Faith simulation is when someone attempts to believe that he has enough faith. Peter had enough faith as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus.
Proof of the existence of God is both a science thing, and a nature thing:
In any event, you have stated that God doesn't exist. Prove it by showing the vast knowledge that you have... knowledge that knows virtually every corner of the macrocosm and microcosm, plus all the dimensions, so that we all know that you have checked everything out to be certain that God isn't out there somewhere.
If you fail in this proof, then you are at least ignorant about your atheism, but are probably a liar. Why a liar? You are capable of realizing your lack of knowledge of some areas that God might exist in, and yet you say that God doesn't exist.
First of all, I don't need to proove anything, I don't claim god exists. First prove his existence and then we will talk about him not existing. Science does not prove God's existence, in fact it proves there are some big holes in the story and from that point of view it all becomes a hoax.
Cause and effect, entropy, and complex universe are scientific facts and laws. No hoax.
You can start with the 5000 claimed age and from that point of view God is already bullshit.
Cause and effect, entropy, and complex universe don't say anything about 5000 years... not directly, anyway.
Second of all, I have never claimed to be omnipotent and all knowing as your god does. Calling me a liar for failing to search for your god in every corner of the world as if he was playing hide and seek is plain reetarded and sais very much about your infantility.
The fact that you are a liar is shown by your statements wherein you claim that God doesn't exist. The fact that you are posting in detail like this, shows that you are aware that you don't know that He doesn't exist. Sounds like you are a liar to me.
The funny fact is when given the full story of god, every religious man will know about the shit that is regarded as the writings, the bible.
The funny fact is that this is totally irrelevant. Why? Nobody knows the full story of God. God is so great that it would take all of eternity to learn the full story of God.
Most of the religious 'scientists' that had debates about the existence of god have come to a point in recognising the story is complete bullshit but people need faith, they need the teachings, etc. That, my friend, is a liar.
The only lie is the unwillingness of people to accept the proof of the existence of God in my links above. Such people lie to themselves, and then to others when they express their lie.
A child that believes in Santa Claus is not a liar because he's been lied about it and doesn't know too much.
You are lying about this. It might be a lie out of ignorance. But all falsehoods are lies. See:
A grown up man who went past that, found out the truth but still believes in Santa is a liar because knowing the story was a hoax, he still choosed to believe. If he wouldn't it would mean he was wrong, and some people really hate being wrong.
Well, now that you have shown that you are wrong, if you hate it, you will stop being a liar... maybe even admit to your lying and so redeem yourself somewhat.