is best explained by the existence of an intelligent designer of the universe.

Many of the smartest minds were able to comprehend the evidence. Religion came about as a way of explaining evidence that supports survival; this is evidence which comes from many and varying classes of phenomena.

Eminent researchers who recognized the truth about mind were many, often they conducted their own experiments and were critical of Darwinian theory:

Pseudo-skeptics only offer pseudo-scientific excuses for refusing to accept an otherwise straightforward inference from the evidence. Many skeptical arguments against the survival theory are actually arguments from pseudo-skeptics who often think they have no burden of proof. Such arguments are often based on scientism with assumptions that survival is impossible even though survival has not been ruled out.

Why do atheists like to ignore those physical manifestations that suggest the survival of the personality? There are many intriguing examples.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
April 11, 2017, 12:34:30 PM
3. The religion of God is to show and know the truth, period. This is done through peace. Without peace, nothing can exist.
OK, BADecker; please support me in spreading this joyful message of peace:
Jesus never said that you would be damned for "not believing in Jesus":
So BADecker, you are refusing to spread a tolerant message of peace? If you look at Matthew 23 I think you will find some important details about who exactly stands to benefit from denying message of peace:

The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

If Jesus was preaching a tolerant message of peace, the Pharisees wouldn't have incited the people of Jerusalem and the Romans to put Him to death.

Now that Jesus died and arose, the message of peace revolves around, Believe in Jesus salvation and be saved. There is no other message of peace.

If you do not accept the message of peace, it is not I who am not proclaiming it.

Jesus never said that you would be damned for "not believing in Jesus":
Jesus is said to have risen from death, but he never said that you will die unless you believe in his resurrection. Read the discussion linked above, I have linked it already but you want to ignore those logical answers in favor of your special dogma.

Those scholars who have studied the Bible in detail, have shown us that it is faith in Jesus salvation that saves us. There is no place that says that there is salvation any other way. No salvation? Then Hell.

Who blots a person's name out of the Book of Life? It is not Jesus. It is the person Himself, through his lack of faith.

BADecker, you lost abattle and stoped responding since I read your pattern of defending your religion. You realise that the fact you stopped replying in that moment, when you see I can read you like a book confirms the fact that even you do not believe in a God, but you are just too selfish, too hypocrite to admit that your whole life was a lie until now. Trying to start other debates with other people is worthless since you haven't finished one in which you are losing.

Poor baby. So you think there was a debate going on, eh? Thank God that I don't have to believe that God exists. I have scientific proof, and the strong evidence of nature to show me. Too bad you don't understand science, and too bad you can't see nature. You are missing out on a ton of great and wonderful things from God.

It won't work this way, dear cultist, and you know almost nothing of science and nature. By the examples that you give as proof it is obvious you have knowledge about science but you are not able to use reason and basic logic to understand it. Therefore, anything you've ever studied is worthless. This is a battle you shall lose in a split, if it ever came to this. But our debate, and it was one, was not covering science, nor nature. It was all about you, believers, the ones who are hypocrites and sepparate themselves from their religion when their religion is proved to have done great wrongdoings. It was about how you, cultists, always stay on the winning side, whatever that winning side would be. Do you want an example? Study about the orders of Pope Pius XII before and during the Nazi era. In our little debate, dear Badecker, I told you what your next step, as a hypocrite, would be in defending your shit, worthless, primitive religion. And you did it, and after I reminded you of what you did and how that confirmed my point, you never responded. It's a good choice to stop responding since there was nothing you could say anymore, you've lost your point. But you start debating the same bullshit again with other people, hoping they will not outsmart you and see beneath the curtain of primitive bullshit? Nah, I'm here you little cultist to make sure any shit you will say will be proven wrong.

Don't worry we'll keep BSDecker in check.  He cannot just bullshit here willy-nilly.

BufferOverflow, Moloch, stats, myself and many others have exposed the obvious holes in his "proofs" on many other threads
that he keeps spamming.  I think he works on commission Smiley

The guy is in the cult, but his problem is that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed so it is hard for him to understand his predicament.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 13, 2017, 05:08:15 PM
That was your last chance. You are now considered nothing but a bullshit around here and I advise anyone to ignore you and your extremist points of view. cultists are not welcome. Your arguments are not scientific, they are merely retarded religious babble. Fuck off and ndver come back again, cultist. You are over. Next!

Fuck off, cultist. As a 'science' guy, claiming people know 'in their hearts' tells about how much you understand. Absolutely nothing. Fuck off and go live in a church, you are not welcome here.

You still have some chances. As long as you are alive you have chances.

I know that understanding the proof that God exists is a little difficult. And when your religion says just the opposite, it can be a bit unnerving as well.

As far as knowing about science, I wonder if you really understand it? That's why I respond to your religious posts with religion as well as science. Perhaps you might understand religion since you post about it all the time. It might encourage you to understand science... understanding the one proves that you have the ability to understand.

When are you going to understand science... a little?

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 103
April 13, 2017, 06:08:50 AM
And who is the older faith in God or atheism? Maybe it's the actions of Satan, a refutation of the evidence that people have something to believe in. But just do not confuse everything with the fact that God has a physical body. This is not true. And you do not need to confuse people. If you want to refute or slander the faith, then look for other opportunities, and this is not that boring. All people believe and will believe in God.

