That isn't faith. It might be faith simulation, but it isn't faith. Of course, if it were faith, it would happen according to the "wishes" of the person who had the faith.
That is faith. "Faith simulation" doesn't even make sense. That african priest did exactly as Peter supposedly initially did, walking on water(before he lost faith and started to sink). Either way it shows that either 1) The priest didn't have enough of this imaginary thing called faith, 2) God doesn't exist, obviously and hence he died in vain for believing in something that was never there to begin with.
Faith simulation is when someone attempts to believe that he has enough faith. Peter had enough faith as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus.
Proof of the existence of God is both a science thing, and a nature thing:
In any event, you have stated that God doesn't exist. Prove it by showing the vast knowledge that you have... knowledge that knows virtually every corner of the macrocosm and microcosm, plus all the dimensions, so that we all know that you have checked everything out to be certain that God isn't out there somewhere.
If you fail in this proof, then you are at least ignorant about your atheism, but are probably a liar. Why a liar? You are capable of realizing your lack of knowledge of some areas that God might exist in, and yet you say that God doesn't exist.
BADecker principle rule number 1:
"If a point of discussion does not meet criteria of one's own belief, then ignore the context and claim it is wrong".
Therefore, your proof is wrong, so please give me proof. Burden of proof lies with those who claim god exists can be found here. Answer to the first cause argument can be found here.