That is completely wrong. First of all, not all people believe in the same deity and not all people believed in only one deity. Second, not all people believe in a God. Most sane people from civilised countries today do not even want to hear about such stories anymore and pay absolutely no interest to cults. Although religions will still live long enough from now on, they are on really thin ice. There will be a day in the future generations when religions will be what flat earth believers are today: a joke.  That's when they will be where they belong. Until then, we'll struggle with all the bullshit coming from them. Thank you.

That is completely wrong. All people recognize that God exists. They know it in their hearts. The believing part comes from trying to understand things about Him that they do NOT know. Believing also comes from Him telling us things in His Word, the Bible, and the position of our acceptance of what He says.

There will be a day, probably in the very near future, when Jesus God will return to earth the same way He left and went into Heaven. Be glad you are on the ice. The heat of the lake of fire is a very hot heat. You won't like it at all.

BTW, since you are hung up on the topic of religion, get out of this thread that has a topic of showing the proof that God exists.

Fuck off, cultist. As a 'science' guy, claiming people know 'in their hearts' tells about how much you understand. Absolutely nothing. Fuck off and go live in a church, you are not welcome here.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 103
April 13, 2017, 06:04:12 AM

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.

Almost everything in your posts is presumption, especially your spelling of the word "presumptions."


There is nothing wrong with your believing that science doesn't prove the existence of God. In fact, faith is healthy. It's your religion. I applaud you that you have religion. But, keep searching. You just might find a truthful religion if you do. You might even find the way to Heaven.

I don't 'believe' science doesn't prove the existence of a God, it's a fact it doesn't. I don't need to put my faith in it, you can clearly see it's like that. That's what facts are. Now, notice that I say 'the existence of A god', not your God. That is because you are not the only one to claim a God, there have been and there still are many more. Your God is flawed with simply the fact that the book on which your character's story is based on declares a certain age for life on earth. Science proves that the age on earth is way much older than your shit religion believes it is. From that point of view, your God is out of the picture and it's all just a hoax started by some fishermen and their talented friend. End of story. As for the proof of a God, there is no such thing. It's not that I believe there is no such thing, it's a fact there is no proof of a God. Will there ever be proof of a deity? We can presume nothing is impossible. But we can certainly say the possibility of it is extremely low, to the edge of impossible. As for you, cultist, you're still bringing no proof, no argument, all you do is keeping the cultist lines coming my way and trying to be ironic by correcting my spelling, without noticing it was a slip and the second 'presumption' was written as it should be. No more than a braindead religious follower.

Since you can't seem to step-by-step refute the logic in my links that prove God exists, you probably are simply attempting to believe that He doesn't exist, even though you say you know it.

Now, I could be wrong about you. You might actually have some step-by-step rebuttal. Nobody requires that you show it. So, as long as you can get by without showing it, you should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk... maybe even religious doctrine. It's a little off topic, at least until you show the factual rebuttal of the proof that God exists. The proof:

Come up with something new, cultist, and you shall have a decent answer. Just by ignoring my explanation of why there is no need for me to disprove them anymore you will not solve anything, you will just be a cultist. As for trying to imitate my attitude by saying 'Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk' that is the attitude of someone who needs to win at any cost and tries anything possible to do so. The links you have posted are the same. I presume that is all you know and I think you are over, nothing left to say, nothing left to prove. I don't think you understand something: those links have been proven by other people on this thread to be bullshit. They did a very good job and there is no need for anyone else to explain that to you again, it would be a waste of time. Since you do not understand that, well... no need for me to explain how stupid you are, you are stupid enough to be a religious man. You've got one more try to come up with some new proof. After that, you are officialy donezo on this thread.

That's a nice bunch of blabber you said there. You still haven't rebutted the proof that God exists. As for blabber, even stats has you beat, right in the post above this one. It's kinda fun watching you twist yourself all out of shape to say nothing. You seem to be a professional troll, right?

Thanks for helping to maintain the proof God exists by not rebutting the proof.


That is also not going to work. In order for me to disprove the existence of a God, there must first be a proof. Your presumptions can not be considered proof by any sane human being, your interpretation of quantum mechanics makes less sense than the bible does and that brings me to the same conclusion that you are trying to hang on scientific facts trying to correlate them with the existence of a God. Specifically, you are doing what most of the religious creationists are doing in every debate ever: erronated interpretations of scientific theories, laws and facts that they do not properly understand. More exactly, blabber. What I said earlier was argumented and on point, you may not call that blabber since you ar enot in the position of doing that. You are still a cultist hanging on to his shit story and trying to bring his bullshit to people who understand what they are talking about. Also, the only troll here seems to be the one with short, off-topic answers. That's you, cultist. You're on thinner ice with every shit that you type here. Come with evidence or get the fuck out and go praise whatever bullshit character you want to praise. You either bring evidence here, or get the fuck out, cultist. Got it?

There isn't any argument, because you can't have argument between two different things. Your points are religious. Mine are scientific. No argument. Besides, I wouldn't be arguing. I would only be stating points.

Since you still haven't rebutted the proof that God exists...,
... and by attempting to avoid rebutting (probably because you are not smart enough to rebut)...
... thanks for supporting the fact of God, even if it is from a standpoint of malicious opposition.

There isn't anything else anybody can do but know that God exists. So, you really don't get much credit for your support of Him. But you support Him just the same.

That was your last chance. You are now considered nothing but a bullshit around here and I advise anyone to ignore you and your extremist points of view. cultists are not welcome. Your arguments are not scientific, they are merely retarded religious babble. Fuck off and ndver come back again, cultist. You are over. Next!
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
April 13, 2017, 04:26:25 AM
I don't think that there is a scientific proof that God exists. It is a far more knowledgeable and complex for the human to do so because we are not equipped to have supernatural powers that's why we couldn't find a scientific proof that it is true. Me as a Christian, relies on the bible alone. And also, it is contradicting for religion and science.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 12, 2017, 05:04:27 PM
And who is the older faith in God or atheism? Maybe it's the actions of Satan, a refutation of the evidence that people have something to believe in. But just do not confuse everything with the fact that God has a physical body. This is not true. And you do not need to confuse people. If you want to refute or slander the faith, then look for other opportunities, and this is not that boring. All people believe and will believe in God.

That is completely wrong. First of all, not all people believe in the same deity and not all people believed in only one deity. Second, not all people believe in a God. Most sane people from civilised countries today do not even want to hear about such stories anymore and pay absolutely no interest to cults. Although religions will still live long enough from now on, they are on really thin ice. There will be a day in the future generations when religions will be what flat earth believers are today: a joke.  That's when they will be where they belong. Until then, we'll struggle with all the bullshit coming from them. Thank you.

That is completely wrong. All people recognize that God exists. They know it in their hearts. The believing part comes from trying to understand things about Him that they do NOT know. Believing also comes from Him telling us things in His Word, the Bible, and the position of our acceptance of what He says.

There will be a day, probably in the very near future, when Jesus God will return to earth the same way He left and went into Heaven. Be glad you are on the ice. The heat of the lake of fire is a very hot heat. You won't like it at all.

BTW, since you are hung up on the topic of religion, get out of this thread that has a topic of showing the proof that God exists.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 12, 2017, 04:57:15 PM

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.

Almost everything in your posts is presumption, especially your spelling of the word "presumptions."


There is nothing wrong with your believing that science doesn't prove the existence of God. In fact, faith is healthy. It's your religion. I applaud you that you have religion. But, keep searching. You just might find a truthful religion if you do. You might even find the way to Heaven.

I don't 'believe' science doesn't prove the existence of a God, it's a fact it doesn't. I don't need to put my faith in it, you can clearly see it's like that. That's what facts are. Now, notice that I say 'the existence of A god', not your God. That is because you are not the only one to claim a God, there have been and there still are many more. Your God is flawed with simply the fact that the book on which your character's story is based on declares a certain age for life on earth. Science proves that the age on earth is way much older than your shit religion believes it is. From that point of view, your God is out of the picture and it's all just a hoax started by some fishermen and their talented friend. End of story. As for the proof of a God, there is no such thing. It's not that I believe there is no such thing, it's a fact there is no proof of a God. Will there ever be proof of a deity? We can presume nothing is impossible. But we can certainly say the possibility of it is extremely low, to the edge of impossible. As for you, cultist, you're still bringing no proof, no argument, all you do is keeping the cultist lines coming my way and trying to be ironic by correcting my spelling, without noticing it was a slip and the second 'presumption' was written as it should be. No more than a braindead religious follower.

Since you can't seem to step-by-step refute the logic in my links that prove God exists, you probably are simply attempting to believe that He doesn't exist, even though you say you know it.

Now, I could be wrong about you. You might actually have some step-by-step rebuttal. Nobody requires that you show it. So, as long as you can get by without showing it, you should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk... maybe even religious doctrine. It's a little off topic, at least until you show the factual rebuttal of the proof that God exists. The proof:

Come up with something new, cultist, and you shall have a decent answer. Just by ignoring my explanation of why there is no need for me to disprove them anymore you will not solve anything, you will just be a cultist. As for trying to imitate my attitude by saying 'Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk' that is the attitude of someone who needs to win at any cost and tries anything possible to do so. The links you have posted are the same. I presume that is all you know and I think you are over, nothing left to say, nothing left to prove. I don't think you understand something: those links have been proven by other people on this thread to be bullshit. They did a very good job and there is no need for anyone else to explain that to you again, it would be a waste of time. Since you do not understand that, well... no need for me to explain how stupid you are, you are stupid enough to be a religious man. You've got one more try to come up with some new proof. After that, you are officialy donezo on this thread.

That's a nice bunch of blabber you said there. You still haven't rebutted the proof that God exists. As for blabber, even stats has you beat, right in the post above this one. It's kinda fun watching you twist yourself all out of shape to say nothing. You seem to be a professional troll, right?

Thanks for helping to maintain the proof God exists by not rebutting the proof.


That is also not going to work. In order for me to disprove the existence of a God, there must first be a proof. Your presumptions can not be considered proof by any sane human being, your interpretation of quantum mechanics makes less sense than the bible does and that brings me to the same conclusion that you are trying to hang on scientific facts trying to correlate them with the existence of a God. Specifically, you are doing what most of the religious creationists are doing in every debate ever: erronated interpretations of scientific theories, laws and facts that they do not properly understand. More exactly, blabber. What I said earlier was argumented and on point, you may not call that blabber since you ar enot in the position of doing that. You are still a cultist hanging on to his shit story and trying to bring his bullshit to people who understand what they are talking about. Also, the only troll here seems to be the one with short, off-topic answers. That's you, cultist. You're on thinner ice with every shit that you type here. Come with evidence or get the fuck out and go praise whatever bullshit character you want to praise. You either bring evidence here, or get the fuck out, cultist. Got it?

There isn't any argument, because you can't have argument between two different things. Your points are religious. Mine are scientific. No argument. Besides, I wouldn't be arguing. I would only be stating points.

Since you still haven't rebutted the proof that God exists...,
... and by attempting to avoid rebutting (probably because you are not smart enough to rebut)...
... thanks for supporting the fact of God, even if it is from a standpoint of malicious opposition.

There isn't anything else anybody can do but know that God exists. So, you really don't get much credit for your support of Him. But you support Him just the same.

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 103
April 12, 2017, 03:40:08 PM
And who is the older faith in God or atheism? Maybe it's the actions of Satan, a refutation of the evidence that people have something to believe in. But just do not confuse everything with the fact that God has a physical body. This is not true. And you do not need to confuse people. If you want to refute or slander the faith, then look for other opportunities, and this is not that boring. All people believe and will believe in God.

That is completely wrong. First of all, not all people believe in the same deity and not all people believed in only one deity. Second, not all people believe in a God. Most sane people from civilised countries today do not even want to hear about such stories anymore and pay absolutely no interest to cults. Although religions will still live long enough from now on, they are on really thin ice. There will be a day in the future generations when religions will be what flat earth believers are today: a joke.  That's when they will be where they belong. Until then, we'll struggle with all the bullshit coming from them. Thank you.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 103
April 12, 2017, 03:31:35 PM

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.

Almost everything in your posts is presumption, especially your spelling of the word "presumptions."


There is nothing wrong with your believing that science doesn't prove the existence of God. In fact, faith is healthy. It's your religion. I applaud you that you have religion. But, keep searching. You just might find a truthful religion if you do. You might even find the way to Heaven.

I don't 'believe' science doesn't prove the existence of a God, it's a fact it doesn't. I don't need to put my faith in it, you can clearly see it's like that. That's what facts are. Now, notice that I say 'the existence of A god', not your God. That is because you are not the only one to claim a God, there have been and there still are many more. Your God is flawed with simply the fact that the book on which your character's story is based on declares a certain age for life on earth. Science proves that the age on earth is way much older than your shit religion believes it is. From that point of view, your God is out of the picture and it's all just a hoax started by some fishermen and their talented friend. End of story. As for the proof of a God, there is no such thing. It's not that I believe there is no such thing, it's a fact there is no proof of a God. Will there ever be proof of a deity? We can presume nothing is impossible. But we can certainly say the possibility of it is extremely low, to the edge of impossible. As for you, cultist, you're still bringing no proof, no argument, all you do is keeping the cultist lines coming my way and trying to be ironic by correcting my spelling, without noticing it was a slip and the second 'presumption' was written as it should be. No more than a braindead religious follower.

Since you can't seem to step-by-step refute the logic in my links that prove God exists, you probably are simply attempting to believe that He doesn't exist, even though you say you know it.

Now, I could be wrong about you. You might actually have some step-by-step rebuttal. Nobody requires that you show it. So, as long as you can get by without showing it, you should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk... maybe even religious doctrine. It's a little off topic, at least until you show the factual rebuttal of the proof that God exists. The proof:

Come up with something new, cultist, and you shall have a decent answer. Just by ignoring my explanation of why there is no need for me to disprove them anymore you will not solve anything, you will just be a cultist. As for trying to imitate my attitude by saying 'Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk' that is the attitude of someone who needs to win at any cost and tries anything possible to do so. The links you have posted are the same. I presume that is all you know and I think you are over, nothing left to say, nothing left to prove. I don't think you understand something: those links have been proven by other people on this thread to be bullshit. They did a very good job and there is no need for anyone else to explain that to you again, it would be a waste of time. Since you do not understand that, well... no need for me to explain how stupid you are, you are stupid enough to be a religious man. You've got one more try to come up with some new proof. After that, you are officialy donezo on this thread.

That's a nice bunch of blabber you said there. You still haven't rebutted the proof that God exists. As for blabber, even stats has you beat, right in the post above this one. It's kinda fun watching you twist yourself all out of shape to say nothing. You seem to be a professional troll, right?

Thanks for helping to maintain the proof God exists by not rebutting the proof.


That is also not going to work. In order for me to disprove the existence of a God, there must first be a proof. Your presumptions can not be considered proof by any sane human being, your interpretation of quantum mechanics makes less sense than the bible does and that brings me to the same conclusion that you are trying to hang on scientific facts trying to correlate them with the existence of a God. Specifically, you are doing what most of the religious creationists are doing in every debate ever: erronated interpretations of scientific theories, laws and facts that they do not properly understand. More exactly, blabber. What I said earlier was argumented and on point, you may not call that blabber since you ar enot in the position of doing that. You are still a cultist hanging on to his shit story and trying to bring his bullshit to people who understand what they are talking about. Also, the only troll here seems to be the one with short, off-topic answers. That's you, cultist. You're on thinner ice with every shit that you type here. Come with evidence or get the fuck out and go praise whatever bullshit character you want to praise. You either bring evidence here, or get the fuck out, cultist. Got it?
sr. member
Activity: 273
Merit: 250
April 12, 2017, 02:11:37 PM
And who is the older faith in God or atheism? Maybe it's the actions of Satan, a refutation of the evidence that people have something to believe in. But just do not confuse everything with the fact that God has a physical body. This is not true. And you do not need to confuse people. If you want to refute or slander the faith, then look for other opportunities, and this is not that boring. All people believe and will believe in God.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 12, 2017, 11:26:39 AM

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.

Almost everything in your posts is presumption, especially your spelling of the word "presumptions."


There is nothing wrong with your believing that science doesn't prove the existence of God. In fact, faith is healthy. It's your religion. I applaud you that you have religion. But, keep searching. You just might find a truthful religion if you do. You might even find the way to Heaven.

I don't 'believe' science doesn't prove the existence of a God, it's a fact it doesn't. I don't need to put my faith in it, you can clearly see it's like that. That's what facts are. Now, notice that I say 'the existence of A god', not your God. That is because you are not the only one to claim a God, there have been and there still are many more. Your God is flawed with simply the fact that the book on which your character's story is based on declares a certain age for life on earth. Science proves that the age on earth is way much older than your shit religion believes it is. From that point of view, your God is out of the picture and it's all just a hoax started by some fishermen and their talented friend. End of story. As for the proof of a God, there is no such thing. It's not that I believe there is no such thing, it's a fact there is no proof of a God. Will there ever be proof of a deity? We can presume nothing is impossible. But we can certainly say the possibility of it is extremely low, to the edge of impossible. As for you, cultist, you're still bringing no proof, no argument, all you do is keeping the cultist lines coming my way and trying to be ironic by correcting my spelling, without noticing it was a slip and the second 'presumption' was written as it should be. No more than a braindead religious follower.

Since you can't seem to step-by-step refute the logic in my links that prove God exists, you probably are simply attempting to believe that He doesn't exist, even though you say you know it.

Now, I could be wrong about you. You might actually have some step-by-step rebuttal. Nobody requires that you show it. So, as long as you can get by without showing it, you should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk... maybe even religious doctrine. It's a little off topic, at least until you show the factual rebuttal of the proof that God exists. The proof:

Come up with something new, cultist, and you shall have a decent answer. Just by ignoring my explanation of why there is no need for me to disprove them anymore you will not solve anything, you will just be a cultist. As for trying to imitate my attitude by saying 'Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk' that is the attitude of someone who needs to win at any cost and tries anything possible to do so. The links you have posted are the same. I presume that is all you know and I think you are over, nothing left to say, nothing left to prove. I don't think you understand something: those links have been proven by other people on this thread to be bullshit. They did a very good job and there is no need for anyone else to explain that to you again, it would be a waste of time. Since you do not understand that, well... no need for me to explain how stupid you are, you are stupid enough to be a religious man. You've got one more try to come up with some new proof. After that, you are officialy donezo on this thread.

That's a nice bunch of blabber you said there. You still haven't rebutted the proof that God exists. As for blabber, even stats has you beat, right in the post above this one. It's kinda fun watching you twist yourself all out of shape to say nothing. You seem to be a professional troll, right?

Thanks for helping to maintain the proof God exists by not rebutting the proof.

sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
April 12, 2017, 05:58:07 AM

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.

Almost everything in your posts is presumption, especially your spelling of the word "presumptions."


There is nothing wrong with your believing that science doesn't prove the existence of God. In fact, faith is healthy. It's your religion. I applaud you that you have religion. But, keep searching. You just might find a truthful religion if you do. You might even find the way to Heaven.

I don't 'believe' science doesn't prove the existence of a God, it's a fact it doesn't. I don't need to put my faith in it, you can clearly see it's like that. That's what facts are. Now, notice that I say 'the existence of A god', not your God. That is because you are not the only one to claim a God, there have been and there still are many more. Your God is flawed with simply the fact that the book on which your character's story is based on declares a certain age for life on earth. Science proves that the age on earth is way much older than your shit religion believes it is. From that point of view, your God is out of the picture and it's all just a hoax started by some fishermen and their talented friend. End of story. As for the proof of a God, there is no such thing. It's not that I believe there is no such thing, it's a fact there is no proof of a God. Will there ever be proof of a deity? We can presume nothing is impossible. But we can certainly say the possibility of it is extremely low, to the edge of impossible. As for you, cultist, you're still bringing no proof, no argument, all you do is keeping the cultist lines coming my way and trying to be ironic by correcting my spelling, without noticing it was a slip and the second 'presumption' was written as it should be. No more than a braindead religious follower.

Since you can't seem to step-by-step refute the logic in my links that prove God exists, you probably are simply attempting to believe that He doesn't exist, even though you say you know it.

Now, I could be wrong about you. You might actually have some step-by-step rebuttal. Nobody requires that you show it. So, as long as you can get by without showing it, you should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk... maybe even religious doctrine. It's a little off topic, at least until you show the factual rebuttal of the proof that God exists. The proof:


BADecker's evidence in a nutshell......

Link 1
Machine like nature of the universe.
Cause and effect
Nations looking for God?
BADecker believes that all machines are ultimately the result of a god.

Link 2
Cause and effect

Link 3
Cause and effect

Link 4
Cause and effect

Cause and effect rebuttal
If cause and effect is proof of a god, then who made god? Was it god's god? And who made god's god? was it god's god's god? This is a cycle of infinity. This is no proof.
BADecker simply applies an assumption that  this a god.   

Machines like nature of the universe rebuttal
BADecker believes that machines need a maker and that maker has to be a god. The reality of this is that evolution has caused the changes.   

BADecker then claims that this is only theory. The reality is that science is disproving/proving all theories  we (humans) have believed for years. That is the nature of science. For it to be tested by others. People like BADecker will continually use their same argument of assumptions to state there is no proof that god does not exist. The reality is that history has shown that early Vikings believed  "lightning flashed whenever Thor threw his hammer". Science has proven this incorrect.

Nations looking for god rebuttal
BADecker claims that people are looking for how the universe was made. This is true. However, BADecker then claims that because the answers are still not found, the answer must be a god. WRONG.... this is not proof. This is an assumption again on BADecker's part. Science is unlocking secrets every day. Religion is being disproven daily and BADecker continues to hold on to his mindless views.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 103
April 12, 2017, 03:23:36 AM

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.

Almost everything in your posts is presumption, especially your spelling of the word "presumptions."


There is nothing wrong with your believing that science doesn't prove the existence of God. In fact, faith is healthy. It's your religion. I applaud you that you have religion. But, keep searching. You just might find a truthful religion if you do. You might even find the way to Heaven.

I don't 'believe' science doesn't prove the existence of a God, it's a fact it doesn't. I don't need to put my faith in it, you can clearly see it's like that. That's what facts are. Now, notice that I say 'the existence of A god', not your God. That is because you are not the only one to claim a God, there have been and there still are many more. Your God is flawed with simply the fact that the book on which your character's story is based on declares a certain age for life on earth. Science proves that the age on earth is way much older than your shit religion believes it is. From that point of view, your God is out of the picture and it's all just a hoax started by some fishermen and their talented friend. End of story. As for the proof of a God, there is no such thing. It's not that I believe there is no such thing, it's a fact there is no proof of a God. Will there ever be proof of a deity? We can presume nothing is impossible. But we can certainly say the possibility of it is extremely low, to the edge of impossible. As for you, cultist, you're still bringing no proof, no argument, all you do is keeping the cultist lines coming my way and trying to be ironic by correcting my spelling, without noticing it was a slip and the second 'presumption' was written as it should be. No more than a braindead religious follower.

Since you can't seem to step-by-step refute the logic in my links that prove God exists, you probably are simply attempting to believe that He doesn't exist, even though you say you know it.

Now, I could be wrong about you. You might actually have some step-by-step rebuttal. Nobody requires that you show it. So, as long as you can get by without showing it, you should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk... maybe even religious doctrine. It's a little off topic, at least until you show the factual rebuttal of the proof that God exists. The proof:

Come up with something new, cultist, and you shall have a decent answer. Just by ignoring my explanation of why there is no need for me to disprove them anymore you will not solve anything, you will just be a cultist. As for trying to imitate my attitude by saying 'Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk' that is the attitude of someone who needs to win at any cost and tries anything possible to do so. The links you have posted are the same. I presume that is all you know and I think you are over, nothing left to say, nothing left to prove. I don't think you understand something: those links have been proven by other people on this thread to be bullshit. They did a very good job and there is no need for anyone else to explain that to you again, it would be a waste of time. Since you do not understand that, well... no need for me to explain how stupid you are, you are stupid enough to be a religious man. You've got one more try to come up with some new proof. After that, you are officialy donezo on this thread.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 11, 2017, 08:51:45 PM

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.

Almost everything in your posts is presumption, especially your spelling of the word "presumptions."


There is nothing wrong with your believing that science doesn't prove the existence of God. In fact, faith is healthy. It's your religion. I applaud you that you have religion. But, keep searching. You just might find a truthful religion if you do. You might even find the way to Heaven.

I don't 'believe' science doesn't prove the existence of a God, it's a fact it doesn't. I don't need to put my faith in it, you can clearly see it's like that. That's what facts are. Now, notice that I say 'the existence of A god', not your God. That is because you are not the only one to claim a God, there have been and there still are many more. Your God is flawed with simply the fact that the book on which your character's story is based on declares a certain age for life on earth. Science proves that the age on earth is way much older than your shit religion believes it is. From that point of view, your God is out of the picture and it's all just a hoax started by some fishermen and their talented friend. End of story. As for the proof of a God, there is no such thing. It's not that I believe there is no such thing, it's a fact there is no proof of a God. Will there ever be proof of a deity? We can presume nothing is impossible. But we can certainly say the possibility of it is extremely low, to the edge of impossible. As for you, cultist, you're still bringing no proof, no argument, all you do is keeping the cultist lines coming my way and trying to be ironic by correcting my spelling, without noticing it was a slip and the second 'presumption' was written as it should be. No more than a braindead religious follower.

Since you can't seem to step-by-step refute the logic in my links that prove God exists, you probably are simply attempting to believe that He doesn't exist, even though you say you know it.

Now, I could be wrong about you. You might actually have some step-by-step rebuttal. Nobody requires that you show it. So, as long as you can get by without showing it, you should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Most of the rest of what you say, above, is religious talk... maybe even religious doctrine. It's a little off topic, at least until you show the factual rebuttal of the proof that God exists. The proof:

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 103
April 11, 2017, 05:11:15 PM

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.

Almost everything in your posts is presumption, especially your spelling of the word "presumptions."


There is nothing wrong with your believing that science doesn't prove the existence of God. In fact, faith is healthy. It's your religion. I applaud you that you have religion. But, keep searching. You just might find a truthful religion if you do. You might even find the way to Heaven.

I don't 'believe' science doesn't prove the existence of a God, it's a fact it doesn't. I don't need to put my faith in it, you can clearly see it's like that. That's what facts are. Now, notice that I say 'the existence of A god', not your God. That is because you are not the only one to claim a God, there have been and there still are many more. Your God is flawed with simply the fact that the book on which your character's story is based on declares a certain age for life on earth. Science proves that the age on earth is way much older than your shit religion believes it is. From that point of view, your God is out of the picture and it's all just a hoax started by some fishermen and their talented friend. End of story. As for the proof of a God, there is no such thing. It's not that I believe there is no such thing, it's a fact there is no proof of a God. Will there ever be proof of a deity? We can presume nothing is impossible. But we can certainly say the possibility of it is extremely low, to the edge of impossible. As for you, cultist, you're still bringing no proof, no argument, all you do is keeping the cultist lines coming my way and trying to be ironic by correcting my spelling, without noticing it was a slip and the second 'presumption' was written as it should be. No more than a braindead religious follower.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 11, 2017, 03:50:06 PM

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.

Almost everything in your posts is presumption, especially your spelling of the word "presumptions."


There is nothing wrong with your believing that science doesn't prove the existence of God. In fact, faith is healthy. It's your religion. I applaud you that you have religion. But, keep searching. You just might find a truthful religion if you do. You might even find the way to Heaven.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 11, 2017, 03:44:44 PM
3. The religion of God is to show and know the truth, period. This is done through peace. Without peace, nothing can exist.
OK, BADecker; please support me in spreading this joyful message of peace:
Jesus never said that you would be damned for "not believing in Jesus":
So BADecker, you are refusing to spread a tolerant message of peace? If you look at Matthew 23 I think you will find some important details about who exactly stands to benefit from denying message of peace:

The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

If Jesus was preaching a tolerant message of peace, the Pharisees wouldn't have incited the people of Jerusalem and the Romans to put Him to death.

Now that Jesus died and arose, the message of peace revolves around, Believe in Jesus salvation and be saved. There is no other message of peace.

If you do not accept the message of peace, it is not I who am not proclaiming it.

Jesus never said that you would be damned for "not believing in Jesus":
Jesus is said to have risen from death, but he never said that you will die unless you believe in his resurrection. Read the discussion linked above, I have linked it already but you want to ignore those logical answers in favor of your special dogma.

Those scholars who have studied the Bible in detail, have shown us that it is faith in Jesus salvation that saves us. There is no place that says that there is salvation any other way. No salvation? Then Hell.

Who blots a person's name out of the Book of Life? It is not Jesus. It is the person Himself, through his lack of faith.

BADecker, you lost abattle and stoped responding since I read your pattern of defending your religion. You realise that the fact you stopped replying in that moment, when you see I can read you like a book confirms the fact that even you do not believe in a God, but you are just too selfish, too hypocrite to admit that your whole life was a lie until now. Trying to start other debates with other people is worthless since you haven't finished one in which you are losing.

Poor baby. So you think there was a debate going on, eh? Thank God that I don't have to believe that God exists. I have scientific proof, and the strong evidence of nature to show me. Too bad you don't understand science, and too bad you can't see nature. You are missing out on a ton of great and wonderful things from God.

It won't work this way, dear cultist, and you know almost nothing of science and nature. By the examples that you give as proof it is obvious you have knowledge about science but you are not able to use reason and basic logic to understand it. Therefore, anything you've ever studied is worthless.
Poor baby. You are missing it all the way. I am willing to help you see your mistakes, though. Read on.

This is a battle you shall lose in a split, if it ever came to this. But our debate, and it was one, was not covering science, nor nature.
Here is part of your mistake. We weren't having a battle. Why not? Because you were and are off-topic. You state it yourself.

Your only battle is with yourself... thrashing around wildly, beating the air, so to speak.

It was all about you, believers, the ones who are hypocrites and sepparate themselves from their religion when their religion is proved to have done great wrongdoings. It was about how you, cultists, always stay on the winning side, whatever that winning side would be. Do you want an example? Study about the orders of Pope Pius XII before and during the Nazi era. In our little debate, dear Badecker, I told you what your next step, as a hypocrite, would be in defending your shit, worthless, primitive religion. And you did it, and after I reminded you of what you did and how that confirmed my point, you never responded. It's a good choice to stop responding since there was nothing you could say anymore, you've lost your point. But you start debating the same bullshit again with other people, hoping they will not outsmart you and see beneath the curtain of primitive bullshit? Nah, I'm here you little cultist to make sure any shit you will say will be proven wrong.

You are so funny. That's a military thing. When you are giving orders, you tell the soldiers what you are going to tell them. Then you tell it to them. Then you tell them what you have told them.

What's the matter? Do you have to repeat it just to stay off-topic?

Why don't you get on topic and step-by-step rebut the things in my links that prove God exists. Several other forum members have made a stab at going the step-by-step route. But not only have they NOT rebutted the proof I show, they couldn't even get into the step-by-step mode and stay on topic. Can you do it?

I'm waiting.

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.

Almost everything in your posts is presumption, especially your spelling of the word "presumptions."

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 103
April 11, 2017, 03:19:33 PM
3. The religion of God is to show and know the truth, period. This is done through peace. Without peace, nothing can exist.
OK, BADecker; please support me in spreading this joyful message of peace:
Jesus never said that you would be damned for "not believing in Jesus":
So BADecker, you are refusing to spread a tolerant message of peace? If you look at Matthew 23 I think you will find some important details about who exactly stands to benefit from denying message of peace:

The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

If Jesus was preaching a tolerant message of peace, the Pharisees wouldn't have incited the people of Jerusalem and the Romans to put Him to death.

Now that Jesus died and arose, the message of peace revolves around, Believe in Jesus salvation and be saved. There is no other message of peace.

If you do not accept the message of peace, it is not I who am not proclaiming it.

Jesus never said that you would be damned for "not believing in Jesus":
Jesus is said to have risen from death, but he never said that you will die unless you believe in his resurrection. Read the discussion linked above, I have linked it already but you want to ignore those logical answers in favor of your special dogma.

Those scholars who have studied the Bible in detail, have shown us that it is faith in Jesus salvation that saves us. There is no place that says that there is salvation any other way. No salvation? Then Hell.

Who blots a person's name out of the Book of Life? It is not Jesus. It is the person Himself, through his lack of faith.

BADecker, you lost abattle and stoped responding since I read your pattern of defending your religion. You realise that the fact you stopped replying in that moment, when you see I can read you like a book confirms the fact that even you do not believe in a God, but you are just too selfish, too hypocrite to admit that your whole life was a lie until now. Trying to start other debates with other people is worthless since you haven't finished one in which you are losing.

Poor baby. So you think there was a debate going on, eh? Thank God that I don't have to believe that God exists. I have scientific proof, and the strong evidence of nature to show me. Too bad you don't understand science, and too bad you can't see nature. You are missing out on a ton of great and wonderful things from God.

It won't work this way, dear cultist, and you know almost nothing of science and nature. By the examples that you give as proof it is obvious you have knowledge about science but you are not able to use reason and basic logic to understand it. Therefore, anything you've ever studied is worthless.
Poor baby. You are missing it all the way. I am willing to help you see your mistakes, though. Read on.

This is a battle you shall lose in a split, if it ever came to this. But our debate, and it was one, was not covering science, nor nature.
Here is part of your mistake. We weren't having a battle. Why not? Because you were and are off-topic. You state it yourself.

Your only battle is with yourself... thrashing around wildly, beating the air, so to speak.

It was all about you, believers, the ones who are hypocrites and sepparate themselves from their religion when their religion is proved to have done great wrongdoings. It was about how you, cultists, always stay on the winning side, whatever that winning side would be. Do you want an example? Study about the orders of Pope Pius XII before and during the Nazi era. In our little debate, dear Badecker, I told you what your next step, as a hypocrite, would be in defending your shit, worthless, primitive religion. And you did it, and after I reminded you of what you did and how that confirmed my point, you never responded. It's a good choice to stop responding since there was nothing you could say anymore, you've lost your point. But you start debating the same bullshit again with other people, hoping they will not outsmart you and see beneath the curtain of primitive bullshit? Nah, I'm here you little cultist to make sure any shit you will say will be proven wrong.

You are so funny. That's a military thing. When you are giving orders, you tell the soldiers what you are going to tell them. Then you tell it to them. Then you tell them what you have told them.

What's the matter? Do you have to repeat it just to stay off-topic?

Why don't you get on topic and step-by-step rebut the things in my links that prove God exists. Several other forum members have made a stab at going the step-by-step route. But not only have they NOT rebutted the proof I show, they couldn't even get into the step-by-step mode and stay on topic. Can you do it?

I'm waiting.

There is nothing but presumtions in your links, just as the presumption a God may or may not exist. Nothing there proves the existence of a God, it only gives a religious nonsensical interpretation of science. Therefore, since some intelligent people around already explained to you why they are bullshit, I have no reason to repeat it again. As I stated before, you are not able to properly understand reason or logic. That, or you are trolling. As for the ''orders' thing, you are completely mistaken. It's a pattern that you, followers, follow. Based on that pattern, I simply predicted what you were going to say next. I am as on topic as I could be, you are the one leading and I counter what you claim. Now, besides those bullshit links, your arguments are just modern religious indoctrinating crap, the same arguments you would get from any cultist who has no proof but has to convince people it's his way. As you can see, that's not going to work with me. Not the passive-aggresive attitude, not the mystical shit, not the 'humans can't understand God's way', nothing of this type. I expect you to prove the existence of a God. Your links have been disproven. If you do have something else, please, enlighten us. If not, please, don't resume yourself to that cultist monologue that I can hear at any corner of the street.
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